Mile stared down at his once appetizing plate of food, now untouched and cold. The aroma that had initially stirred his appetite now felt distant. He was overwhelmed with devastation, his chest tight with emotions, rendering him unable to utter a single word.

"Why won't you respond?" Chai's question pierced the air, his tone still forceful as he struggled to contain his anger. Mile met Chai's gaze briefly before turning his eyes away. Anong, sensing his distress, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed it. Going against Chai's wishes was unheard of in this household. Even though his sons were independent decision-makers, Chai couldn't resist meddling in every aspect of their lives.

"Father, let him have some time to rest. We can discuss this later," Arthit said with his voice calm yet firm.

Arthit intervened, coming to Mile's rescue. As Mile's uncle, Arthit felt compelled to step in and diffuse the tense situation. Meanwhile, Apinya, also known as Mile's father, observed the scene without uttering a word. His silence was unsurprising, given the countless times Mile had rejected his pleas. Mile had become adept at disregarding Apinya's attempts to communicate with him.

How many times had Apinya implored his son to come back? Had Mile ever truly considered his father's requests? It seemed that Mile would simply agree, only to then ignore Apinya's calls for weeks on end. The disregard extended even to his own father's wishes. Apinya failed to understand why Mile found it so challenging to comply with such a simple request. While Apinya had granted Mile freedom, he felt disheartened by his son's apparent misuse of that freedom.

Chai reclined in his chair, using its back for support as Anong served lunch in the uncomfortable silence. Mile detested confrontation and scolding, making the tension in the room unbearable. Despite his desire to escape, he felt obligated to remain seated with Chai, the intimidating figure he feared.

A newcomer entered the room, neglecting any form of greeting as he took a seat directly across from Mile. Their eyes briefly met before Mile quickly averted his gaze. There was an inexplicable sense of guilt that washed over him whenever he encountered those eyes. Banyen, Mile's mother, approached and served the newcomer dinner with an unmistakable sense of adoration. Apo said a small thanks to her, she pats his head with love. 

In their family dynamics, Banyen, Mile's mother, shows immense affection for Apo, while Apo's mother, Anong, holds a deep fondness for Mile. Whenever Mile visits, he is treated to Anong's cooking, and when Apo is present, Banyen ensures he enjoys her culinary creations. Both ladies are dedicated to preparing meals for their respective sons, maintaining a delicate balance in the household.

As Mile sat down to lunch, he found himself yearning for Mama Moon's cooking, a taste that felt nostalgically familiar. Surrounded by numerous relatives in the house, he considered inquiring about the reason for their gathering but hesitated to engage in conversation.

While eager to finish his meal quickly, Mile couldn't help but miss the flavors that Mama Moon's dishes would have offered. Throughout the meal, he maintained his focus on his plate, avoiding any unnecessary movements or distractions, fixed on the food before him. Every single muscle on his neck does the same. Not moving a bit. 

In a room with two people he wished to avoid, Mile quietly savored the delicious cooking, becoming the first to finish his meal. 

"Get ready in the evening," Chai announced between bites, as the person across from him cleared their throat. Mile nodded in acknowledgment, noticing Apo's persistent throat issue causing him to cough. Rising from his seat, Mile kept his head lowered as he grabbed a glass of water to offer Apo some relief. Mile can not tell if it was intentional, Apo gave a slight touch on the back of his palm. Mile gaze were still on the plate. 

"Are we going somewhere? I'm exhausted. I'd like to rest a bit," Mile inquired, reaching out for a glass of water then a napkin to wipe his mouth. However, before he could finish his question, Chai dropped a bombshell.

"You're getting married today," Chai declared abruptly, causing Mile to choke in surprise.

A tight knot constricted Mile's chest as he struggled to breathe, the news hitting him like a ton of bricks. Anong's comforting hand patted his back as his ears buzzed with disbelief. Despite the overwhelming urge to protest, Mile found himself rendered speechless, his lips refusing to part to voice his objection to the sudden marriage proposal.

"I disagree," Mile managed to utter in a hushed tone, his body going cold with dread. He shut his eyes tightly, grasping Anong's hand tightly, a desperate attempt to flee the situation. However, fear immobilized his limbs, leaving him powerless to resist.

Ignoring Mile's feeble protest, Chai dismissed his objections with a wave of his hand, asserting authority over the situation.

"I didn't ask for your opinion. Just be ready on time," Chai declared bluntly, causing tears to well up in Mile's eyes as he felt a wave of devastation wash over him. Paralyzed by his deeply ingrained fear of Chai, Mile found himself unable to stand up for himself, his voice stifled by the dominating presence of his authoritative relative. The frustration of not being able to voice his thoughts and have a say in his own life decisions left him feeling trapped and helpless.


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