Chapter 4 - Bond

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It weighed heavy on (F/N)'s mind as what to do. But as Reine put both of them back to their room at the inn, she was about to give them a huge hint. Giving them an easy groundball. In other words, routine instructions rather than having them figure it out. There wasn't much time left. They were leaving the island tomorrow. Everyone wanted them aboard. Hoping by then the contact with the airship would be back. (F/N), Reine, and Shido wouldn't be winging it the whole time. Twins are always a handful and to boot Tohka and Origami still fight like hell.

"Girls, no matter what happens, you should both kiss him goodbye. His lips are big enough for the two of you. And no fighting please." Reine let them know calmy and firmly as she left the room. Leaving the twins leaving them with much open thought.

"Hey Yuzuru?" Kaguya looked over sitting on the edge of the bed. "If you were able to blend in with the humans and head over to them, what would you like to do?"

Yuzuru smiled. "Proposition. I'd like to try attending school."

"Yeah, why not? The boys would be all over you." Smiled Kaguya.

"Negative. The boys would love your elegant figure."

Kaguya shook her head. "You have the mature and model body. Not me."

"Confirmation. We should meet him by the beach and find out his answer. No matter what happens it's for the best."

"Yeah..." Kaguya got nervous. "It's a little scary."

"Agreed." Yuzuru gripped her chest. "It would be difficult not having you by my side."

Along side the sand and ocean was (F/N) heavy on the mind about what to do. There was keeping a girl happy, then there was choosing one to be a lover and one to go away forever. It was driving him crazy. Having girls fall into place is one thing, but choosing one's fate was a task he was not qualified for. He knew that Reine would bring them down to talk and he was going to have to wing it. Not great. Unsure of what Reine had planned, but he was appreciating every bit of help he could. Not seeing Shido, Tohka, and Origami made the last two days less drama fulfilled. 

"Reine? Please tell me there is a plan." (F/N) was dreadfully nervous. He had no intention of picking one of them. But could the two of them be in limbo their whole lives?

< Certainly. I'll be in the changing tent. >


< That's not important. The two of them have been instructed. They are nice and obedient. All for you. >

"Could you NOT make it sound dirty!?" He complained. 

"There you are." Said a voice.

"Introductions. Good evening handsome." Followed another voice.

I guess they're here. Time to face the music. "Good evening Girls."

"Hey (F/N) we've been talking with a few classmates. They speak highly about you. Especially yours friends Shido and Tohka." Kaguya smiled.

"Praise. Master Origami is quite fond of you. It's why she wanted to make our date special." Answered Yuzuru.

"No matter what happens we just wanted to let you know how we feel. Ourselves."

"Addition. No boy has ever made either of us feel special. Cherished without thinking. Putting us over themselves. We both want to spend more time with you for as long as we can."

"So we want to know, how you feel about us."

"Confirmation. Answer."

'Girls." He closed his eyes. "I want a world with the two of you living your lives to the best way you two can. That's what I want. I don't care if I'm involved or not. I met the two of you at this island and I'm leaving with both of you from this island. And when we get back, I want the two of you as sisters or friends. Not enemies. You deserve better than just fighting." It may not be manly per say, but he had to speak from his true emotions. Why should someone die? Why should the personality of two people disappear when they have hearts and souls as well?

The two of them smiled.

"You're too nice for your own good."

"Proposition. Let us thank you. Close your eyes."

"Okay." His eyes still closed, but he loosened up. Not as tense now.

The two girls walked up to him.


(F/N) opened his eyes. The two girls were smiling. They actually kissed him. He was surprised. Almost not feeling manly at all. Although it was his time to see what happens now. "Girls..."

"You're special too."

"Seduction. We want to make you feel cherished as well."

"You two, kissed me..." He smiled. But then he saw light. He then realized the next part is what he was afraid of. He hasn't seen them in their birthday suit just yet. For good reason. This is where he saw Reine come over with towels. Covering the two of them up. From school uniforms to visually preparing for mixed bathing. 

"Pardon me Girls." Said Reine after wrapping towels around the girls.

"What's going on?"

"Indecency. How am I going to get married if a man saw me naked?"

"Hold on. I didn't see a damn thing." Replied (F/N).

"I have clothes in the tent girls." Said Reine. "I'm sure he didn't see anything. But you can come back with us. As students."

"Accomplished. You really did do it." Smiled Yuzuru.

"That smile is as warm as I thought." Smiled (F/N). "Get dressed and let's have one last walk on the beach before turning in. How's that? Then when we get back, we will rotate dates. How's that sound?"

Reine just watched with a nod. Can't call it wing-woman, but she was a big reason why this was possible. While her and everyone on the ship helped three girls, Reine and (F/N) together have sealed two spirits. While accepting that one powerful spirit is okay being two.

Although, it did cross everyone's mind, how would dates work at home in their own environments?


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