Chapter 9 - Mage's Mirror

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With a chance to meet Yamai from a forbidden magic item ability, you, the twins, and Natsumi plan on an assault for the house on code named "Mage". Time to ramp it up.



(F/N) was getting himself together and got an earpiece in and he went to go talk to Kotori. He was still anxious after the discussion with Natsumi. He did feel better on one end, and part of him was making him more nervous. He hadn't told either of his girlfriends about those dreams. Natsumi was the only one to know about those lucid dreams he was having. Along with a mage being the next spirit contact and the thought and rumor of having a magic mirror. 

The mirror has been rumored around to have different names depending on who that person talked to. Although the concept of 'that, mirror' was all the same. There was one manga that (F/N) picked up that referred to it as 'Lilith's mirror' where the details were described as 'it reveals the monster's true self' which in this case, would mean the twins would reveal Yamai. For how long and what side effects? No one could guess. 

Was it wise to bring the twins for this operation? It was questionable. The girls could meet Yamai, or both turn into Yamai. Which one was the result? No one knew. Although there was no way that (F/N) was going out on a mission while Kaguya and Yuzuru let him go along. Not alone with only one spirit. Not every spirit is peaceful. Some could be more abrasive. Especially with Natsumi before Shido sealed her. 

< Hey (F/N), you hear me? > Asked Kotori.

"Yeah. I guess ready to rock, right?"

< Nervous? >

"I want to know if this mirror exists. If it doesn't, I can sleep peacefully. If it does, I need to find a way to protect the girls."

< They're capable and care about you. You are not in this alone. Why do you think Natsumi is going with you? >

"Got that part. I guess I will be at it."

The four of them went to the dead end suburban road as described. Some of the houses looked like they needed some love and upkeep. Then at the very end there was an old house with rotten wood all over. Including boarded up windows and broken glass in the front yard. This was quite creepy. There have been many spooky, crazy, scary, and immoral stories of these types of houses. From serial killers, to psychopaths, to people that just were not right in the head to people misunderstood and shying away from the world for whatever reason it may be. 

"This is freaky." Kaguya stood behind (F/N).

"Kaguya barrier." Yuzuru squatted behind Kaguya.

Natsumi looked at the twins and then at (F/N). She was in her bigger form. "Shall we, get this over with?" Asking in that husky voice.

"I suppose so. This is the place. Can't be anywhere else. Girls, can you please be careful?" The two of them nodded. "And you dolls stay away from any handheld mirror. How about that?"

"Sure thing..."


 Well then. I wonder if Natsumi is like this is both forms. Talk about persona. Kind weird how someone's attitude goes from mami or loli as fast a sports car goes 0-60 or even faster. Either way they are freaked out. As the whole team of four head to the door (F/N) heads to the door knob. As he turns it, he finds that the back of the door knob fell to the floor with a thud and the front knob was in his hand. 

"Joy..." He muttered.

"Sh!" Natsumi shushed everyone and everyone stood perfectly still as they could. Any noise in an abandoned house echoes throughout. Giving it a moment and Natsumi poked her head through. "Thank goodness. Let's walk in."

Natsumi waved her staff around to give herself a flashlight. Shining the light around the front door and stepping inside to see the opening hallway. No pictures on the walls or anything. Just simply a hallway that is covered in dust with minimal furniture. It doesn't even feel like a home. "Empty..."

"Where should we head first?" (F/N) asked.

"Name a show, anime, movie, or anything else where it isn't on the second floor?" Pondered Natsumi.

"Can't argue."

"Logical. Commence forward progress."

Everyone agreed. Following Natsumi who held the flashlight as they walked towards the stairs. As they got to them they saw a shine of light coming from up top. On top of the stairs there was a girl with royal purple hair and green eyes. "Are you the witches and warlock I have heard about?" 

There were footsteps coming forward to the top step. In front of the teenaged girl was a floating book that was glowing. (F/N) was amazed. This was clearly a Natsumi counterpart. "We mean no harm. I weld magic myself. So now, perhaps we can, turn the lights on?"

"Very well." Mage snapped her fingers and candles lit. Up the staircase and around the whole house there was now light. Mage wore a purple gown as she looked at her visitors. "So then. Did you come to my residence to run me out of town? Or are we fighting against the flying wizard regime?"

"The AST? No we aren't a part of them. We want to protect you from them if anything." Replied (F/N).

"I don't buy it. You think you're the only ones that have come here and tried to smooth talk your way in and out of here? No way." Mage pulled out a mirror from behind her. Whether she summoned it or not is anyone's guess.

"Hold on!" I guess she doesn't waste any time. My nightmare is right there in her hand. (F/N) was scared about that item. "Is that what I think it is?"

"The Truth Mirror. At least that's what I call it. I feel like it has several names. Now I have it turned to myself as I know what I am. But, just what about yourselves?"

Oh shit. Natsumi I understand, but the girls...

< Hey (F/N). I hate to say this, but if you break that mirror all hell will break lose. This is a must. >

"What if I lose them?" His heart sank.

"Now. For the moment of truth." Mage turned around the mirror. The area around turned a bright and blinding white. 

"Ah man." Natsumi was in her normal form. Her short and cute self. 

"Am I okay?" (F/N) looked down at his clothes and put his fingers in front of his face. "I think I am. Girls?"

"Fine I guess..." Natsumi sighed.


"Agreed. Safe and sound." 

Kaguya and Yuzuru were alright. What a relief!

"Hey. Why's it so bright and nasty in here?" There was this voice that no one recognized. Standing behind Kaguya and Yuzuru stood another orange haired teenaged girl standing 180 cm (5'11') tall with a large smile. "What's with this setting?"





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