Chap 4

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I looked at the stunning view that was in front of me. I feeled relaxed and at home, like at night. I felt dizzy like if I was about to blackout but still looked around just to find myself in front of a big ass dragon. Guess that was the last straw of this crazy day and I fainted.

As I woke up the sun was rising and birds singing. I didn't opened my eyes at first to enjoy the calm of this morning. Until I remembered what happened last day. I opened my eyes just to see that all that had happened wasn't just a silly dream. It was real.

I sat up in the bed I was sleeping peacefully back few minutes ago and ran my eyes trough the room. I was full of energy, nothing like before when all I wanted to do was to rot in bed. I wanted to run miles. I got up silently so no one could hear me. When I first stepped outside the sun made my eyes hurt. I looked around, I could see the field of strawberry's that I saw yesterday. The smell of those berries floated in the air.

I made my way to a place where sum sort of little houses formed an U. I wanted to find Annabeth or Percy but no one was up yet. Only some random people that I didn't knew gave me some intrigued looks but still didn't dare to approach me. Until a boy came over, looking a bit stressed:

'hi you're new?' he said 'I'm Grover by the way'

I wanted to introduce myself too until I lowered my eyes and screamed. The boy - or I should say the goat. I don't know. Anyway he had goat legs instead of humans.

'damn hadn't thought that you were that new' he said backing off.

I concluded that I probably offended him and shut my mouth. I saw some people walking out of their Cabins ready to attack only to see me and Grover.

'sorry, I didn't meant to. I just never seen a goatboy' I explained him.

He looked at me fascinated.

'how come you never knew you were a demigod earlier, usually people discover this before they reach 14.' he asked me.

But the only thing I set my mind on was to to say:

'a demi-what?'

'oh crap, you're far behind.' he answered in despair. 'come I'll show you an explanation video'

I followed him back to the house I just got out of and he sat me in front of a little screen and played me a video. Basically that video explained me a LOT of things. As I walked out of the room I wasn't so shocked as before. Everything made sense now. My ADHD, dyslexia and imagination. Those creatures I've seen all my live were real.

'im not crazy!' I jumped in happiness when I saw Grover.

'no you're not, at least I hope not' he told me this time with a smile.

He then looked at the watch that was hanging on the wall and said it was already time for breakfast. Great because I was soooo hungry. Last day I only ate my breakfast as you remembere. He walked me to the table of Hermès. In the video there was said that I will stay at their cabin until my parent claimed me. I didn't really understood that part of claiming. Like how? The gods are going to send us a letter or something?

They all greeted me with smiles, that made me blush a bit because all the attention was on me. I sat and ate as a girl explained me many things. One of them was that tonight we'll be playing a new game in the woods. It sounded interesting but I have never even hold a sword in my hand. How was I supposed to FIGHT a monster:

'don't worry you'll catch it pretty quick' she reassured me.

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