Chapter 4: Bad then Good news

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I've had a lot of fun writing this so far, and can't wait to finish it. However, the last two parts are going to take a while since they will end up being the longest part of the fanfic, and most emotional part of Shadow's story is something I want to do justice to. So you might not get an update for a while, especially since I'm going to be really busy soon. Hope you enjoy


The half an hour was filled with uneasy chatter, everyone wondering what would happen next.

Sonic: I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen next.

Amy: Me too, I have a feeling this will have the answer for why Shadow is the way he is.

Abbs: Alright everyone, five minute warning.

Everyone sat down and the screen played

G.U.N's headquarters are shown again, watching Shadow's test of power.

Everyone tensed,

Sticks: Them again?! What do they want now?

G.U.N. General: Every single day more and more of our soldiers are dying in battle. The specimen is ready to fight, go! We have no more time...Think on how many men would still be here if Robotnik had finally cooperated! Your instructions are clear. Leave no trace! Neutralize anyone at ARK that knows about Project Shadow. Bring the Hedgehog and the Professor to Earth, we'll start the training at once.

Everyone started to shout

Amy: Wait! They're taking Shadow to fight in a war!?! He looks to be Sonic age here, maybe younger, that's way too young to be on a war!

Sticks: So all they wanted was a weapon and Shadow...Shadow is supposed to be that weapon and their silencing anyone who opposes them...those sick and greedy government agents!

Eggman: Even I'm not that heartless, and I'm a villain!

Sonic: Hold on everyone!

Sonic shout and started to calm everyone down. He turned to Abbs.

Sonic: There's no way that they actually killed anyone there, right?

Abbs: You'll have to wait and see.

Sonic: That makes it sound like the answer is yes.

G.U.N. General: Yes?

G.U.N. Soldier: Are we allowed to open fire in case of resistance, sir?

G.U.N. General: Hahaha, And how do you expect to neutralize the Ultimate Life Form?

Tails: Wait, do they think Shadow is bullet-proof, is he?

Abbs: In a sense he is, because of how fast he is.

Tails: I guess that makes sense, if he can just dodge out of the way.

Abbs: do you guys want a short break before we continue, or..?

Amy: I think that would be for the best.

Amy walked over to Sticks and gave her a hug. She clearly saw that Sticks was moments away from doing something reckless out of anger.

Sonic did the same for Tails, except Tails was moments away from breaking down into tears. How could anyone be okay with sending any sort of child to war, if Shadow was taken away and used like a weapon, then it was no wonder why he acted the way he did. Sonic knew that war always scarred emotionally, and people had different ways of coping with the trauma from it. Shadow's way of coping could easily be isolating himself and lashing out in anger at anyone near him.

After everyone had calmed down the best they could, Abbs walked to the front.

Abbs: Is everyone ready?

Nods were seen around the room, Abbs then walked back and played the video

Shadow is once again in his pod, with both Gerald and Maria looking at him

Maria: Back in the Sealed Room...Did you already know he was able to do that, grandpa?

Gerald: Well, Shadow is a hedgehog made from synthetic chaos energy. It's impossible to predict what he would become...But we could've imagined what he's capable of. Shadow's body keeps changing between a super hedgehog and a regular one.

Tails: Wait! So that means Shadow's body keeps fluctuating and trying to adapt to Shadow's new powers and because of that his body can't handle its own power sometimes causing pain!

Maria: So that's why you cannot decode his D.N.A.! It's like he's transforming all the time. One time he's a regular hedgehog the next a super...That's why his power is acting up and why he's like this!

Tails: Wow she's really smart, it would've been fun if we could talk to one another.

Gerald: Precisely, Miss Robotnik! Yes, but it makes decoding him even harder to decode. It's almost impossible to read a sentence if the words are always moving around...Unless I...

Gerald's eyes went wide with a realization.

Gerald:I make them stop!

Maria: What do you mean?

Sonic: What does that mean?

Tails: It means if Gerald finds something to stabilize Shadow's power, his body will stop changing and settle along with his D.N.A. allowing Gerald to be able to clearly study Shadow's D.N.A. and finding his healing ability in the D.N.A.!

Amy: So what you're saying is that they can finally find the cure for Maria's disease?

Tails: That's exactly what I'm saying!

Sonic: Cool, but that means they will have to hand over Shadow to G.U.N. when they're done because of the deal with G.U.N..

Eggman: I highly doubt they'll hold their part of the contract, considering they just sent soldiers to take Shadow by any means necessary.

Sticks: As much as I had to agree, Eggman's right, governments will do anything to get what they want, no matter the cost.

Gerald is shown holding a golden ring.

Gerald: Inhibitor Rings! But you can also call it your one way ticket to Earth. By keeping the Chaos Energy in a hold They will lock your powers and DNA as they are right now and will stabilize your power.

Tails: I was right! No wonder he's always wearing those rings, he needed them to stabilize his powers.

Gerald: However, you won't be able to overuse your powers in the first few days with these rings...Your body must first adapt to them and become stable before you can take the rings off. But pretty soon all will be back to normal.

Tails: Makes sense, his power will have to adapt to staying stable, instead of the usual fluctuations it has.

Shadow: If that's my chance to heal Maria... It's like a dream! Thank you professor!

Gerald: Later I'll get a sample of your DNA...To assess our progress!

All three looked at earth smiling, they were so close to finally being able to cure Maria and head down to earth together.

Amy: That's amazing, I hope they can finish before the soldiers arrive.

Abbs: Well you'll have to wait and see, the next one is pretty long so use this break wisely.

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