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"Does everyone look that?"

Nyx looks over at me with a smile. "Like what?"

"They have no faces. Horns. But they're angry. I've only seen two...people. They seem angry. Does everyone always look that way here?"

Nyx says nothing for a moment. Just keeps walking while looking at me with a smile for a moment before opening his mouth to speak.

He shuts it.

I say the thing we both know I want to say. "Do they...do they always look at you like that?"

He smiles and pats my head with an odd unfamiliarity with the motion. "Come along now dear. You're in den of wolves. It will do you no good to be a Lamb here."

I quirk my brow. "I'm still not sure why you call me that, but I am a wolf. You...know that right?"

He chuckles. "Yes I...know that," he copies my affectation, with a circular wave of his hand "Better than most. However you'll find it quite useless here. He points to the sky. No moon? No wolf."

I frown. "Wait wait, no moon? Where the fuck are we? I just realized...I've been confused for a while. How did I get here? Why am I here? Wasn't I supposed to go to the Moon Goddess?"

Thoughts flood my head but in such volume it's all just noise, no sound comes though, no clear note shines supreme. I touch my head and wince.

I know...I know I was meant to go to the Goddess. I know I was a Luna born into a long line of Luna's who after their death become Celestial Lunas.

I was preparing for the ceremony.

And then...darkness. And him.

He stands watching me, head cocked, eyes wide. His eyes are flashing. He grins when he notices my eyes have focused in on him.

"Oh dear! You went a little loopy there! Don't worry, I've been there 78 times," he offers his hand. I take it. He pulls me up. "This week. The memories will come and go. Eventually they will come. Then...then they go. Don't worry yourself about what this place is or how you got here," he tells me.

We're walking back toward where we were, and the familiarity soothes me immediately.

"Just let it come as it wishes. The more you force yourself the worse it will be for you," he smiles.

"Why? What am I forgetting? Where am I? Where is this? What are you—"

We stop. He stands in front of me. I squint, unsure why for a moment until I realize the sky has gotten a bit darker. The light in the distance has dimmed. Or maybe he's just standing in the way of it.

He towers over me. My eyes catch a bakery window on the second floor. A blank face is in the window. As soon as I see it, the person jumps and closes the blind.

I narrow my eyes, and focus back in on Nyx.

"I'm Lord Nyx of the Dark and this is the Dark. Your temporary home, until you recover your memories," he grins widely. I smile back. "I'll keep you safe, and help you as best I can, okay? I know it's tough to be in a new place, but hey! At least you've got a smiling face to greet you!"

In the light of that, I guess he's right. Things would be worse if he weren't here, helping me through it.  The storm in my mind abates, aided by his carefree smirk. Though, I think offhandedly, quicker than usual for me. It was a powerful storm, but the clouds rolled out so quickly, before it could even form, as if shooed away.

I don't ponder on it much. He's right about one thing, it'll do me no good trying to figure it out on the street. Besides, no matter what I find out, I know Nyx more than anyone else here.

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