Chapter 11: Surprise!!

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Hello everyone! So, I saw that this story has almost 200 reads, and I'm super excited! Still very sad that you don't leave me feedback, but I decided to go on with the story, so you silent readers can enjoy. Hope you like chapter 11!

Heirii’s Point of View:

As Ichigo and I entered Café Mew Mew, we were getting evil eyes from everyone, because we were late again. I hung my head, scurrying to the dressing room to get dressed. After quickly changing, both of us rush out, taking orders from everyone. As I walked around taking orders, I heard Mint call out that someone needed to be seated. I said I’d seat them, and walked over to the door, a fake smile on my face. “Welcome to Café Mew Mew, may I-Jake??” I ask flabbergasted, as I see his disturbing smirk plastered on his face. “So, you work here? Perfect. I’d like a table for five, please little waitress.” I know he’s testing me, so I just smile back at him, nodding. “Of course, come right this way.” I say, leading in front of him. My heart is pounding in my chest as I feel his breath on my neck. Why is he getting so close to me? I jump as my butt is pinched, and I sharply turn, giving him my dirtiest look. “What’s wrong babe? Can’t I get to my table?” he asks with fake sweetness, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “Right over here.” I say through gritted teeth, setting him down at a table. “Where’s the other four to your party?” I ask, taking out my pad and pen to take his order. “They’re on their way, those guys are slowpokes.” He says rolling his eyes, and I find myself smirking. No. I’m not going to smile at HIM. It’ll only give him the pleasure to torture me more. I put on my fake smile, asking what he’d like. He stares at me for a while, making me feel quite uncomfortable. When he finally ordered, I nodded, and ran off, hiding in the kitchen as I gave Keiichiro my order. “Seems like you’ve got someone over there who likes you, huh Heirii?” Keiichiro chimes, a small smile on his face. My face screws up in disgust. “No, I don’t believe that’s the case.” He just shrugs, getting to the order. As I go around to different tables, I can’t help notice on how he’s watching me. My heart is beating really fast, and I don’t know why. You’re scared, that’s why!!! My conscious screams at me, but I’m not too sure. I hear Keiichiro call the order up, and I go, taking him his drink and cake. I set it down on his table gently, trying not to upset him. “Here you go, sir. I hope you enjoy!” I say, trying to turn around and get out of there as quickly as possible, but a tug on my hand stops me. I spin around, seeing Jake staring into my eyes. “Heirii, why are you avoiding me? And why are you so nervous around me?” I’ve never heard him be so serious before, and I find myself speechless. It’s almost as if he…cared. I shook the thought from my head, and answered him. “I’m not avoiding you; I have a job to do. And…because of what you do to me at school, why wouldn’t I be nervous!” I say bravely, tugging my arm away from his grip and leaving him with wide eyes. As I go back to the kitchen, I feel Ichigo’s stare on me, but I try to ignore her questioning eyes. I just want this day to be over with. As I hear Mint call out again, I go to seat more people. I swear, Mint never does anything but drink tea…oh well. I see Jake’s friends, and I instantly dread the thought of seating the four and dealing with all five of them. Nonetheless, I lead them over to Jake, and they all sit, while I wait not so patiently for their orders. “What’s wrong, can’t we take a little time to decide? Or is our little Heirii in a big hurry?” one of them, Sousake, says with a smirk. I try to fight my anger that’s rising, but my foot starts to tap. They know I can’t do anything in here, so they’ll make this as painful for me as possible.

“Guys, just cut it out and order. I’ve waited for you losers long enough, so hurry up.” Jake cut in, and my mouth fell open. Did he really just stand up for me??? His posse questions him, and he just shrugs. “I’ve been here too long, watching and waiting. I’m tired.” He says nonchalant, and I just sit there, appalled. Of course that’s what it was. Why would I think any different? The guys shrug, and order what they want, and I saunter off, giving the order to Keiichiro. I sit in the back for a bit, head in my hands. What is he trying to pull? I groan, failing miserably on what he is doing. After taking their orders out, I go to the back, telling everyone I’m checking out. I change, going to Ichigo as she just came in the kitchen. “I’m going to go to the park to clear my head, I’ll be home later.” I say, and she nods. I know she wants to question me, but nows not the time. I quickly take my leave, rushing out of the door and avoiding Jake’s curious eyes. Running down the streets, I find myself in a rush to get to the park. Once I get there, I let out a sigh of relief, sitting down on one of the benches. I lay my head back, the breeze blowing my hair. What is Jake doing? And why do I care so much? He’s just some bully to me… I keep telling myself that, but I always have another voice in my head, telling me he’s trying to make up for it. Being the optimistic person I am, I quickly get rid of that thought. (sarcasm noted here, yes?) I hear movement in front of me, so I look up, opening my eyes to see no one there. I could’ve sworn I heard someone. I shake it off, going back to my daydreaming. I hear it again, this time behind me. I snap my head around to the bushes, but once again, no one’s there. Getting creeped out, I get up, about to leave. As I start walking, I hear a scream. I pivot on my foot, turning to see who it is. A lifeless lady in her mid-40s is laying on the ground, while Kisshu is standing over her. “Kisshu? What are you doing?” I yell, my shock evident in my voice. “I still have a job to do, despite how much I hate Deep Blue-sama. Plus, consider this as a test, Foxy.” He says, winking. He holds the soul up in the air with his jellyfish, shouting “FUSION!” I blinding light takes over the air, and I flinch back, closing my eyes. When I look back, a very strange looking Chimera Animal is standing before me. It has a long blue tail, an orange body, and it’s a mixture of a lizard and a dog. Four long legs with sharp claws are covered in fur, while the body is hairless. I don’t waste another moment. Whipping out my pendant, I yell “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!” My body transforms, and I look back at Kisshu, who’s just smirking at me. “Heirii Staff!” I call, stretching my arm out, and my rod appears in it. I flip my long red hair behind me, looking at my new enemy. “Prepare to go down!” I call, sprinting at it. The blue tail comes out from behind it, creating a gust of wind that knocks me over, sending me sprawling across the ground. “Hahaha, you’ll have to approach it a different way!!” Kisshu calls out, clearly amused with my dilemma. I clench my jaw, determined not to be defeated. I start to run again, but as I see the tail come, I jump, dodging the wind, and landing right on top of his back. The Chimera Animal let’s out a surprised shriek, and tries to throw me off. Before I can do anything, a paw slaps me right in the side, sending me plummeting into a wall.

I get up slowly, blood flowing from my side. “Chimera Animal, stop!” Kisshu says worried, but it’s too late. The lizard/dog is charging me, and I know I’m screwed. I brace up, waiting for the impact. A green light floods the animal, sending it flying into a near wall. I turn in shock, seeing Lettuce and the others standing at the entrance of the park. Pudding stepped up, her hands on her hip. “Why are you hurting Heirii-chan?!?!” Kisshu looked at her hard, “I tried to stop it, and it didn’t listen. And plus, I still have a job to do, and I have no say in it, sadly.” The others look down, letting what he said sink in. “I-I’m okay.” I say wincing, getting up from where I had fallen again. “No your not!” Lettuce yells, fierceness in her eyes. “Don’t try to do this on your own Heirii! You have us, and you can depend on us!” she says, and my eyes widen. She’s never been one to speak up, but now that she has, I realize how much she cares about me. I give her a weak smile, but our little moment is broken when I hear a frustrated shriek from the Chimera Animal. It’s furious now, about to charge. “Can you fight?” Zakuro asks, and I nod. There’s no way I’m missing out on this. “Let’s go then!” Mint calls, and we all start to charge the beast. As he tries to hit us with his gust of wind, I jump up, dodging it again. This time, when I land on its back, I point my rod quickly at the back of his head, the point pressing against it. It freezes, and as soon as I realize I’ve found his weak point, he throws me off again, making me land on the ground with a thud. “Heirii!!” Ichigo calls, but I shake her off, telling her not to bother with me. I knew what I had to do; I just had to get the others on board. “Guys, come here real quick!” I order, and they run over to me, a wary eye on our enemy. “Okay, I know how we can beat this. Its weakness is the back of its head. So we’ll do the same thing, just when I jump on his back, I’ll point my rod, and then you’ll all have to fire at him, or else it’ll be futile.” I say, and they all nod. “Let’s do this!!” Ichigo calls, and we nod, facing the monster. We start to sprint at it, and once again, it blasts us with a wind. I jump up and land on its back, digging my rod into the back of his head. He completely stops, “Now guys!” I call, hoping this will work. “Wait! You’re in the line of fire! You’ll get hit!” Ichigo calls with wide eyes, seeing my intentions. “It doesn’t matter, just get rid of this thing while we can!” I say, seeing him start to struggle against me. “Ribbon Strawberry Surprise!” “Ribbon Lettuce Rush!” “Ribbon Zakuro Spear!” “Ribbon Puddingring Inferno!” “Ribbon Mint Echo!” they all call simultaneously, their attacks firing from their weapons. I braced myself, knowing the hit would affect me too. As I’m hit, I’m plummeted into a wall, pieces crumbling around me. The last thing I see before rocks surround me and I black out is the Chimera Animal shining, leaving the soul and a jellyfish behind. I’m sorry…guys… I think, and then everything went black. 

So, how'd you like it?? :D didn't expect that one, huh? Maybe you did, i don't know. If you LEFT ME COMMENTS i would know. :) please guys, it doesn't take long, i just want to know if I'm actually doing a good job or not. Really, I'm getting discouraged with this story :/ just please comment and vote for me!

Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Mew?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon