"Bessie is truly following us, isn't she?"

"Yeah, wonder why," Juniper said. "Percy is right. The cow is kinda cute."

"Yeah, but I don't get it. Doesn't it have other things to do? Never seen monsters following me around, well, Percy in this case, without attacking me. They always seem to want to have a piece of me."

"Not every monster is evil," Juniper counters. "It depends, really. Some of them were created by the stirring underneath the conflict often present within Western Civilization. But some are just unfortunate souls like Medusa. It's their origin that makes them more friendly or hostile."

"Whatever, we should get a move on. A lady is in need of saving."

True enough, Juniper thought as she briefly looked at Thalia waking everyone up. She took one breath before standing up. This entire trip may be the most impactful she has witnessed in the last thousand years. As everyone, besides Zoe, begrudgingly got ready, Juniper thought about it more. Even in the car with Thalia behind the wheel speeding away, her mind went back to Artume.

The Goddess has shielded her thoughts and mood ever since Annabeth was taken. Usually, she was quite open with it, allowing Juniper to sense what is going on. This time, however, was different. Artume kept everything close to her chest. Juniper could not feel anything. There could only be something she doesn't want to become known.

"We should make sure to go north," Zoe spoke up. Her gaze on the road, seeing what must be a sparkling line that showed the way.

"What's north? I mean, I only know of the Underworld entrance at Los Angeles," Percy said. "But I highly doubt there is anything in Hades' realm for us to find."

"My mother's realm is in Los Angeles?" Bianca asked curiously, eyeing the group with interest.

"Yeah," Grover confirmed, bobbing his head. "Percy, Annabeth, and I went there for a quest almost three years ago. Can't say I found it a nice place to hang around."

"What's up the state, Zoe?" Thalia interjected to get the conversation back on track. "You seem too sure, even with that ball of light."

"Aphrodite said something I feared would be the case. I doubted at first when they spoke of a general," Zoe said, glancing at Bianca who smiled uncertainly. The girl is too new to it all. Juniper is fearful too from what Zoe will confirm. To face him would be a tremendous task.

"She said we will face 'my old man'. That is most worrisome as my father is Atlas, the Titan that holds the sky."

"You got to be kidding me..." Thalia muttered, brows furrowed as she peered through the rearview mirror. "How did he get free?"

"I do not know," Zoe said. "But I fear my lady Artemis has made it possible. By some miracle, she was imprisoned and forced to take his place... Or by using Annabeth to force lady Artemis' hand."

"He is cruel enough," Juniper said as a shudder goes through her. "I have seen him in action before. It was terrifying..."

"How old are you exactly?" Percy asked curiously. "You know so much for looking as old as me."

"Has anyone told you how that's a rude question?" Juniper questioned, raising an eyebrow. It was Bianca who looked most uncomfortable as she sat between the two. Almost as if she is the wall that kept Percy safe.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to offend, it's just cool... I guess."

"Thy guesses? Have thee no manners?"

"Come on, I am the only boy here. No offense, Grover. Your nature thingy helps you more than me being a Demigod."

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