Chap. 1

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It's 3 in the morning I need to go to sleep. But at the same time night is the moment I live the most. I don't know but the shadows give me the feeling of home, not like other girls of my age. By the way my name is Izabella matageva. Pretty strange name you would think but it's cus I'm half Russian, on my mom's side, half mom. Anyway I have really dark brown eyes, some people would say they're black. But the rest of my body was light toned, very light blond hair and pretty pale skin, that's cause I don't really go out. Now you probably think 'then how does she goes to school?' well it's simple, I'm homeschooled.

Kids my age living in the same building even got me a little nickname 'homeschooled freak', not very lovely from them, especially because I didn't do anything to them.

However that's about to change. Ladies and gentlemens tomorrow I'll be attending my first day of school! Well not a real day at school but a... What's it called, an 'orientation tour day'. I will have my first day of school at 15 years old. Hope I fit in, because it fells great to fit in. It's pretty hard for me since I have dyslexia and adhd, and also a lot of imagination. I keep seeing strange creatures since I'm little but doctors keept saying that it'll pass, but it never did. So now I just pretend that they don't exist!

Regardless I should really go to sleep or I will look like a walking corps tomorrow. Good night!

In the morning I woke up pretty early, at 7am. I couldn't sleep I kept woking up because of my dreams. Dreams not nightmares, I've never had nightmares as long as I remember at least. I just felt that something was not going to go the way it was supposed to today. But I didn't had a choice, and I was probably just paranoid.

So I got up and started to get ready for the day. I brushed my teeths and my hair. I attached my hair with a hair clip and went on choosing my clothes. Picked out something comfy, the last thing that I wanted to be bothered was by my clothes. Then I ate sum cereals for the breakfast, put on some shoes and wrote a note to my mom that said :

I'll walk myself to school don't worry about it mum! Get some sleep, I luv u. See you at 1pm.
       - bel.                           

She was supposed to get me there with her car but I thought that I was ready too soon and it would be better to let her rest since she tends to come home late at nights.

I opened the door of my apartment and stepped outside. I took the elevator to get down and got outside, the smeel of summer flew in my face. With a big smile on my face I started to walk. Now I needed to get to the Goode high school.

*hope you liked the first chapter, it is a bit short I'll try to make it longer next time!!! *

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