Chapter One

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Dusty, dirty, full of violence and problems, but it's still home for what remains of humanity.. We live in this small underground "paradise" while those Things live in their "Poptart-topia." Lately we've been running low on supplies. Most of our people are injured, sick, or too cowardly to go on missions to the surface. The only ones willing to go on these suicide missions is the team I gathured up. Terra is our tech expert.. Although we don't have much technology left she can adapt to whatever we find on our missions. Mark is the explosive expert and his explosives consist of an excessive amount of vinegar and baking soda. Ron is the coward that we force along on our missions. Last but we have the planner, combat expert, and leader of the team V aka me. I can create a weapon out of anything.

I get into fights all the time both in our shabby home and outside of the safe space so you kinda need to know how to defend yourself. I gather my team up and we head out of the safe zone to get some supplies. Unlike our home the surface is blindingly bright. All you smell is sugar, the grass is now rubber, any plants left have been genetically modified to create human parts (organs mostly) for the poptarts to eat. The plants are useful when someone needs surgery although the conditions are so bad that most die anyway. We end up passing rivers of blood and sugar. All animals are extinct so the only food we get are from the few poptarts were able to get our hands on and kill.

Now you probably think i've gone crazy and well you're probably right, how can you stay sane in a world like this. I mean we walked past a pool of BLOOD! I spot something moving. Instinctively I hide behind a tree. It's a poptart, most likely strawberry and it has no frosting. Poptarts have different classes based on flavor and frosting strawberry poptarts with no frosting are one of the lowest class. In poptart society, which makes them easy targets.

I sneak up on it holding my spear up ready to strike. " V f-find a-anything?" stuttered the voice of Ron., Of course my walkie talkie went off at this EXACT moment. The poptart knocks my spear to the ground making it bounce off a tree. We both made a grab for it but the poptart was faster than me. I dodge attack after attack. "V you t-there" Ron says through the walkie talkie. I picked it up "Kind of busy now Ron, maybe get me some backup." "W-what are the c-coordinates?," "Just use the tracker!" I say aggravated. My eyes search left to right for something to use as a weapon. Bingo, I spot a long, thin but sturdy tree branch. I grab it with both hands lifting myself off the ground swinging myself forward double kicking the monstrosity down on the ground. This results in the branch snapping as planned with me landing both feet on the ground impaling the poptart with the branch killing it. "Hey guys guess who just got us dinner. Find anything else?" I say into the walkie talkie. "Dude, I found this old store. I mean we've only heard stories of these things" Mark announced. You see the poptarts have ruled for so long that stores are old legends like a lot of things that you would find normal in your everyday life. "I see you hit the jackpot after we get this monster on its way to the base, I'll be there." I replied. I managed to get Ron to bring the poptart's body back to the sanctuary, so I was on my way to Mark's location. I ended up standing outside this small store. "Hey man you really are gonna want to see this!" he beamed with his head peeking out and his dark blue eyes shining in excitement. I went inside seeing the scratches Mark made having to pry open those once automatic doors. It was musky inside but I was used to the smell. Besides the stench, the looks of the place amazed me. The shelves were filled with food, bottled water and everything else we needed. Sure there were cobwebs and dirt everywhere but everything was still in incredible condition . "So boss, how're we going to bring all of this back?" Mark asked. "The base might be far but if we camouflage this place and mark a safe route on the map we wouldn't have to waste our time taking a ton of trips back. Fill your bag with water bottles and I'll fill mine with food to bring back for now" I replied as I was grabbing cans of what is possibly cream corn. We come back to the refuge entrance open. "For Ron's sake I hope a poptart got in and he just didn't leave the entrance open because I'm going to kill him." I chided, one eye twitching and slightly showing my concealed anger. Me and Mark go in and I make sure the door closes behind me. "RON!" I shout. "Y-yes sir" Ron squeaked. "Did you leave the entrance open?" I questioned. Ron dashes away. "Does he really think you will kill him?" Terra asks. "Well im this close to giving him up to the poptarts. Maybe if we let them have him we can make some sort of treaty." I huffed. I left and started walking down the streets of our underground town. Walking past all the boards and sharp pieces of metal piles that we call buildings. Two boys approach me, Rowan and Finn. I get into fights with these two all the time and always win. They're about 20 years old and I'm 16, so of course I'm smaller. Just because of that they think they can pick on me. " Look at what we got here Finn" Rowan said. "It's the little club leader. What do you call yourselves again? Erosters, erasers" Finn ribbed. "We're called the Erastries." I snarled. "HAH what a dumb name it doesn't make any sense!" Rowan snickered. "Well if you had a brain then you would get that we combined the words erase and pastries because poptarts are partries, you moron." I deflected. Rowan goes for a swing. "You never learn do you?" I roll my eyes. I snatch his arm and swing him down to the ground, knocking him out. Finn ends up fleeing in fear like always. Rowan is the one to throw the first punch resulting in him losing the fight and Finn running away. That's probably why Rowan has so many more bruises than Finn.

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