Chapter 05 - The Lyrics of Missing You

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sweet pie, you won't escape this time until you spill the beans about your crush," Minju remarked sarcastically, pulling Minji to sit between them on the bed.

Minji let out an exasperated sigh, trying to deflect their teasing. "This doesn't make sense. Why are you so fixated on this poem? It's just a creation of mine with no real significance, and I don't have a crush!" she insisted, avoiding their probing gazes.

"We're family, Minji. We can sense when there's something you're keeping from us," Minjeong teased, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

"Fine, if you're still not comfortable enough to spill your secret, then I'll go first!" Minju declared, causing both Minji and Minjeong to freeze in shock. In the Kim family, secrets were a rarity, as they prided themselves on their openness and willingness to share stories over meals. Minju's unexpected announcement left her sisters stunned, uncertain of what revelation she was about to unveil.

As Minju prepared to share her story, both Minjeong and Minji sat on the bed with rapt attention, eagerly awaiting her revelation. Like children ready to listen to their grandmother's old love stories, they leaned in, their eyes wide with anticipation.

Before divulging her tale, Minju couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her sisters, their eager expressions mirroring their readiness to hear her secret.

"On the first day of class, even though Minji had saved the map on her phone, I still managed to get lost," Minju began, her voice tinged with amusement. "And wouldn't you know it, this girl comes along and guides me to the room. Turns out, she's my classmate. She's shorter than me, but let me tell you, her charisma is off the charts! We even studied together at the library earlier," she added, a fond smile gracing her lips.

Minji felt a flurry of butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she listened to Minju's tale. Unable to contain their excitement, both Minji and Minjeong squealed in unison. "What's her name, and why do you like this girl?" Minjeong eagerly inquired, her hand clenched into a fist as if she were holding an invisible microphone, prompting laughter from Minju and Minji at her animated gesture.

Grasping the invisible microphone from Minjeong's outstretched fist, Minju eagerly continued, "First and foremost, she's incredibly competitive in class. Secondly, she's stunningly beautiful! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, her name is Kim Chaewon."

The atmosphere in Minji's room was electric, filled with squeals of excitement and bursts of laughter as Minju regaled her sisters with tales of her crush, Kim Chaewon. Unbeknownst to them, however, Kim Chaewon was more than just a classmate – she was a former member of the renowned band, 'Wild Cats'.

As Minju's animated storytelling continued, Minji and Minjeong hung onto her every word, captivated by the details of her budding romance. They had no idea of the connection between Kim Chaewon and the famous band, nor did they realize the potential implications of Minju's crush.

The revelation of Kim Chaewon's past as a member of the 'Wild Cats' would undoubtedly add a new layer of intrigue to Minju's infatuation. Little did they know, this crush had the potential to intertwine their lives with the world of music in ways they never could have imagined.

As Minju finished her story about the former vocalist of 'Wild Cats', both she and Minjeong turned their expectant gazes to Minji, eager for her to reveal her own secrets.

"Well?" Minjeong prodded, her tone laced with anticipation as they waited for Minji to speak up.

Feeling a mixture of nervousness and resignation, Minji nervously scratched the back of her neck. "I... okay, that poem and that drawing... it's about my crush, whom I've only met twice," she admitted, her voice trailing off as if she were lost in her thoughts.

"I knew it!" Minju exclaimed triumphantly, high-fiving Minjeong as they celebrated their successful guessing game.

"So, tell us, where did you meet her?" Minjeong teased, passing the invisible microphone to Minji. Without hesitation, Minji joined in the playful charade, pretending to grasp the imaginary mic as they all erupted into laughter.

"At the airport and at the Starbucks near our university," Minji confessed, her cheeks flushing slightly at the admission.

"Wow! Does she study at our university too?" Minju inquired, her curiosity piqued. However, Minji hesitated, unsure of how to answer. She knew that her crush, Hanni Pham, had already graduated, and she didn't want her sisters to judge Hanni based on her age. So, she carefully crafted her response to avoid any potential teasing or judgment.

"No, she's not a student," Minji confirmed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Graduated?" Minjeong probed further, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Yeah," Minji confirmed with a nod.

"Don't tell me you're into sugar mommies?!" Minjeong exclaimed, unable to contain her amusement, earning a playful slap on the thigh from Minju who struggled to stifle her laughter.

"Watch your mouth!" Minju scolded between giggles, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

"No, you dummy! The age gap is only three years!" Minji retorted, defending herself against her sister's teasing, and both Minju and Minjeong nodded in understanding.

"What does she do for a living?" Minjeong pressed on, her curiosity not yet satisfied. However, Minji found herself at a loss for words. While she had shared hobbies and interests with Hanni during their brief encounters, she realized she didn't actually know much about Hanni's profession or career. It was a realization that left her feeling a bit unsettled, as if there were still pieces of the puzzle missing in her understanding of Hanni.

"Dumbass, of course Minji wouldn't know! They only met TWICE, remember?" Minju retorted, her tone tinged with amusement as she emphasized the word 'twice,' hoping to jog Minjeong's memory. Minji felt a wave of relief wash over her, grateful that Minju understood her situation.

"Right, I'm sorry!" Minjeong apologized, realizing her mistake.

"Tell us what she looked like!" Minju eagerly turned to her sister, her curiosity bubbling over.

As Minji recalled the breathtaking beauty of Pham Hanni, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in her stomach. The memory of Hanni's appearance filled her mind, her heart skipping a beat at the mere thought.

Both of her sisters couldn't help but notice the telltale flush that spread across Minji's cheeks, and they erupted into excited squeals and shouts. "OH MY GOSH, SHE'S RED! SHE'S RED! SHE'S RED!" Minjeong exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"SHE MUST'VE BEEN AN APHRODITE!" Minju chimed in, her enthusiasm matching that of her sister's. Minji couldn't help but laugh at her sisters' antics, watching as they transformed into a pair of wild animals in their excitement.

"She is," Minji replied simply, her voice filled with affection as she thought of Hanni's beauty, knowing that her sisters' reactions were only a testament to the captivating allure of her crush.

Minji's phone suddenly buzzed, breaking the animated chatter in the room as the three sisters fell silent. With bated breath, Minji rose from her seat and reached for her phone. As she unlocked the device, her eyes widened in disbelief at the notification that greeted her.

"What is it? What's going on?" Minju and Minjeong crowded around her, their curiosity piqued.

Minji glanced up at her sisters, still in shock from the unexpected news. "I... I got in the band!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and elation.

Both Minju and Minjeong erupted into cheers of excitement, enveloping Minji in a tight hug.


"CONGRATULATIONS, OUR BABY SIS! YOU'RE OFFICIALLY THE WILD CATS' VOCALIST!" they exclaimed, their pride and joy evident in their jubilant cheers.

The sisters paused in their jubilant celebration when they heard a knock on Minji's door. "Girls! It's 10 PM in the evening, stop shouting!" their mom's voice admonished from the other side of the door.

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