Your Voice Seeping into my Thoughts

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Angel Dust would've never thought in a million years that he'd have enough energy to keep him from sleeping after a long day of working for Valentino. Small rays of light drifted in from the lobby's large windows as the spider demon paced around the room, trying to quell his ADHD fueled adrenaline. He had no reason to be this hyper at this ungodly early hour, but once he was up and awake, there was no going back to sleep for him. The pads of his feet made hardly any sound as Angel easily dodged the floorboards he knew were creaky. Despite no one being up yet, he still tried to remain as quiet as a mouse lest someone sneak up on him. Paranoid behavior? Oh, definitely. That wasn't his fault though. It wasn't his fault that Valentino yelled at him for being too loud, too quiet, not moving enough, moving too much- FUCK. Angel shook his head; he needed to go back to sleep to get rid of his thinking ability or he was going to go get high off some off-brand cocaine. None of the good, reliable clubs were open yet.

He ran a hand through his hair before catching a glimpse of the radio tower from the corner of one of the windows. He paused, thinking about how the radio demon did get up early, but he doubted that the other would be interested in meddling in Angel's problems. While the spider was going over all of his doubts in his head, his feet had landed him outside the door to the red and ominous tower. Angel swallowed thickly, able to hear the static from the other drifting through the door. It warbled in and out of different frequencies, giving away that the demon causing them was awake- or having a really weird (or bad) dream. Angel bit at his lip, just staring at the door and debating on whether to knock or not. It wasn't too late to just walk away. Alastor was probably busy. This was probably the only free time besides the night that the deer got to himself.

Instead of getting the courage to knock, he got the nerve to sneak inside. He carefully opened the door to peek in and saw Alastor kicked back at his desk and turned away from the door, his microphone up and a blinking red light on the desk that told Angel that the radio demon was on the air. The spider sucked in a breath as he opened the door just enough to slip inside and didn't attempt to close it all the way with the fear of getting caught by the click of the door shutting. Angel took a seat on the bed, listening to the older demon's voice drift through the air. He was as confident as ever, but relaxed and not thinking before he spoke. The spider felt himself slouching and his eyes drooping as he listened to the soft jazz-like static that came from the other. He was almost falling asleep sitting upright until a weight on his lap made him jump, and he looked down to see a black void circling in his lap before looking up at him with dark green eyes. Angel had to hold back an excited coo at the kitty staring back at him, and he let his fingers drift through its fur.

A high pitch of static made Angel Dust cringe back, and when he looked up, he was met with the big eyes of Alastor staring back at him. The demon had gone quiet, so now the two watched each other silently before Alastor cleared his throat and ended his broadcast earlier than he would have liked. Angel had to admit to himself that he was sad to hear it come to an end.

"What in the world do you think you're doing here?" Alastor asked, propping his cane- microphone? thing against the desk before standing to grab his long coat from the back of his chair. Angel swallowed thickly as he watched the other's waist twist and turn to slip his arms into the sleeves of the red coat. He flinched back when a hand waved in front of his face, and pink eyes darted up to meet red.

"I uh- couldn't sleep-" Angel mumbled out, hating how pathetic it sounded as he looked back down at the cat in his lap. His fingers curled in its fur as he struggled to keep his anxiety from taking over. That seemed to be a common occurrence nowadays.

"So, you decided to sneak into my room while I was broadcasting?" He spat out the last bit, obviously annoyed at the invasion of privacy and hardly allowing Angel to speak as he snatched the cat from his lap and set it on the floor again before going to a little rolltop desk where he kept the cat food.

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