Chapter 18: Battling For What?

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Ello guys! I know it's been awhile, but i reassure you that it's worth the wait. :D and thank you so much for commenting on it, you guys made my day :D hehehe, dedicated to @Zelda0609 for her comment, you made my day!!! xD


Heirii’s Point of View:

I glared coldly at Pai as he held his hands up in surrender. “You…you took who I thought I could trust and threw it in the dirt!!” I growl and walk towards him, my anger rising with every step I take. He backs away from me as I stalk towards him, his eyes showing a familiar fear which I’ve seen before. It’s when he had Pudding hostage, and I started to go into overdrive, and I guess he’s seeing the same thing happen again. Good, he should! “You were right Jake, she gets mad very easily.” Pai mutters, glancing at Jake’s limp body that’s been lying on the ground by the wall for the past five minutes. I take a look at his body, but no regret or guilt fills me, it only entices me more. “Heirii stop!” Ichigo’s voice warns, and I look back at Pai who’s pointing his fan at me as I’m walking towards him. I glower at him and grit my teeth. “You’re really going to try and attack me??” I spit, and he smirks. “You’re too riled up to do anything to me, so why not?” something snaps inside me, and I feel energy pulsing through my veins. “I’ll kill you.” I threaten, my voice dark and menacing. His eyes widen with fear for a second, then he narrows them at me. “Would you kill Kisshu?” he asks, and I roll my eyes. “Why would I kill him? He hasn’t done anything to me.” I retort, and I hear Kisshu laugh from behind me. “Same with Taruto.” I add before he can speak. Before I can lunge at him, a hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn around to see a very concerned yet angry Ichigo standing there. “It’s alright Heirii, you’ve taught them a lesson. Remember what we fight for.” She says soothingly, and I sigh. I remember something I’ve seem to have forgotten, and I walk back towards my team with a question gleaming in my eyes. “Guys, why are we even fighting? Besides Pai being a total jerk, why?” I ask, and I hear a few snickers at my sly comment, but otherwise it’s silent. “We’re battling for the ones we love.” Pudding says a huge smile on her face. “We fight for the survival of humankind.” Zakuro adds, a smirk on her face. “We fight for our planet.” Kisshu says behind me, and I turn seeing him and Taruto with serious expressions. “I understand all that, but why can’t we just live in peace? I hate what fighting does to me; it makes me angry and makes me lose control. I HATE it. Has anyone ever thought of living in harmony?” I rant, and I see everyone pondering over this, even Pai. “It’s impossible for us to do that.” Pai says finally, glaring at me. “We can’t be friends, because we have been enemies for too long.” I look at him directly, ready to prove my point. “Exactly. All we’ve ever known is violence. Why not try to change that? Do you want to be constantly battling for the rest of your life?” I negotiate, and I see them furrow their eyes in concentration. “I agree with Heirii, I’m tired of fighting.” Ichigo says, standing beside me. “Me too.” Pudding adds, taking my hand. Mint, Lettuce and Zakuro all nod their heads in agreement and stand by me, confidence in our eyes. “I have to admit it, I agree.” Kisshu sighed, uncrossing his arms and smirking at us. Taruto just shrugged, a playful yet serious grin on his face. “I have to agree with Kisshu, even as much as it amuses me, fighting’s getting useless.” Pai looks at them in shock, clearly surprised by their answers. “What about Deep Blue? How do you think he will react???” he fires at them, and they both shrug. “I don’t care at this point, honestly.” Kisshu answers with a smirk, and Pai narrows his eyes. “I guess I’m on my own. Mark my words, you’ll regret this.” He mutters, and Kisshu laughs. “Calm down there Pai! Just because we agree with them, doesn’t mean we aren’t going to fight. We made a deal with Deep Blue, and I intend to keep it. It’s a bit of fun to watch my Foxy fight.” He adds, winking at me. I just roll my eyes, trying to hide my grin. Pai grinned at this, looking over at us. “You haven’t seen the last of us, so watch your back.” He threatens, taking Aoyama and pulling Jake from the rubble and disappearing. Kisshu and Taruto flash us one last smile, and disappear with him. “Well, that was unexpected.” Mint comments, and I nod. “Yeah, I don’t think we expected it to be that easy.” Lettuce says, a small smile playing on her face. We all laugh, thinking of how easy it was to win against those Chimera Animals. “It’s all because we worked together.” I say with a massive smile, and they giggle, nodding their heads. We transformed back into our human selves, and started to walk away from the destruction of this place. “I don’t know, that seems…too easy.” Ichigo says a deep look in her eyes. I know she’s worried about Aoyama-kun, and I don’t blame her. For a moment I was worried for Jake, but now I just hope he dies…maybe. “I agree, something’s not right. It’s like they were…teasing us.” I mutter to her, having a private conversation while the others chatted away. “Exactly! If that was supposed to be the big battle, then why were they not stronger than that?” she quizzes, and I let my eyes go down to my feet. “I don’t know, I have a feeling that that was just the beginning.” I mumble darkly, ideas of what they have planned roaming my mind. She puts a hand on my shoulder, giving me a weak smile. “It’ll all work out. We know how each other functions, so we’ll be able to fight against them at all cost.” She says, her smile getting bigger. I smile back at her, reassured by her words. “Now we just have to figure out how to get back Aoyama.” I muse, and she laughs. “What?” I ask, confused on why she laughed. “Just him? What about Jake?” she giggles, and I roll my eyes. “Nobody likes him.” I mutter, and she pokes my side. “Whatever! We have to save him as well, and you know it.” She taunts, and I stick out my tongue. She pushes me slightly, amusement lighting up her eyes. “Yeah, I know it, but I don’t want to admit it.” I chuckle goofily and she laughs. We get off the topic of the battles and go on to more random things, like cakes and strawberries. Don’t ask, please, I don’t know why we talk about food so much either. “You know, we should really make a recipe that has strawberries in a cake.” She says and I give her a lopsided grin. “Really Ichigo? And they say I’m the blonde one.” I tease, and she cocks her eyebrow at me, obviously confused. “There is already a strawberry cake!” I yell, and her mouth goes into an ‘o’ shape. “I feel so dumb.” She mumbles and I laugh. We finally reach the café again, and we are met by Keiichiro and Shirogane. “You guys are back early? What happened?” Shirogane fired, and we filled him in on what happened, including what the aliens said about fighting. “That doesn’t make sense, that can’t be it. You can’t let your guard down whatsoever, because they aren’t finished yet. That was just the beginning.” He warns, and we all nod our heads. “And, just to give you a clear point of view, we are fighting for our lives. Each and every one of you will protect each other, no matter the cost, understand?” he says in all seriousness, and I nod my head. “I’m going to give you the day off, but come back tomorrow ready for a full day.” He decides, and we all grin. “Thank you!” we all cheer, and he shrugs, going back inside. Keiichiro just gives us all a hug and updates us on how things were. We left the café, going our different directions. “I’ll be right back Heirii, I need to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things.” Ichigo tells me, stopping right before we get to the park. “Oh, alright! If you need any help call me!” I offer and she nods, running in the opposite direction. That was weird, usually she drags me with her. I shrug, walking the five minute walk from the park to my house. I walk in and explain to Ichigo’s mom that she’s shopping, and she just nods her head and lets me by. I run up to my room, taking out my phone and scrolling through the numbers. I’m going to do something I haven’t done in a while. I shakily press the button, calling someone I should’ve called a long time ago. “Hello?” I heard her sweet voice echo through the phone, and I smiled. “Hey mom.”

