Story 1 -the Male knight

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On world 4116, there is a knight with a sword, and armor. The knight is kind, friendly, and has the personality of a gentleman. The knight also has his rule. Don't kill a wrong person, and always be kind to woman, especially a little girl.

One day, the knight has ordered by the king of Rizart kingdom to protect Mildtown from a bandit. The knight accept the order, and he goes to Mildtown by himself.

After he arrived on Mildtown, his way blocked by the group of bandits.
"So, these bandits who making people scared and blocking my way." Said the knight.

"Where are you going a mr knight." Said one of bandit with mocking voice.

"I will erase you from this world." Said the knight with ready to draw his sword.

"Heh, you just merely knight, don't think you can win by yourself!" Said the bandit, and charge toward the knight with sword.

The knight draw his weapon, and slash hand of the bandit that charge toward him with fast.

"Wha-" the bandit shocked as the knight slash his hand and cut it.

"Just this your power? Pathetic." Said the knight with cold, and mocking one.

"Everyone, kill him!" Said the leader of the bandit.

The knight sighed, and do rolling slash to slash all bandits that surrounded him.

"He's very powerful!" Said one of bandit that got slashed on stomach.

"Why you don't just do a better job than became bandit? Like, adventurer for example." Said the knight with warm, but still serious tones.

"That not your business!" Said bandit with charge toward the knight.

"You know, be a bandit that more risk than be adventurer." Said the knight before kick the bandit that charge toward him.

The group of bandits defeated, only the leader left still conscious.

"So, you are the leader? Pathetic." Said the knight with ready to charge.

"It's not over yet!" Said the leader of bandit with his rage.

"Unfortunately for your own life." The knight charge toward the leader of bandit, and kill him with mercy.

The group of bandits now totally defeated.

"Hmmm, it's still around the Mildtown, but the bandits are surrounded here." He though to himself.

"This a big problem." Said the knight with continue his order from the king.

The knight continue his way, and now he arrived at Mildtown city. -to be continued

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