Chapter 02 - Mischievous Aeri

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Hanni reached for a drink, selecting one similar to Minji's choice. As she did, she noticed the guitar strapped to Minji's back. "You play guitar?"


"Cool! How long have you been playing your guitar?" she asked, striking up conversation as they walked in line to pay for their drinks.

"6 years from now, I guess?"

The short girl beside her looked at Minji with amusement, her eyes sparkling as she realized just how skilled Minji was at playing the guitar. Her mouth formed an 'o' shape, still stuck in amusement, and Minji found it adorable. Unable to resist, she chuckled at the petite girl's cuteness.

Minji noticed that the girl was holding a camera, so she took the courage to ask, "What about you? I assume you like to film and capture things." Minji genuinely inquired, pointing at the camera in the girl's hand. On the other hand, Hanni panicked as she realized she forgot to leave her camera with her mom. She had been filming a vlog for their YouTube channel earlier. Thankfully, the tall girl in front of her didn't seem to recognize her, so she tried to come up with a white lie to cover her tracks.

"That's right. It's been one of my hobbies ever since."

Minji nodded in response as they paid for their drinks. "Where are you headed to?" she asked as they navigated through the crowded area. Minji effortlessly stabbed her straw into her chocolate drink, while Hanni struggled to do the same due to the camera she was holding. Seeing this, Minji kindly offered to help by stabbing the straw into Hanni's drink.

"Thank you," Hanni said gratefully. "And to answer your question, I just arrived here, and I'm about to leave now. My family's waiting for me outside. What about you?"

Minji took a sip of her drink. "Waiting for my parents with my siblings," she replied, gesturing towards the bustling airport surroundings.

Hanni nodded in acknowledgment. "Welcome to Australia," she greeted warmly, prompting a chuckle from both of them. "Thank you," Minji replied with a smile, appreciating the friendly exchange.

"Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye. Thank you for your company, Kim," Hanni said with a smile, extending her gratitude to Minji before they parted ways.

"Likewise, Pham," Minji responded warmly, offering her fist for Hanni to bump. Hanni gladly reciprocated, bumping her fist against Minji's as they bid each other farewell.

Minji watched Hanni's figure as she vanished from her sight, a wide smile spreading across her face without her even realizing it. The brief encounter had left a positive impression on her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth towards the girl she had just met.


Weeks had passed, and Minji was preparing for her day at school. She had recently enrolled at university in Melbourne, Australia. Deciding not to bring her guitar with her due to the unfamiliarity of the university, she focused on getting ready for her classes. After adjusting her necktie, she returned to the living room where her siblings were waiting.

"Not gonna bring your guitar? I heard there are some music clubs there," her mother remarked, prompting agreement from her siblings.

Minji shook her head. "Haven't decided about joining," she replied simply. Her mother proceeded to fix her daughter's necktie properly.

"You're already a teenage adult, and you still can't tie your necktie properly," her mother teased. Minji rolled her eyes as her siblings laughed at the playful banter.

"All right, check your things before you go. Your father's waiting in the parking lot," their mother informed them.

The three of them headed to the elevator to descend to the ground floor. They made their way to the parking lot, scanning the area for their van where their father awaited. Upon finding it, they entered the van, greeted by their father's cheerful "Good morning, kids." They returned the greeting as they settled into their seats.

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