Remake Announcement

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It's been a while and I apologize, I've been busy and could not spend much time to think or write to continue this story. However, I realize an obstacle for my motivation to continue this story was the way the current story was progressing. So I officially announce:

I will be starting over with this entire story! Remaking it so there won't be any obstacles to continue the story. However, as a plot the new story I will point out a few pros and cons.

Pro #1
The story will be completely refreshed, so all current events from the older chapters will not be counted as still canon.

Con #1
Story will not be enemies to lovers anymore, sorry. I can promise tension between both characters at the start, but this will not count them as particularly enemies to each other. Perhaps rivals, but not enemies. So if you came for enemies to lovers, I can't promise that anymore.

Pro #2
Although enemies to lovers was removed, this story will still be GL meaning girlxgirl. Simply two women falling in love with nothing sexual included (perhaps you can imagine it, but I will not include any of that in my writing to preserve an audience for all ages).

Con #2
Despite this announcement, the prologue will NOT be released that soon because I still am not finished with school. So no confirmed prologue/first chapter release or upload schedule.

That should be all there is to speak of in this announcement. Will answer any questions from comments. Thank you.

Reckless Healing (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now