Chapter 12 "Oh My Graciousness"

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"Dinner is served."
And then the waiter places our food on our table. "Ughh, at a time like this..." Dumittic grumbled as she placed a cloth on her lap and so did Autumn. Wait, is that a thing rich people do when they eat in expensive restaurants? Well, I didn't want to look stupid so of course I did the same.

Dumitric must've noticed that I clearly have no idea how to act formal and richy because she chuckled when  she looked at me. I grabbed a fork and started to munch my food. Well, good thing I know how to use a fork. So I don't look completely stupid on our date. Wait no, it's not like it's a date!

As we slowly (but surely) eat our food, Autumn was looking at me throughout the meal. Like she was signalling me to continue our conversation. So I cleared my throat, putting my fork down. "So uhmm... After...after getting know with each other...what next?" I nervously mutter. "Why, are you expecting more?" Autumn smirked, taking a bite of her meal.

"W-Well— no? Uh—" My ears were literally turning red. Like the burgundy shade kind of red. Am I having a stroke?

"We'll see, darling. We'll see." Autumn winked at me and my stroke's level raised. From 3 to 100 real quick.
Autumn and Dumitric offered me a ride back home but there is no way I'll agree. So Autumn just gave me money for an Uber because they know they can't change my mind. They know I'm poor...Jokes aside, I like it about them that they are so caring.

So when I got home, I logged in to my laptop to see any updates about the Krystal and the two's rumour. And also, yes, I was waiting for updates.  I then searched:

'Krystal and Aut—"

But before I could even finish typing it up, I saw some searches like:

'Krystal rumour'
'Krystal dating life'
'Krystal Sawyer rizz'
'Krystal and two businesswomen dating issue'
'Krystal Sawyer hotel two hot women'
'Krystal hotel picture'
'Krystal Sawyer sexuality'
'Krystal Sawyer suitors'
'Krystal Sawyer hotel CCTV footage'
'Krystal Sawyer dating issue, two businesswomen's confirmation on Twitter'
'Krystal Sawyer getting humbled'
'Krystal Sawyer crying video's
'Krystal apology video'

But what caught my attention was the search 'Krystal Sawyer dating issue, two business women's confirmation on Twitter' which has 25,000 searches and 'Krystal Sawyer apology video' that has 23,000 searches. It's international, I guess.

Like, hot damn. I've only been gone for like, 4 hours and many things already happened in that short period of time. I quickly pressed the confirmation one first because I'm a pretty curious lady myself. Oh shit.

It's Autumn's official account on Twitter and she posted a letter.

"Hello, dear curious people. Some of you, or more like all of you are probably wondering if the dating issue about me and my mate with an actress is true. Some of y'all might also have been waiting for our confirmation. So, here it is. The picture you have seen of us outside a true. Only the picture was true. Not the rumour. Me and my mate just coincidentally met the young actress, Krystal Sawyer. Me and Dumitric were the only one who stayed at the hotel. There was a cafe next to the hotel and she said
she met with someone there and then she saw us coming out of the hotel and she just came to say hi. So there it is, we chatted for a while. Nothing is going on between her with me and my mate. I am loyal to my mate and to our third mate which we're currently looking for. And  fortunately, me and my mate now met our third mate. And just as you know, we will find the one who leaked that picture. We'll do more than just sue you. Just you see."

Well, kudos to them for admitting the truth. But somehow, a part of me just thinks that they're just telling half-truth. And what could be the other part...?

But aside that, I guess the date really hit them. If they wanted to get to know me, they need to set things real quick about the rumour. And the question is, who even took that picture? One of the paparazzi, maybe. But they were really covered up in the photo. Autumn was wearing  sunglasses and a black facemask and Dumitric was wearing a white cap. By the way, they still look gorgeous as ever.

Wait no, did I just say what I think I just said? Anyway, Krystal was also covered up, considering she's a famous actress.

Maybe Krystal has a stalker or something? Maybe the Dumitric and Autumn? Hmmm, y'know what? I don't care. As long as they confirmed that the rumour ain't real.

Now that all things are clear... Let me now take a beautiful, beautiful long nap...

Wait, why do I feel like I forgot something?

Y'know what, let me just sleep.
Fuck! I was supposed to meet up with Sandra today! Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

I quickly grabbed my phone to check my messages. I saw that Sandra sent me dozens of messages asking where am I

                           Sandra 👻

Hey, this is the address😗, I'll be waiting for you there. Their bobas are out of this world😩
—3 hours ago.

Still not ready yet?🤔
2 hours and 30 minutes ago.

Im coming there, the question is, are you?
—2 hours ago.

Blane, I'm here😄
—1 hour and 45 minutes ago.

—1 hour and 35 minutes ago.

I guess you forgot our meet up,huh?
—1 hour and 30 minutes ago.

Did your bosses really give you that much of paperworks❔🙁
—1 hour ago.

Been waiting for 2 hours now😕
30 minutes ago.

An employee is asking me to leave now...☹️
25 minutes ago.

I don't know what happened, but I guess you're really busy.
20 minutes ago.

I'm going home now😞 next time, then?
—10 minutes ago.

—8 minutes ago.

Oh my graciousness....

   Hello, lovelies! Sorry I forgot to update this Friday-Sunday. But I swear, I have a pretty reasonable explanation 😭🙏
    There's an event here at our school that took place in Friday and as the president, and I need to organize it.
     And on Saturday-Sunday, we went camping😔 and I swear I'll update sooner or later.

   Leave your thoughts below the comments section <3

[Edit, OMG YALL 10K?? aight, I'm gonna update twice again this week]

Ours, Got that? {gxgxg}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz