13: Romano.

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A loaded handgun secured at my waist, I rapped twice against the door, bracing myself for the impending revelation. Footsteps approached the entrance, and I steeled myself for the encounter that awaited beyond.

"April, you have a bad habit of always forgetting something!" A female voice tore through. The doorknob shifted, accompanied by a brief creak.

Suddenly, a woman's hand materialized, fingers fair and delicate, beautified with impeccably manicured nails painted a deep, captivating red. The hand gave way to a toned arm with flawless skin, and as she emerged into the dawn's first light, a cascade of red hair came into view.

"Xenia..." Ordinarily, my voice would have been firm, but I had whispered, unintentionally infusing an unexpected fragility into my tone.

In spite of the fact that I wanted to savor the deep and apprehensive look in her eyes as the brown darkened and became more intense, my eyes betrayed me by drifting to her chest, There, it fixated on the silver necklace nestled between her cleavage.

A burst of color on her left chest drew my attention, diverting my eyes from her parted lips. A butterfly tattoo tinted her skin there, affirming her commitment to the butterfly spirit. Marvelous. The fractured wings of the butterfly appeared to flutter against her, their vigorous colors contrasting beautifully with the gentle curves of her neck. Despite my instinct to be stern, the quote softened me; she wore it like a captivating accessory, encapsulating her playful and whimsical essence.

I admired it.


I pushed the door ajar with some effort, creating enough space for me to enter. My hand grasped her neck, guiding her inside with me. "You're not alone, are you?"

Her demeanor underwent a sudden transformation. A pallor spread across her face, and her eyes widened further, as if she had come face to face with a ghost. Shock had seemingly robbed her of speech, leaving her to shake her head and tense up, paralyzed in both movement and words.


"Romano, yes." I rushed to her aid, choosing the right words. "What were you thinking? Did you believe boarding a jet and fleeing to another region would keep you safe from me?"

Like ice under a seething liquid, she melted away. "You're not supposed to be here. I'll scream if you try to hurt me."

Damn, I was itching for a taste of those soft lips, but things had gone sideways. If this was three months ago, after having tracked her down, we'd be kissing like there's no tomorrow. However, she was different now—looked and acted differently. My feelings for her, though still intense, couldn't be acted upon, especially when I needed to set an example as the Don.

A coercer should not be kissed; she should be subdued.

"Where's your gun, Romano?" Her question puzzled me, but I lifted my jacket, revealing I had it within easy reach. It was a threat. "Why not rain bullets on me? If you expect me to kneel and make you feel good, then you're oblivious to the transformation five months have brought upon me."

I laughed, releasing her neck, watching her soothe the reddened skin with her fingers. "Do you really think me a fucking idiot that a blowjob is the first thing on my mind after learning of your bloody atrocity?"

"Bloody atrocity?" She ironically giggled. "Why then did your last note make you sound like a fucking idiot?"

...Last note? "What the hell is a last note? Have I ever written you any note? How can there be a last of something that doesn't even have a first to begin with?"

Eyes dilating as a result of confusion, Xenia looked askance.

"Xenia, I don't pen down words. If I want you to know something, I have a very passionate relationship with verbal demands."

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