Chapter 10 - The Original

Start from the beginning

"I don't know. Those wizards are something else. But there is no way that Yamai just appeared from one of them. So, I will hear you out. But, any chance we can do this over a meal? I haven't prepped anything to go in the pot." Asked Mage.

"I'll see if Shido can make room for a VIP table at his house."

< The rest of us will hit the diner. You enjoy the meal. Sound good? >



It was a little awkward as Shido was making a meal for someone he's never met and under interesting conditions. As he was working at the stove, (F/N) was one burner over preparing tea. Seeing Mage and Yamai as new faces had him concerned and a little optimistic. 

"So, want to fill me in?" He asked.

"We have another magic user and she has a mirror that summoned Yamai from the twins. Instead of combining them, this magic mirror summoned the real Yamai. So yeah this goddess like girl is sitting down with us as we talk about our side with Mage. Don't know here real name yet either so this is going to be good. Wanted to pull her out from her hideout."

"You're a good man (F/N)."

"You're amazing for hosting and cooking. Hope you're joining us man. This is for you too ya know." (F/N) smiled as he took the teapot off the stove and went over to the table to serve. 

After serving everyone, (F/N) found himself sitting in between the twins and across from left to right was Yamai, Shido, and Mage. This was going to be some ramen meal as this was a last minute plan. Time to get to know what Mage is up to and how long Yamai will be around for. 

"Thank you. This has been sometime since I have sat down to eat with company." Mage bowed her head.

"It's our pleasure. I'm Shido. Welcome to my home. We all have meals here. I don't think I caught your name."

"My name is Makoto (truth in Japanese)." She smiled. "I can't thank you enough. You all have made me feel, welcomed. I feel, human again."

"Human?" Pondered (F/N).

"They say someone who has magic power is more monster than human. Humans frown upon us, monsters will frown upon the magic. In other words, neither sides like us and we usually seclude ourselves. It's why I went to a house where no one would come looking for me. Others won't throw things or break the windows either. The house did have windows, but after people threw rocks through them, they got boarded up."

"That's terrible Makoto. Don't worry. You will be safe here." Shido nodded.

"Where would I live? This is a normal house and there are already many people here." Questioned Makoto.

"Oh, next door is the apartments for spirits. You will meet Tohka and the others. The twins share a space too."

"Glad you are so good to them (F/N) and Shido." Said Yamai sipping her tea. 

"Also Makoto, how long does the mirror magic last again?"

"I give it another hour. Should be enough time."

"Swell. Enough to at least hug everyone and I can take my leave, yes?" Yamai winked at (F/N).

"I didn't picture her being the flirting type." Said Kaguya.

"Sincerity. We did not. It's why our last test was over man's affection." Replied Yuzuru.

"Makoto. Yamai. It's a pleasure of sitting down eating with both of you. We all need to do this again." Turning his attention to Kaguya and then to Yuzuru. "I'm happy to have the two of you here as well."

They all thanked him.

"Makoto, me and the girls will help you with your belongings up in an apartment for you. In the meantime, let's enjoy the time we have with each other here."

The time passed as the late lunch was served and eaten. It wasn't long until the plates were clean and the truth mirror's magic was going to run out. When the kitchen was clean there was the goodbyes. Yamai put the twins in her left and right arms for a group hug and giggles. There was nothing but smiles during this somewhat optimistic goodbye. At last, Yamai looked at (F/N) straight up. 

"I know I have to go, but I just want to do this." She hugged him into her chest and kissed him on the forehead. "Goodbye (F/N). Take care of my girls for me. I'm sure you matter to them more than you think or realize." Giving him a wink as she stretched out the hug having her hands comfort the back of his neck. "See you soon?"

"Yeah, hopefully." He blushed. Her presence, scent, and there was this warm, cute, yet flirty aroma and feel that she shined on everyone. It was different and a feeling he was not used to. 

"Goodbye for now (F/N). Don't hesitate to call me back." There were sparkles that started to glow around her. Around her hair and smile. Thankfully for everyone there were no tears shed. This wasn't a goodbye, it was...

"See you soon Yamai. Dinner on me next time."

She smiled and she was gone. 

"You okay?" Asked Shido.

"Yeah man. Now, let's get back to the real thing. Makoto needs to feel out the apartment, and the twins need help with an essay since our off day is almost over. Thanks again for the meal. I'm going to have at it." Girls I know she is great, but I learned today how special you two really are. I don't know if we can sit down and explain how exactly I feel right now to put pressure on everyone including Shido, but one day I will. Something tells me it's coming up too.


See ya know isn't a goodbye. So they say. 

Will there be a next time? And when will (F/N) get a grip?


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