Chapter 9🥀🥀

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Grandpa:"there he is....Prince Jeon JeongGuk"

Grandma said while showing the book to tae in which the pictures were.....making tae's eyes were wide in shocked and he was in is that even possible?? No this cant be true...Why the prince is looking exactly like cant be his jungkook right???

Tae:"i-is this really the p-prince maa??...."he asked still unsure it cant be his kook right....the prince was alive 1000 years ago is that even possible....

Grandma:"yes sweetie...he's the prince....prince jeongguk....."she said and tae looked at her totally out of words not knowing what to say....

Tae:"it can't be my way it cant be possible yeah they both are different...yes they are can be a coincidence right...its just a coincidence and nothing else yeah......"he thought and looked at her grandma....

Tae:"so the j-jeons are common here right???...."he asked try to find out if jungkook is by any chance related to the prince or royals???....maybe thats why he looks like the prince...maybe the prince was kook's ancestors thats why they look alike....

Grandma:"no honey....the prince was the last jeon to be exist on earyh....and the surname jeon only belongs to can not find any jeon in todays time because the king had no child apart from the prince......but w-why are you asking this??...."she asked worriedly and tae immediately shooked his head....his heart was thumbing loudly in his chest.....

Tae:"maa the village that is located at the end of the mansion were also included in the kingdom before as well????..."he asked making his grandparents confuse...

Grandpa:"about which village you're talking about bear???..."he asked confused...

Tae:"the village that is by the other side of the mansion a little far away from it..."he asked about the village from where kook came....

Grandpa:"but bear there isnt any village at the end of the mansion or little far away from it....after crossing the mansion you will only find abandoned forest and mountains there isn't anything else than that....the villages which were the part of kingdoms are all located in the south side..."he said and tae's heart dropped in his stomach hearing what his grandpa said....

Tae was shocked is that mean kook lied to him that day when he met him outside the mansion??? Is that mean kook is the cursed prince??? But kook is a alive person he himself felt his body his warmth...he saw him walking and talking with him....but if kook is really the prince than how he got released from the mansion??? And who's his lover???

Tae:"Grandma c-can you tell me more about the p-prince and his cursed???"he asked while his heart was beating loudly in his chest and he's sure that even his grandma can hear his heartbeat....his grandma saw the desperation and worry in tae's eyes and she nodded...

Grandma:"well sweetheart....people said the prince is still waiting for his lover to comeback and to free him from that mansion.....the prince is locked in his room....and when his lover will go inside the mansion and opened his room's door his soul will be free from the cursed and he can roam around the world freely....and then only his lover can able to see him and no one else..... but that freedom too has a limitations....

the prince can stay with his lover at the day time only like a normal person but as the night will came....he will turned into a soul and no longer in his human form his body will started to become cold like an ice....and he will turned into his demon form the cursed form of his but that form will soon vanish as well with his human form when the given time will be completed......his lover has to find his body before the time that witch has given to him....that is 1000 years.....and there isnt much time left....."she said and looked at tae who was in tears without his knowing his tears was rolling down from his eyes....he felt immense pain in his heart....then it hit him....

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