Chapter 9: The fun begins

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It was another day as we see Y/n in school and in his class as he is doing his work and just minding his own business as everything seemed to be peaceful.

He was writing on a piece of paper as he sat there as he keeps on writing so he can get his school work done. Then we see something approaching him from behind while Y/n is focused on his work.

Then he felt like two hands grab the back of his chair as he hears breathing from behind and then heard a familiar voice whisper to his ear.

???: (smirk) Your gonna die.

He spinn around only to see no one behind him as he look around while Shido noticed him a bit startled so as soon he sat down Shido ask him.

Shido: You alright man?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fun. I thought I heard someone whisper to me from behind.

Shido: Really? I don't see anyone.

Y/n: Alright. Well I'm okay. Say Shido, has Kotori and Mana in peace or are they still arguing about the sibling thing?

Shido: Well it seems they are slowly becoming friends but I'm too afraid to even get near them or call out "sis" in case they start arguing again.

Y/n: (chuckle) Well at least they are making progress.

Shido: (smile) Yeah, I guess so.

They continue on working until the bell ring which we see Y/n waiting for Tohka outside of the cooking class and once she did, she shows Y/n her cookies that she made for him.

Tohka: (smile) Here, I put some caramel into the cookies so it should be super delicious for you.

He takes one and had a bite and it was indeed very delicious.

Y/n: (smile) This is really good. Your becoming a great chief I can tell you that.

Tohka: (smile) Thanks. So Y/n, any plans after school? Wanna hang out after school?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. I'll be happy to hang out with-

Then he look over Tohka's shoulders to see Kurumi wearing her school uniform while staring at him and given him a smirk and then walk away, disappearing around the corner as he watched her gone from his eyes.

Tohka: Hey Y/n? Are you okay?

Y/n: I'm fine. Hey sorry I gonna go now bye.

He heads off while Tohka turn to watch him leave and wonders what is wrong with him. Y/n rushes through the hallway and turn a corner to stairs as he sees a glimpse of Kurumi walking up the steps which he follows her while he called out to her.

Y/n: Kurumi! Kurumi wait!

He race up the stairs and soon burst onto thr roof as he catches his breath for a moment and then look around to see nothing around him. At first he thought it was just his imagination but then he heard her voice from behind.

Kurumi: (smile) Hey there Y/n.

He turn around to see her, already in her spirit form and looking at him as he ask her.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Kurumi: (smirk) What's wrong? Can a cute girl like me come here and visit her boyfriend in school?

Y/n: Your not planning of killing anymore humans aren't you?

Kurumi: (smirk) Now that's kinda rude to assume. I only kill those that are cruel and needed to be punished. Besides, i can't help it, it's fun to see them scared and afraid of me.

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