"Go Tet-chan!!!!" I shrieked, jumping onto the bench, leaping into the air!

Before we all know it the ball flew into the air.

"He's going to be able to block it," Colton muttered his thought.

A small smirk tugged on my lips as I looked at the dark haired male, "You're wrong," I state as I stare as the ball soared through the air, "Even Dai-kun couldn't block it... Mu-kun won't be able to as well...!"

My team let out a roar of a cheer as the fall entered the hoop.

"KUUUROOOOOKOOOOO!" My teammate's yelled as they jumped out of the bench in happiness.

"It's finally in!! Seirin's first basket!!"

I crossed my arm over my chest in pride. That's my Tet-chan!

Feeling a hand grip my ankle I looked down. But I squealed as my foot was pulled from underneath me.

Though before my back could make a sickening crunch as it landed on the floor, I dropped in pair of strong arms.

"Snow please sit down, we wouldn't want you to crack your head open right?" Colton gave me a chilling smile making me furiously nod my head.

As placed my hands on my lap and sat with my back straight, not moving a single millimeter.

A large hand landed on my head, patting it, "Good girl," Colton gave me a small smile.

At that moment, I realized that I was holding my breath and released it through my mouth. Though at the same time I could feel heat crawling up my neck as I avoided eye contact with the taller male.

Why am I blushing...?

"Snow, I remember you telling me your cousin couldn't... No, disliked shooting," Colton questioned as he cracked his back before looking back at the game.

My eyes zoned onto his leg that was twitching slightly.

I couldn't help the tiny smile to appear on my lips... Of course he would want to play after seeing this.

"Tet-chan can shoot... But the probability of it entering the hoop is very small. The least he tried to shoot the more it'll enter the ring. But it seems like he's been practicing while I was gone," I explained, seeing the change of his form.

My eyes moved to the bleachers where I spotted two familiar teens earlier when the game started.

Dai-kun.... Where you the one who helped Tet-chan...?


"Riiiikooooo-cooooach...?! Is it not my turn yeeeeet??" I whined as I dropped myself in her back as she seriously watched the game.

A small Yelp escaped my mouth as Riko-Coach flicked me on my forehead.

The brunette scowled and pointed to the court, "Watch the game Yuki-chan! Did you not just see Kagami-Kun being able to stop Okamura-san?"

I pouted and rubbed my forehead. Everyone's so abusive today....

"But warm yourself up, we're replacing you with Kuroko-kun so he can rest."

I snapped my head up and looked at the older female who looked down at her clipboard that had notes scribbled on it.

I quickly turn serious and take off my shoes, replacing them with my regular basketball shoes instead of the ones with the weights.

"Take all of them off Snow," a voice called as they took hold of my forearm. Colton who was earlier wearing a thicker coat because of the cold weather shed it and replaced it with a black baggy sweater.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko no basket fanfic)(DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora