Chapter 160: The Idea Of ​​A Space Ring

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"What about the empty position?"

"Let Sengoku take over and then recruit troops from around the world to replenish the Marine force as soon as possible."



"But like this, the World Government's control..."

"Let Marine use all its strength to attack pirates in the four seas and paradise, and then report it in a big way!"

"That's right. In this way, our control over the four seas and the paradise will be further strengthened!"

In the South Blue, a pirate ship rides the wind and waves.

Kaishu was lying comfortably on a huge lounge chair while wearing sunglasses.

A group of pirates who were originally arrogant were now driving the pirate ship fearfully.

From time to time, they looked at Kaishu and the weird man on the deck with eyes full of fear.

Each one of them was careful with their every movement.

"The weather here is extremely good, I don't have to worry about sudden storms when I fall asleep."

Kaishu stretched out comfortably and looked at the blue sea casually while feeling extremely comfortable.

He trains his body every day and hasn't been so relaxed for a long time.

As for why Kaishu come to South Blue?

That's because he received information that there were traces of the Castle-Castle Fruit on South Blue's Silicorni Island.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, so Kaishu stopped by and treated it as a holiday for himself.

It stands to reason that the Castle-Castle Fruit is not very strong, and it is not worth attracting Kaishu's attention at all, let alone taking action personally.

But, for a time traveler, who can refuse the idea of a space ring?

Castle-Castle Fruit + Ring = Space Ring.

Nothing wrong!!

As for how to make objects have Devil Fruit abilities?

This is not something Kaishu should consider.

Isn't Queen a scientist? He also worked with Vegapunk on MADS.

They once teamed up to discover the Lineage Factor known as the blueprint of life.

This little invention should not be a problem for him.

After all, there must be inspiration behind such a thing.

If Queen can't do it, Kaishu will let him know whether the brachiosaurus meat tastes good or not.


Just as Kaishu was enjoying the sunshine and sea breeze, the roar of a cannon broke the tranquil atmosphere.

The cannonball explosion sounded on the side and rear of the ship, causing a huge splash of water.

"Sir... Sir, it's not good! There are pirates..."

A pirate said tremblingly.

"Aren't you also a pirate? Just kill each other."

Kaishu said calmly, not caring about the ongoing battle around him.

"But... but, both Captain and the deputy captain were...killed by you, sir..."

"Moreover, the opposite side is Bartholomew Kuma, the Tyrant, who has a bounty of 17 million Belly. We are no match to him at all."

The pirate said with a cry of grievance.


"Who did you just say just now?"

"Bartholomew Kuma, the Tyrant !!"

"Did he have Devil Fruit ability?"

"Yes... yes! I heard that he is the devil fruit user of the Paw-Paw Fruit."

"Get the ship closer!"


Seeing the pirate's hesitation, Kaishu glanced at him calmly.

Just this look immediately made the pirate feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was trembling.

"Sir... Sir... let's...get over here!!"

The pirate only felt shrouded in a haze of death. After reacting, he stammered loudly.

These little pirates from the Four Seas don't pay much attention to the monsters in the New World.

After all, their level is too far away from them.

Even if they occasionally see reports about the New World, they won't remember that much and forget them soon.

That's why when Kaishu boarded the ship, their captain spoke so loudly.

These pirates only knew that Kaishu was very strong and killed their captain and deputy captain instantly.

As for who it is, they don't know...

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