"She does?" I asked, really wanting to know what he meant by what he just said.

"Yeah, there is this childhood story that mom my would always read to us as a kid, the goddess in the story looks exactly like the one you just painted." He admitted, continuing to further observe my painting.

Realizing what he just said, I felt myself getting excited at the new information.

"Seb what's the name of this story that your mom would read you?" I asked, hoping to God that he remembered.

"Oh yeah sure! It was my favorite, it's called Freya's Prophecy, I think. Did you ever read it?" He questioned, looking to me for an answer.

I just shook my head at him as I continued to think about everything I had just learned.

This meant we had another clue.


"What a fitting name for a children's book." Liz said next to me. 

We were currently sitting back at my dorm with both Megan and the Blau twins.

After my chat with Sebastian in class he got suspicious about how I had never read or knew anything about the book but still managed to paint the character from the story.

So, after endless nagging I finally caved and told him about my dream, knowing that I could trust him.

He in turned, freaked out and said something about how the children's book was made from some old book, which in turn is the actual Book of Relics that we now have and is sitting right in front of our group now.

"I knew it, Ellie this is purely insanity." Sebastian said, looking between both Megan and I.

"How you both are supposedly apart of this so-called prophecy is just unreal!" he said again, disbelief written all over his face. 

We had shared the information we had learned with both of them, realizing that it would be better to have more people we knew we could trust to help us with this.

"I just think it's crazy how mum's stories growing up are actual true." Becca said as she sat next to Liz and her brother.

I just nodded, realizing that this prophecy was an even bigger deal than I thought it to be.

"I just don't understand why all of this is suddenly happening now? Why not when I was first born or something?" I thought out loud, having four pairs of eyes curiously watching me as I paced around the room.

"Well, it must have something to do with another part of the prophecy that we aren't finding yet." Liz spoke up, pausing my train of thought.

"But what's so different now compared to..."

No way...

"What is it, Ellie?" Megan said, looking concerned knowing that I had just figured something out.

"I think..." I paused again, unsure of if what I was about to say to my friends would be a good thing or not.

"Well come on spill it out already!" Sebastian said, the anticipation making him bounce around impatiently.

"I think all of this has been happening now because of the bond that it's been talking about." I said, watching as my friends all got quiet and tensed up.

"I-If that is the case... Then that would mean that you and Ms. Ryder... Oh my god." Becca said out loud, realization showing on her face.

I felt my eyes go wide, seeing as Megan matched my same look over what Becca had just said, causing the room to go still.

"So, you and Ms. Ryder huh? Good for you bro!" Sebastian stood, breaking the silence and high fiving me.

I just shook my head in utter disbelief over the fact that our secret had just come out and he was over here congratulating me instead of freaking out.

As for what Becca was feeling I wasn't sure.

"You guys can't say a word of this to anyone, you have to promise." I said, earning me a hurtful look from Sebastian.

"Well obviously we won't, have more faith in us." he said, averting his eyes over to his sister who nodded before looking back up and at me.

"Thank you." I sighed out in relief. They both nodded before turning their stares back onto the book.

"So how are we going to find this other book?" Becca said, all stares going to her.

I just stood there, already knowing what it was I was planning to do.

"I will go to Egypt, plain and simple." I confessed; instantly watching as Megan quickly stood up and made her way over to me.

"I will not let you go alone Ellie! It's way too dangerous for you to go by yourself!" She said, placing both of her hands on my shoulder to look at her.

I just closed my eyes, slowly shaking my head in frustration.

"Babe, I don't have a choice, I have to do this!" I raised my voice, showing my frustration to her. Her face scrunched up, looking annoyed that I wasn't agreeing with her.

"We will come up with another way Ellie, so let's not rush into any big decisions." She said again, this time more calmly.

I sighed, feeling bad that I had just snapped at her even though I knew that she was just worried and didn't want anything to happen to me.

"You are right, I'm sorry." I apologized, seeing her face soften as she looked at me.

"It's okay El, I understand... This isn't easy for any of us, but it will all be worked out." She promised, placing both of her hands on my cheeks as she spoke.

"Okay guys go get a room!" Liz's voice said, snapping my attention away from my adoring girlfriend.

"Awe I wanted to see them kiss though that would have been so hot!" Sebastian complained looking completely disappointed. 

I just rolled my eyes as Liz threw a pillow at the back of his head.

"Hey!" He shouted, looking offended by her action. 

I didn't miss the smile and wink she threw his way before she looked back down at one of the pages in the book.

Raising an eyebrow, I turned back to face Megan seeing that she had a big smile playing on her face, also seeming to notice the little moment between the two.

She noticed me watching her and not long after that smile was now directed towards me.

"Would you like to head back to my place later?" she asked, completely throwing me off guard. 

I could tell that she was feeling much more relaxed over the news of more people finding out about us, which made me happy.

Nodding, I laced my fingers with hers and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.


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