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The farewell was tearful, Pietro promising them this wouldn't be the last time they saw him.

Arriving back at the tower, Wanda was waiting. She ran to her brother at the first sight of him, hugging him tightly. "How was your trip? Kak dela?"

"I am fine. Stop worrying." He was absolutely exhausted, eyes half lidded. It brought out a thicker slur to his voice, which only made Wanda worry more.

''Come on. Let me get you comfortable inside."

They entered the tower, warm air more than welcome to the older twin. He'd started shivering slightly, blue mist rising. They passed the weight room while heading to the elevator, Steve quickly racking the bar he was lifting to rush out to meet them.

"Hey Barton, Maximoff. I need to talk to you." He spoke before realizing both Maximoffs were present. "Wanda, I mean."

"My brother just got back from tiring trip. I will not leave him, so he comes or you speak with me later." Her eyes flashed red.

Steve awkwardly scratched his neck. "Of course. Let's go to the conference room."

They moved through the halls of the tower before coming to a room with a long table and many screens. They spoke of events going on in the news, Pietro really making no attempt to follow along. He watched the way Steve's eyes avoided him, the way his expression saddened slightly while he watched Clint toy with his lover's hair. He was pulled from his thoughts by his name.

"Oh yes, make us go on mission across the world and leave my brother alone. Have you even stopped to think who will care for Pietro if we go as you wish? What is your plan there, huh? I would love to hear it." His sister hissed and she protectively grabbed his arm.

He weakly put his hand atop hers, tipping his head. "It is okay, Wanda. Uspokoit'sya."

"It is not okay! You are dying and he wants us to leave you." She growled, red reflection vibrant in her eyes. "I will not have you suffer alone."

Pietro went to protest again, words too slow and being cut off by Steve. "The team has had a meeting about this. We wanted to make sure this was feasible before bringing it to all of your attentions. We believe we can make it possible for Pietro to go with you."

Clint's fingers instantly stopped combing through the silver hair. "What?"

"Don't want," Pietro spoke as clear as possible. "To burden. I make mission harder."

"You wouldn't be near the danger zone. Only near enough so Clint and Wanda could keep tabs on you." Steve spoke quickly.


With that, they were boarding the quinjet a week later.

Clint was settling Pietro across the seats, ensuring he was comfortable before securing a comm in his ear. "Are you good, Speedy?"

"Mhm. Fine." The thin man smiled weakly as Clint brushed fingers over his cheek before kissing him. The younger's reciprocation was hardly there at this point, but the blush that rose to his cheeks was everything.

The archer took his place in the cockpit, Wanda sitting by her brother. Natasha was on the mission too, sharpening knives across from the duo.

"Sleep, brother. Get your rest." The witch gently held his hand. At this Pietro spoke softly in his native tongue, the younger twin shushing him. "I keep watch."

Pietro drifted off slowly, Natasha waiting for his short wheezes to begin before speaking. "You should get some sleep too before we get there, y'know."

"I must watch over him, I will be fine. Thank you for the concern." She replied softly.

"Hey, you and Clint can't do this alone. Let me watch him for a bit, go take a nap." Nat's eyes softened.

Wanda trusted Natasha. She'd stayed with her brother before. Sighing, she nodded. "Okay. Watch his breathing, wake me if he needs anything."

She stood, giving a last glance at her brother before laying across the bench of seats toward the back of the plane. The assasin took her still warm seat next to the man, playing idlely on her phone. She listened intently to his breathing, making sure the strained breaths didn't change. It was about thirty minutes later when Pietro woke, holding back a groan. Jet seating didn't make the most comfortable bed and his back made that well known to him. Natasha looked over as his breathing changed.

"Hey, 'Silver. You need anything?" She asked him like she would ask anyone.

"Mh, back." He winced, drawing a sharp breath. "Hurts."

She rummaged through his bag, holding an orange pill bottle before him. "This one?"

The small man hummed. Nat slowly sat him up, pausing when he gave a low whine. He panted, looking to her as he spoke. "Am fine."

She continued to get him sat up, placing the tablets into his slightly ajar mouth. She reached over to grab his water bottle, placing the straw to his mouth.

He managed to swallow the pills as she put the bottle back. "Is sitting up better, or laying down?"

"Sitting... a bit. Still hurts." She had to devote full attention to understanding him now.

"Want me to get Clint or Wanda?"

He groaned. "Nyet. Am fine. Don't worry them." His eyes are shut, fingers flickering. His pain was etched into his features, breathing quick.

Wanda was passed out, she hadn't slept more than a few hours in the past few days.

"You're really not looking too good, dude." She was tense.

Pietro managed a laugh. "Thank you. Always boosting my confidence."

"You know that's not what I meant, you ass." She knocked him softly on the back on the head.

He just sighed. "I will live. For now. Pain is not my killer."

"You don't need to be in agony like this." She swept the hair from his eyes. "Let me get Wanda, she can help with the pain."

"Don't want her in my head." His eyes opened, eyes tracking her every move. "She will feel it."

"So Clint, then?" His eyes darken for a moment before he gives an agreeing hum.

She makes sure he's in a stable position before walking off to the archer. "Switch with me." She discreetly signed 'Pietro in pain.'

He got up instantly, without another thought. As soon as Pietro saw him the dam broke, the front he was putting up falling. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he cried out as Clint moved him. The older was holding him as comfortably as he could, rubbing his chest. "Where does it hurt, gorgeous?"

"Back. Hips." He whined. "Nat give me pills."

Clint held him tenderly as he cried and mumbled unintelligibly in sokovian. Wanda must really be exhausted to sleep through this. Was one of the older's only thoughts.

As if on que, she sat upright with a gasp. She had tears streaming down her face, matching her brother's. "Why didn't anyone wake me?" She seethed, rushing to her twin's side.

"I... told them no." Pietro's voice cracked. "Don't. Not in my head."

She stroked his hair. "Piet, I can make this lesser. Let me help." She pleaded.

"No. Is too bad, you will feel it." He was all but sobbing at this point, completely unable to be understood by Natasha.

"I must, brother." Red mist swirled, his eyes fluttering closed and cries being replaced with weak breaths. Wanda shook, the mist continuing to spill from her fingertips. She breathed heavily, eyes blank. She sat unmoving for several minutes, tears spilling over onto the floor of the plane.

She then blinked a few times, mist tapering off. The tears did not.

"Hey, kid. You okay?" Clint put a hand to her shoulder. She just shivered, pupils blown.

"I- he- he is not well. Not at all, this is getting bad." She shuddered. "His pain, his fear. It's too much."

Clint's unspoken I know rang through the air.

Increasingly Painful and Incredibly CloseWhere stories live. Discover now