25: Xenia/Romano.

Start from the beginning

As the car rolled to a stop in the parking lot, Romano let out a breath he'd been holding, unaware that I had observed his subtle shift in tension and composure. It was a fleeting moment, but one that spoke volumes to those trained to understand his moods.

"Wait in the car," he instructed me, and in that moment, my heart shattered. I had followed him here, hoping for some semblance of support or reassurance, but I realized now that was too much to ask. What had I expected? For him to hold me close, to walk beside me as we faced this together, like the perfect couple?

Respecting his need for privacy, I nodded silently. "Don't take too long. I'm tired already."

"Alright," he replied, and with that, he stepped out of the car, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the uncertainty of this whole situation.


Romano De Rosi

When I tore my gaze away from my phone, I noticed Katie approaching. I had phoned her to disclose my location in the carpark, yet the arrangement left me uneasy. I would have preferred if we were in a car, a more secluded setting, not because I desired to touch her, but simply to alleviate the awkwardness.

She moved with an aura stained with uncertainty. Katie was known for her confidence and typically didn't carry herself as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders.

Her emerald dress shimmered under the carpark lights as she advanced, her expression devoid of any smile. She wore brown flats with minimal heels, her hair dancing freely in the wind. She appeared different, perhaps paler and more drained, or perhaps the absence of seeing her for over a week had skewed my perception.

For the first time in ages, my initial reaction upon seeing her wasn't pleasure; it was concern. I didn't want her to undress; instead, I wanted to understand what was troubling her.

"How are you?" I inquired as she halted before me.

"Somewhere between screwed and devastated," she replied, devoid of any smile, her demeanor firm.

I reached out, clasping her hand and drawing her nearer, gently brushing her short black hair away from her face. Despite the damning red lipstick, which evoked memories of unspeakable things, a darker thought flickered in my mind: was she leaving?

"It can't be that bad, Kate," I said, more hopeful than reassuring. "Tell me. You've never hesitated to confide in me, just as I've never hesitated to offer help."

In an instant, tears welled up in her eyes, her voice quivering even more than the wind. The sky remained somber, mirroring the darkness within her. Katie averted her gaze from the sky and withdrew her hand from mine.

"This time, it's different. I never intended for it to happen, and I'm not trying to set you back or cause you any problems—"

"Damn it, Kate! Get to the point. You're not making any sense."

With a firm nod, she turned away, briefly sashaying out of my reach. My eyes involuntarily traced her curves.

Katie stood at an average height, her slender yet athletic frame proposing strength and agility, though she wasn't as tough as she appeared. Her shoulders were gracefully proportioned, tapering down to a defined waistline. With a straight posture and a poised demeanor, it was evident to anyone that she was a woman who was confident in her own skin, which explained why the men at RoyalGrey had eyes on her.

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