Chapter 3: Growing Up

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Surprise! I said I would make up for lost time. : ) Anywho here's another part, one more should come out this week. It might take longer to do the last few parts, due to them being fight scenes and I want to do them justice and will probably end up being the longest chapters I have ever done. If you haven't Seen Project Shadow for yourself, do it! The creator spent over two years making it and it deserves to be seen, the link for the short film is in chapter 1, The Ultimate Life Form. Hope you Enjoy!


Tails: I still can't believe that Shadow can control time, maybe it just seemed like he stopped time and was just going so fast than just seemed like time stopped.

Sonic: Tails you need to stop you'll overheat your brain with all this smart stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if Gerald figures out what actually happened.

Abbs: Hey guys, 5 minutes before we start up again so finish up whatever you're doing.

Soon they were all back on their seats, and as soon as the 5 minutes were over, Abbs started up the video once again.

Security footage shows Shadow talking to Maria, his powers acting up and in a flash was in a different position, causing Maria to look at him. All three are gathered around a monitor looking at security footage of what had just occurred. Gerald pulled on his mustache.

Gerald: Hmm... An alteration in your time perception, maybe even distortion...For us it was the blink of an eye, but for you it felt like an eternity! Have you felt like this before, Shadow?

Shadow: When I'm running yeah...But not this time... I was just talking to her and I didn't go fast... At least not on purpose.

Maria: What do you mean by "Time Distortion"?

Gerald: Hum... It's hard to say if Shadow changed the way he perceives the time...Or if he really changed time itself. The possibilities are endless with this amount of Chaos Energy. We'll need to run some tests on this.

Tails: So can Shadow control time or not?

Abbs: Yeah he can, his teleportation is a branch-off from his ability to control time.

Sonic: So Shadow HAS been holding back this whole time!

Amy: You should be glad he did, Shadow could easily take you down with his power, and you would be helpless to stop him.

Eggman: This is why Shadow is my favorite, he's better than you in every way Sonic.

Sonic: Well he may control time, but I'm faster.

Tails: Technically he would be faster because of his time manipulation.

Sonic: That shouldn't count, it's cheating!

Knuckles: Wouldn't that make your speed cheating as well?

Sonic sputtered, and then grumbled, knowing that Knuckles was right.

Shadow is seen tossing and turning in his sleep.

Maria: What's happening with him, grandpa? Is he sick?

Sonic: HAH! Looks like he's not the Ultimate Lifeform after all, he can get sick like the rest of us!

Amy: Sonic! That is extremely rude and uncalled for!

Sonic: Well, Shadow has too big of an ego, he needs to be knocked down a few pegs.

Amy: Sonic what you're doing is known as, pot calling the kettle black.

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