chapter 4

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"Somethings changes with time, and Somethings remains the same."

(Liam's pov)

So this is it. My new job I wonder as I reach the location of the place that will provide me a place to stay and food to eat after coming out of that hell.

The smell of sweat of the hard-working workers and the loud noise of the metals and other objects filled the air and the neighborhood.

Nervousness began hitting me as I stepped in the site, all I hope for is for time to pass as fast as it can and to get peacefull days here in this new place away from my buried feelings.


"OK mom! I'm leaving for the delivery!", Isla yells as she starts her scooter with boxes of lunch kept tied on the back of the scooter.

Soon, Isla arrives at the construction site that placed the lunch order. She grabs the packets filled with lunch boxes and heads directly to where the workers are waiting. Isla distributes the lunch boxes, but just as she's about to leave, one of the workers stops her with a request.

"Sister, could you please take a few of these lunch packets to the 3rd floor of the building? Everyone up there is hungry and busy working, and they can't come down here. Can you help us out?" The worker pleads, his breath uneven, clothes drenched in sweat. Isla can tell he's already exhausted.

"Of course," Isla agrees with a smile, taking a few lunch boxes and making her way inside the building.

As Isla stepped onto the narrow staircase, she noticed something unsettling. A network of metal rods, suspended by thick ropes, crisscrossed the open space. They swayed gently, like precarious bridges between worlds. Isla's heart skipped a beat. She had to be careful-each step mattered.

(Liam's pov)

Looking around and finishing my lunch, my eyes capture something familiar, or someone. Isla.

She looks... just like before... her smile... her eyes... hairs... her everything is just like... before... but something isn't... I can't go to her...
But it will be ok if I watch her from afar... yeah it should be ok...

I watch her as she continues to walk, but then I hear a loud creak echoed through the building, what was this? Then I saw ropes strained to which the metal roads were tied, the metal rods began to sway violently. I see isla freeze, her lunch boxes slipping from her grasp. The world seemed to slow down as the rods tilted, threatening to crash down.

Without thinking anything, I splint towards her in full speed, grabbing on to her and pulling her aside with me, the metal roads fall making a loud thump as they plummet to the ground, attracting everyone's attention.
My eyes closed with hands covering Isla as a attempt to protect Isla.

Slowly I open my eyes and see Isla's eyes shut out of fear, her heart racing, I could feel her heartbeat, and even hear it, as her and her heartbeats wasn't a new things to me...

I gently nudge her, to let her know that everything is OK now, that she is safe, she opens her eyes, staring at me. The same eyes. The same person. But the different feeling.

I stand up, and help her get up too, fortunately she doesn't look too shocked or scared.

I look at her and she looks at me too. For a minute it felt like the time has stopped. I can no longer feel the time passing, or thing happening or even the loud noises of the construction. It was just her and me.

(Isla's pov)

I look up at the figure infront of me, the boy who appeared out of no where and saved me, stood there, chest heaving, sweat-soaked shirt clinging to his skin. His eyes bore into mine, a mix of relief and urgency.

It's certainly the first time I'm meeting him today, but then what is this familiar feeling that I'm feeling?

"Oh are you ok?, I ask in a gentle voice.

"I'm the one who should be asking you that, as it was you who was in danger" He says, in raw voice.

"Yeah... I guess", Isla replies with an awkward chuckle.

"But look now, I'm great, I wasn't hurt, you saved my life" Isla says moving around a little and with a genuine smile.

"But you could have died!" The boy raised his voice a little, catching Isla off guard.

Looking at him, Isla says, "but I didn't, you saved me, and we both are ok"

"And why should we waste time thinking about what could have happened when everything turned out just fine in the end?" Isla added.

Sighning, Liam starts to walk away, but then Isla calls out to him,

"Hey!, wait!" Isla raised her voice,

Liam stopped in his tracks and slowly turns around to face isla,

"thankyou for saving me, here, take this card, this is my restaurant, if you come here i will surely get you a wholesome feed as a thankyou" Isla expresses her gratitude.

"It's nothing, we look out for eachother here" Liam says, coldly.

"Ah I guess" Isla replies while scratching her neck.

"Your nam-" she asks

"No need to know, there won't be a second time" Liam replies and walks away, leaving Isla there.

Leaving Isla there, making her curse him on his rudeness, but she still can't deny the fact that he did save her.

"That rude of a savior monkey, like I know he saved me and I'm grateful to him for that, he saved me risking his life, it's a big deal, but again he didn't have to be that cold... it's not like I cheated on him as his girlfriend in another life huh.
Just come to my restaurant, and see what spicy food I give you huh
Mr cold Goody monkey huh"
Isla talks to herself as she drives her scooter back to the restaurant.

(Liam's pov)

"She is still like before, she didn't change a bit."
Liam chuckles at his thoughts.

"Ack! My tongue! It hurts!"
Liam yelps in pain.

"Did you bite your tongue" Liam's roommate asks.


"Haha someone must be cursing you" Liam's roommate replies.

"Huh what is this doll in your cupboard?" Liam's roommate questions, looking at the doll dressed In a beautiful red gown adorned with beautiful gems.

"No! Don't touch that!" Liam yells and sprinting towards the cupboard and pushing his roommate aside earning a look of disbelief from his roommate.

"What bro, you are a grown up, yet you still play with toys, and dolls at that" Liam's roommate says while laughing and making fun of Liam.

"Whatever, just don't you ever dare to touch it" Liam warns his roommate and locks the doll away somewhere in the cupboard.

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