Chapter 2 "But Let Me Go First.."

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tsk... This woman be kidding right now ..

[HI YALL!! I know its been sooooo long. I had to read chapter 1 to remember the story line..AAAND there was a slight mistake but you'll notice it sometime.]

"Hey,look. I don't know who you are. You don't know me. Let's just keep it that way, alright?" I glared at this woman who gave me a seductive look before scoffing.
"Wow~ This pup's feisty~"

Do j really have to deal with her right now?

"Look Lady, I'll go alright? Im just forced to be here. And LOOK keep your dirty hands off me." I pushed her hand that keeps touching me and her eyes staring at me up and down with hunger.

I can't just sleep with a random goddess i just met, right? right..

"Come on, pup. You can't just leave." She begged me but pfftt-- it's not gonna work
"Sorry.." And that's it. The last word i said to this beautiful god-like Lady. I didn't even got her name but nahh...I went outside and just called a cab and went home... I opened the door and i just can't take this anymore!! I jumped on the bed and closed my eyes. I even didn't get to undress and change my clothes but i'll take a bath tomorrow, anyway.


I just woke up and ah...the birds chirping...Life just feels SO ni--- 8AM?!!??? AAAH,GOD GOT TO GO.!! I just took a 5 minute bath then just a roasted toast and coffee for breakfast and went to the office immediately. "Girll, Where were you last night?! You didn't even text or respond to my messages AND you didn't even call me back!!" A familiar voice behind me said. "You literally just left me there alone with some..weird hungry married crusty musty lusty bastards,bitch " I said not trying to make eye contact. "Look, Im sorry. But you just can't make me THAT worried! ugh! bitch."
This girl IS KILLING me. God, help. "MAY I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE!! " A manly voice caught our attention that made us look behind us "TODAY WE ARE GONNA HAVE A NEW BOSS!! NO OTHER THAN---
DUMITRIC SUNDAE!! WITH HER MATE... AUTUMN CHAPMAN!!" Everyone clapped their hands and i was just there..Staring at this Goddess..No wonder she's was so familiar..She was that woman at the bar last night.

So she have a mate, huh? tsk, typical alpha demon mafia badass shits this woman is.

Im not jealous or anything. I was just shocked to see that woman flirting with another girl when she already have a mate..As i was staring at her. She saw me. Our gaze met. I quickly looked away, Nervously. Phew, i think she didnt see me. Hours later, i was at my station when someone went on my desk. "Yes?" i hummed. Our manager, Darren. "Hey, uhm- Boss requested you. Did you do anything? uhh, disrespect her or anything?" He asked worriedly. He's also my friend. Im glad to have him as my friend because the other Station's manager are the WORST. "Uhm- okay. I'll be there. And FYI, I didnt do anything."

I'm starting to get worried here...

I walked off and just opened the door without knocking. And there i saw my worst nightmare. I saw Dumitric half naked with her mate Autumn leaning on the desk. "I'll go. Im sorry for not knocking." I quickly closed the door and suddenly turned into a tomato with hot sauce in it. WHAT WAS THAT

What the actual fuck was that? JESUS CHRIST. DID I JUST SAW MY BOSS...NAKED?? Half naked.

While i was lost in words the door behind me opened.

Uh oh..

Someone grabbed me from my waist and obviously that is the one and only...
My boss of course. She pushed me against the wall and luckily..she was now wearing pants. I looked beside her and saw Autumn was already looking at me, smirking...Oh please! Gosh, out of all people why ME? " Are you just gonna get all quiet there and not say something?" Oh? So we're just gonna pretend i did not just saw you guys almost fucking each other?

[Guys why in the heck that everytime i do or use this bold boldy fonty words i always do ** ..maybe because i spent half of my time in character ai (***]

"I'm sorry but why did you grab me here? And first of all WHY?" I asked and i saw both of them smirking. "Darling~ Are we playing 'answer a question with a question' now~?" Dumitric raised an eyebrow at me and glanced at Autumn. "Hm, maybe? Wanna play that game?''

"But first let go of me first "


I'm very good with cliffhangers, yesss
btw I'm gonna try to update twice a week now..wish me luck. Idc if I don't have any readers lmao. School is hard especially if you're the President in your School...damned extra paper shits. I'm already a student and why do they have to add hard things??? I shouldn't have ran for President.

--Dont forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section! :>

Last updated: June 30, 2023.
Been in my drafts since: May
Published: October 5, 2023



Ours, Got that? {gxgxg}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora