X was planning on hugging him from behind before, but she abruptly stopped. Shock evident on her face. "You're leaving... Is is that why you bought us a house we could enjoy living in, because you wanted to leave us"

Hearing her tearful and shaky voice, Tang Zhan had no other choice but to turn and face her but this time his mind and heart were clear and he was only focused on calming her down, he could feel that she was anxious, sad and starting to get panicky.

He took her into his arms as he hugged her tightly, "ssshh! I just need to do something, it's not like I'm running from you or the rest, I need to get stronger and there's an institute I need to attend, so I want to know if you're willing to also get stronger so I can know what to do and how to get you in as well."

"Whether it's to become stronger or for something else, ni matter where you go I'll follow you, even if it's to the end of the worlds." Tang Zhan leaned in and gave her a peck on her head as he patted her back gently.

"When you're ready we'll both go, but for now let's no tell any of the others yet. It's still too dangerous for them to be exposed to this new world but I know you will be okay."

"Is that the reason why you told me, because you are confident in me?" X asked as she pulled away from his arms and sunk deeper into the water until it reaches her neck while trying to hide her red face.

Tang Zhan face also turns red as he realizes he was actually hugging a naked X, and he hugged her tight enough for her mountains to actually squish on his chest.

"Hehe...hehehe..." He awkwardly laughs while scratching his cheek.

"Don't forget it's not about you, it's us I'm confident in." Tang Zhan corrects as he walk out of the hot spring and climbs up the stairs that leads out of the pit.

As he climbs the stairs his body starts to steam with his clothes drying up as he ascends the stairs, and by the time he gets out of the pit he was without a drop of water.

He looks back at X, the steam had let up a little and he was able to see a slight view of the jugs floating on the surface of the water, he shifted his face back as he cleans the blood dripped from his nose.

"I'll be inside, you should come in soon, and remember don't let them know yet."

After he was sure that X couldn't see him again, he suddenly yells out as he makes a victory dance with blood still dripping down his nose.


Later in the night, everyone is seated on the couch after eating dinner. If it was back on Earth they would would be watching TV now, but this world lacks the technology needed to create things like tv and other things that Earth had.

Like they say, you make up for what you don't have with what you have. Earth doesn't have magic but they made up for it with technology, but since this world has magic they did not bother with thinking of a way out with technology.

'but that is exactly what I'll be doing, this world has magic but not everyone is lucky enough to know how to utilize it or is able to. So technology can be a way for the non-energy users to finally be able to realize their dreams and goals.' Tang Zhan decides in his mind as he looks at his family, although they have a higher chance of becoming energy users but that journey is a long and strenuous one especially not advisable for his parents since they were too old, and if there's no energy giving pleasure to people that came from a easy smart technological life, things might become too unbearable so even if Tang Zhan doesn't do it for the people at least he will do for his parents.

[Plot quest: Improving civilization.

Type: Continuum chain Quest.

Details: Create the first technology for the betterment of the civilization.

Rewards: +1 to plot armor, full level proficiency for one skill or technique.

Duration: Half a year.

Penalty: N/A.]

'A plot quest? Does that mean a quest that links with the rule of the world... Or is the theory of fate and destiny a true thing. If that is so then plot should mean the fate of the world, and plot armor should have something to do with my importance to the world fate, if I'm important enough won't the world protect me at all cost... Oh! So it can be done that way as well, uhn? Hehehe, then we'll do it that way.' Tang Zhan thought turned a darker shade at the end of his thoughts as he decides his final thoughts.

He stands up from the couch as he bids everyone goodnight and after that heads upstairs to the first room by the right. Which is also the last if it is arranged from the master bedroom.


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