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"Stop looking at me like that."

Pietro growled, slouched against Clint as he sat up on the couch. The archer had been helping him drink some water when Stark had entered the room. He'd paused in his tracks, eyes sad as he saw his team member's struggle.

"Sorry kid, didn't mean to." Tony averted his gaze, switching to looking at the floor.

"No pity. I am not a wounded kitten, Stark." The words sounded thick in his mouth. "I do not want pity."

Tony raised his hands in a motion to stop. "I don't pity you, speedy. Don't worry." He continued on to whatever he was doing.

Clint resumed the task at hand, tipping a straw into the youngers mouth. Pietro gave a weak cough, choking slightly on the water. The archer patted his back, helpless until the coughing fit faded. He offered more water, but the other just shook his head. Leaning deeper into Clint's chest, he sighed. "I could still beat you in a race, old man."

"You probably could, 'Silver." The older pressed a kiss to his head.

A spasm wracked Pietro's leg, enhanced speed making a blue blur. The man hissed, face tense. He could sense Wanda checking in on him, trying to soothe his pain the best she could. Clint just held him, stroking his hair and whispering sweet nothings.

"I'm here. Just try to relax, sweetheart. Breathe through it."

The spasm wound down around the same time Wanda rushed in. "I came as fast as I could. How can I help, brother? What hurts?"

"Nyet, Wanda. I am okay. Don't worry."  He spoke through clenched teeth. "I am fine."

Wanda huffed, throwing up her arms. "Let me help you, Piet! I will not allow you to be in so much pain without me here to help."

She instantly got to work fluffing pillows and repositioning his limbs. Clint could do all this, but he said nothing, in fear of her anger. "Clint. Get meds for him. Now." She ordered.

"Stop ordering my boyfriend around, Wanda. I am fine-" As he spoke Clint manuvered out from under him, cutting him off with a kiss.

"I don't mind, love. I'm bossy too when you're hurting." He jogged off. He could be heard rustling through the nightstand for a perscription bottle.

Pietro felt terrible. Everyone was helping him all the time, and there was no way to repay them. Clint had even taken to sleeping with his hearing aides in, in case the younger needed anything in the night. He couldn't walk, couldn't do anything by himself. It hurt more than the physical pain he was in.

"Stop fretting," he looked at her deeply. "Stop fussing over me. I just want you to be happy. I want you to enjoy your life."

Wanda's eyes briefly flashed red. She sighed, playing with his hair. "I want you to be comfortable through this, Pietro. I want you feel loved before..."

"Before I die." He finished, pondering his response. "What can give me the most comfort is watching you live Wanda. I want to see you be happy. That will bring me comfort."

Clint returned, sitting Pietro up slowly and placing two pills in his mouth, followed by the straw from the glass of water.

He swallowed the medication reluctantly, stifling a cough as he struggled not to choke again. The older twin weakly held his sister's hand. "It's ironic, really. Slow death for fast man." He laughed softly, his sister and boyfriend both looking entirely unamused

"What? You didn't see that joke coming?" He smirked as Clint laid him back onto many pillows.

"Shut up, roadrunner." The other man said with no malice behind his words. "Wanda and I have to go now, team meeting. I'd take you with but i know you're happy to finally have an excuse to ditch."

"Am not... part of the team anymore, anyway." Pietro breathed shakily. "You both go. I am fine here." He waved the tv remote, showing it as if it was obvious he had better plans.

Clint kissed him passionately, foreheards pressed together. "You need anything?"

"Nyet. Go, I will call if I need." He shooed them away, turning on the tv.

Before long he grew bored, fighting to sit up. He eventually got it, gripping the fabric of the couch as well as he could. He breathed heavily, fighting with the hoodie he wore before he got stuck. Losing his grip, he flopped back down onto the couch. Pietro groaned, tossing and turning as much as he could trying to escape the hoodie turned straight jacket.

Natasha walked through on her way to the kitchen, eyeing the man on the couch. "Need a hand?"

Pietro growled lowly, shuffling in an attempt to free himself once more. "Yes. I- I cannot."

Nat was nonchalant, always acted like the world wasn't ending even when it was. He appreciated that about her. She kicked her shoes off, sitting on the coffee table next to him. "Want it on or off?"

"Off." He mumbled. "Snimi moyu tolstovku." His voice was near a whisper in shame.

"Alright, hold on." She gentle removing the sweatshirt, but not nearly as careful as Wanda or Clint. He also appreciated this, not being treated like he was glass. "Need anything else?"

"No, I'm okay. I manage fine." His head lolled back against the now scrambled pillows, eyes half lidded.

The assasin gave a short laugh, lifting his head slide a small pillow behind his neck. "Sure you do, Maximoff."

"I will fight you." His tone deadpan. "Would you mind- uh, helping me hold the water." He gestured loosely to the glass beside Natasha.

She just silently holds the cup close to him, weak hands clumbsily grabbing at the straw. He gets it to his mouth and drinks slowly, coughing harshly as his position made it even more difficult for him to swallow. Nat quickly sets the cup down, sitting him up and rubbing his back as he sputtered and hacked weakly.

"Hey, Pietro, breathe. Can't have you dying on me, Barton would kill me." She has a light tone to her voice but it's shadowed by worry.

"I- fine- am okay." He managed, chest heaving. "Don't," Pietro could tell what she was thinking. "Don't worry Clint."

"Don't worry me about what?" The silver haired man tipped his head back, catching sight of his lover.

"Nothing, water just went down the wrong way." Nat laid him back down, squeezing his shoulder affectionately.

Clint came over and kissed him softly, pulling back to play with his hair. "Love you, 'Silver."

"Love you too."

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