Ichigo’s Point of View:

I raced back to the café, waiting for the others to come out. I didn’t really need to go shopping, we just had to talk without Heirii there. As the other four members came out of the doors, followed by Shirogane, we sat down on the benches and started talking. “It’s obvious that Heirii has become a main asset to us.” Shirogane starts and we all nod. “I think that you know what is going to end up happening.” He says, and I look down slightly. “Something’s going to happen, and we’re going to have to depend on her.” I mutter, looking into his blue eyes. “Yes, it’s a feeling I’ve had for a while now. I was surprised it didn’t happen today, but it’s a good thing it didn’t, because you weren’t prepared.” He tells us, and we all give him confused looks. “What do you mean by that?” Zakuro asks, and he sighs. “She possesses a lot of power that grows with her emotions. If she’s at her high emotionally, her power would be incredible. We need to know when to do that though. It won’t happen on purpose, but when you guys figure out when it is, make sure you can let her know. That is, without telling her.” He instructs, and we all nod. I knew Heirii got painfully emotional, especially when dealing with Pudding or any one of us. “So how do we trigger it?” Mint asks, pondering over ideas. “It’ll be easy. Just give her a reason to fight.” He says and what he’s trying to say suddenly hits me. “So, whenever we feel like we’re going to lose, make sure she sees it, and have her see us weak and vulnerable.” I say, and he nods. “Exactly. She’s go crazy with her emotions, being able to fight to the best of her abilities. I can’t say the outcome of it though. I know she gets tired everytime she exerts herself.” He mutters, and we all nod. Pudding, who’s been quiet all this time, finally speaks up. “What if something happens to her first?” we all look at her, clearly confused to what she’s saying. Shirogane motions for her to explain, and she takes a deep breath and looks us all in the eye. “What would happen if they target her specifically? They know just as well as we do about her power and her emotions. What if they use it against her, and get her by herself, without us to help her?” she asks, and I’m stumped. For such a young girl, Pudding is wise beyond her years. “If that happens…” Shirogane starts but pauses to look us in the eye, “We’ll be in for the fight of our lives.”

Dun dun duuuuunnnn!!!! :D How's them apples ;) haha, anyway, I hope you really liked this chapter, i worked hard on it. Comment and vote pleasseeee!!!!


Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Mew?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora