Chapter 17: The First Fight

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I know I know, you guys probably hate me! It's been almost a week since i've updated, and I'm sorry :( but, we are getting to the last few chapters of the book, so I hope you're excited for some action!!! :D :D and this story is about to break 400 reads, so THANK YOU!!! :D :D dedicated to @funnygirl711 for her amazing drawing of Heirii and for always supporting this book!! :D


Heirii’s Point of View:

I got really happy at the thought of summer vacation!!!! In America I was on vacation, but since time zones change and all that fun stuff, Tokyo wasn’t. But now it was!!! I grinned happily as Ichigo and I waltzed down the street on our way to work. She was chatting about how Aoyama-kun was going to take her somewhere this evening, and I giggled at her excited behavior. When we reached the café, the sign said closed and no one was there. “What’s going on?” I ask Ichigo, and she shrugs, just as confused as I am. “I don’t know.” She mumbles, and I sigh. “Psst! Guys over here!!” I voice calls lowly, and I turn to my left to see Mint and Lettuce gesturing us with their hands. We run over to them and they lead us through a door and down into the basement. “What the heck is going on?” I yell at them, and they look down. Shirogane steps up with his arms crossed and looks me dead in the eye. “We’ve found another source of Mew Aqua, but…something’s wrong. The enemy has found it and it using it to power something, or someone.” He tells me grimly, and both Ichigo and I gasp. “WHAT???” she yells, and he nods. “Looks like we’ll need your training sooner than we thought. We’re going into a fight that could end up being our last one.” He says gravely, and my eyes widen. “No, it’s not going to be our last one.” I say determinedly, and he gives me a quizzical look. “They are just a bunch of pansies! We can take them, I know we can. If we work together like we have been, it’ll be easy to win, no matter who they are!” I spout out, and I receive grins and smirks from the other girls. “Yeah! We can beat them!” Pudding says, standing up and throwing her fist up in the air defiantly. Soon Zakuro does the same thing, followed by Mint, Lettuce, and Ichigo. They all look at me, and I grin and throw my fist up with theirs. We all touch our fists together, and I feel the energy pulsing through our bodies. “Together we stand!!!” we say in unison, and drop our hands and turn to a shocked Shirogane and Keiichiro. “What?” I say with a giggle, and they shrug. “You’ve grown closer than we imagined you too.” Shirogane says and I smile. “Heirii! You smiled! Like actually smiled!!” Pudding squeals, and my face contorts into one of pure joy. Sure, I’ve smiled lately, but none of them meant anything, just fake smiles. This one though, this one was real. And I loved the feeling of smiling again. Could I have really found my happiness again?? They all started to clap their hands excitedly and even Zakuro was smiling with us. “Enough of the sappy stuff, we have some work to do.” Shirogane came in, ruining the moment. Of course he did. “Thanks a lot there Shirogane.” I mutter, causing the girls to giggle. He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. “My pleasure.” We all laugh at him, and I love how we can turn any situation into a good one. “Anyways, what are we going to do?” Zakuro asks, and Shirogane ponders over her question. “We’ll strike the enemy first. If we can take them by surprise, then we already have the upperhand.” He strategizes, and we all nod. “Got it! So where are they?” Ichigo asks, and he chuckles. “It’s about 10 miles east of here, on a tower in the eastern part of Tokyo. They’ve been there for a few days now, we’ve just been waiting till the right moment, and that moment is now.” He explains, and we sit there waiting for him to continue. “Also, there’s one more problem.” He says with a frown, and we all cock our heads to the side. “What?” Mint asks, and he sighs. “They’ve got some humans with them…and I don’t think you’ll like who it is.” He says sadly, turning back towards us. “Who?” I ask slowly and he sighs again. “Jake and Aoyama-kun.” I feel dizzy and I hear Ichigo choke back sobs. “W-why them?” she asks him, and he shrugs. “I’m not sure, but be careful. I don’t care if they see you or not, transform and fight.” He orders and we all nod. “Are you guys ready?” he asks, and I feel a smirk play on my face. “Of course we are.” I answer and he grins. “Tokyo Mew Mew! Go!!” he orders, holding his hand toward the door. We nod and bolt out of the basement, running onto the streets and going towards where the tower would be. “We can’t let them down!” I call, and they all nod. This is something we can’t lose. As we race down the streets, I feel a new confidence come over me. We can take these guys. We’ve done it before, so we can do it again. I grin as we turn the corner and continue going towards our destination. “Brace yourselves for what you may see.” Zakuro warns and we all nod. Our adrenaline rush fading, we stop as we reach a really tall tower. “This must be it.” I say, breathing heavy. We walk up to the gates, and I look around for anyone, but am greeted with silence. “No one’s here.” Lettuce says confused, and I scrunch up my eyebrows. “They’re inside.” I say determinedly, and they look at me weird. “How do you know that?” Mint asks, and I shrug. “Think about it. If they aren’t anywhere outside and Shirogane and Keiichiro had a signal from this place, they must be inside. It makes sense.” I explain, and they all nod. “You’re right, we should go ins-” Ichigo starts, but is cut off by an echoing laugh filling the air. “Well well well, I thought you’d never show up!” I have to hide the smile that’s coming on as I look up to see Kisshu, Taruto, and…PAI??? Floating in the air with smirks on their faces. “I thought they’d chickened out!” Taruto teases and I hear Pudding scoff beside me. “Like we would give up to you!” she yells back, and Taruto smirks at her. “They can’t win. Not with the weapons we’ve gotten.” Pai says overconfidently and I laugh. “You’re so self-absorbed! Grow up and face the facts! We’ve beaten you countless times, what makes this time any different??” I taunt him, and his face contorts in anger. I see Kisshu fighting a laugh and Taruto is smirking down at us. “Because we’ve got them.” He says, pointing behind him. We all crane our necks and look, and I gasp as I see a large Chimera Animal fly out with Jake and Aoyama in cages. “Let me out of here!” Jake screams, and I feel bad for him. Yes, because he did apologize, and start over. He’s actually a good guy deep down, I believe. Aoyama just looks scared out of his mind, and I practically hear Ichigo’s heart cracking. This was going to kill the poor girl. “Let them go!” She screams and Pai chuckles. He looks her dead in the eye and has a smirk on his face. “No.” I can feel the anger boiling inside her, and it fuels me into anger. No one makes my best friend mad. I feel all six of us line up, tense and ready to fight. “We’ve got to make a move now.” I hiss, and they all nod. “Chimera Animal, attack!” Pai orders, and the Chimera Animal that was holding the boys cages set them on the ground and flew at us. Not giving us time to transform, we were all smacked by its tail and sent us rolling across the ground. “Let’s go!” I scream, pulling out my pendant. “Mew Mew Heirii!” “Mew Mew Ichigo!” “Mew Mew Pudding!” “Mew Mew Mint!” “Mew Mew Zakuro!” “Mew Mew Lettuce!” “METAMORPHOSIS!!” we all screamed, transforming into our Mew Mews. Jake looks stunned and Aoyama-kun is grinning like a madman. “Let’s go!” Pudding cheers and we all run at the Chimera Animal. Our strategies come into play as we fight, attacking at different angles and reflecting our attacks off of one another’s, and soon the Chimera Animal is gone. Masha goes and collects it quickly, coming back over by us as I grin smugly at a glaring Pai. “See? No difference.” I sneer and he clenches his jaw. “You’ll regret saying that!” he yells at us, and all three of the aliens hold up their hands and scream ‘FUSION!’ Out of it comes a Chimera Animal I’ve never seen. It was three different animals all in one, with a black tail and mane and red teeth and eyes. “Say hello to the mutant panther.” Pai says wickedly, and the Chimera Animal roars at us, making us cover our ears. “Oh my gosh, this thing is huge!” Lettuce says afraid, and I’m a bit intimidated. How did they even pull that off? I took off running toward it, pushing my worries aside. I had a job to do, and I wasn’t going to let my emotions get in the way this time. It lunges at me, but I dodge it, rolling to the side and flipping behind it. “Ichigo now!” I call, and Ichigo springs into action, charging the beast. She jumps into the air as a distraction while Mint fires her arrow at the monsters neck. As soon as she does that, Ichigo fires her Strawberry Surprise at it, hitting it squarely in the face. It screeches in pain, falling to the ground. I sat behind it, and aimed my rod at it’s exposed back. “Ribbon Heirii FIRE!” I yell, sending my blast into the Chimera Animals back. It hisses in agony, and we all jump up, getting ready to deliver the final blow. As we are all in the air, we focus our attacks on the beast below us. “Ribbon Zakuro Spear!” “Ribbon Mint Echo!” “Ribbon Puddingring Inferno!” “Ribbon Lettuce Rush!” “Ribbon Strawberry Surprise!” “Ribbon Heirii Fire!” we all yell, sending our attacks hurling at it. It takes a direct hit, and with one last roar, disappears. We land on the ground in triumph, and I grin at the girls. “IMPOSSIBLE!!” Pai screeches at us, a wild look in his eyes. “That does it.” He growls, flying down and landing before us. “What do you want now?” I growl at him, annoyed and mad. Kisshu and Taruto come down beside him, snickering. “Well, this has been a fun experience.” Kisshu says smirking. “Now let’s stop playing around with them, and show them what we’re made of.” Taruto says with a huge grin. He and Kisshu went over to the boys and let them out of the cages, but kept their own weapons pressed against them. “If you surrender Tokyo to us, we’ll set them free.” Pai negotiated, and my mouth dropped. “As much as I want Aoyama to be free, no.” Ichigo says through clenched teeth. I nod, looking at them directly. “Jake is a pain in my butt, but I want him free as well. Not for that price though.” I spit, and Kisshu grins. “My little Foxy’s in turmoil.” He says winking, and I roll my eyes at his behavior. Jake gives me a confused look, and I just shake my head. I don’t need any more trouble than I already have. “Fine then, if you don’t want them, we’ll take them.” Taruto grins, and I feel Ichigo stiffen beside me. “Why do you think they’ll do anything for you?” Zakuro says, and we all wait for their answer. “Because, Aoyama is a good asset we can use, and Jake…well Jake is our little buddy.” Pai says sickly, and I feel my chest tighten. “What?” I whisper, and Pai chuckles. “That’s right, Jake’s on our side. He’s been giving us information on you guys for the past month.” I began to feel extremely dizzy, and unbelief was evident in my voice. “How?” he sniggers and turns toward Jake. “Tell her Jake.” He orders, and Jake just sighs, looking down. When he faces me, he has the same sick smirk on his face that I was used to fearing. “I played you Heirii. Why would I actually want to friend you anyway? He promised me power and safety, and you promised me nothing. You couldn’t have gotten anywhere without anyone beside you.” He spits, and I take a step back. Something snaps inside me, but instead of waterworks, its pure hatred. “I HATE YOU!” I yell, pointing my rod at him and shooting my fire at him. His eyes widen as he gets hit in the gut, hurled into the wall. Turning back to Pai, my eyes darken and I growl at them. “Who’s next?”

Dun dun dun!!!! :D how was that for a cliffhanger??? haha what do you think is going to happen next??? Leave your comments below, and please vote for my book!! Love you guys!


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