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William Devereaux

Six years ago

I rolled my eyes at the girl crying in the hall as she said goodbye to her parents. They held her as she bawled.

That's so embarrassing. It's day one and you will forever be known as the girl who lost her shit over being away from Mommy and Daddy.

I unlocked the door to my dorm and grimaced as I took in the sight. It was a shoebox. My sister's dogs live in bigger quarters than this. I turned towards the hall and opened the first door I saw.

As soon as I opened the door, a wave of disappointment washed over me. The room was small, it's impressive how they managed to fit a twin-sized bed, desk, and chair inside. The walls were painted in a dull shade of beige, and the only source of natural light was a tiny window that overlooked a brick wall. I closed the door behind me with a sigh. I sat on the bed and looked around at the small room.

I had been wallowing for about five minutes when the door suddenly opened and I met the wide eyes of who I assume is my roommate. She quickly scanned over me as I stood. I towered over her short stature. She was absolutely beautiful. Her bright chocolate-brown eyes finally relaxed as she watched me.

"You must be my roommate.", I spoke.
"I'm Auriella. Sorry for barging in. I didn't think anyone was here."
"William Devereaux.", I said. Her eyebrows slightly raised as she smirked.
"Sounds fancy. What do people usually call you?"
"William." What else would people call me?
"Wait, so none of your friends call you Will or Willy?" Maybe if I ever managed to make a friend. With as much as I switched schools, there didn't seem much of a point to try to make friends knowing I was bound to fuck up and be forced to leave.

"I don't have friends.", I said, trying my best not to sound like it bothered me.
"Well, you do now."
"What would you like to call me?", he smirked down at me.

As I gazed down at her, I couldn't help but feel captivated by her beauty. Her bright, piercing eyes seemed to study me, drawing me in with their intensity. I took a moment to fully absorb her presence, and the more I looked, the more I realized that words like "beautiful" simply didn't do her justice. She was captivating, a sight to behold. I'm left baffled by her.



I smiled brightly and wrapped my arm around Ella's waist as the cameras flashed. She should've gone into acting the way she stops and gazes into my eyes as if I'm the most important person in the world. As if she felt an ounce of love for me. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, earning a flutter of flashes and awed murmurs.

"William, are the rumors true?"
"Who is she?!"
"Is it true that you two are married?"

The gaggle of people shouted as Ella smiled. I looked over at my father who flashed the fakest smile I've ever seen. I've never seen my father smile genuinely. I don't think he knows how.

"I am honored to introduce you to my wife, Auriella Devereaux.", I said with a smile. Ella smiled up at me and fuck, it was almost like we were freshmen in college again. When my life was easy and I didn't have the entire world crushing me. When she was mine by choice and not here out of contractual obligation.

We left the crowd in a frenzy as we entered the gala. I could feel eyes piercing through my skin as I led my "wife" through the room. I had always dreaded galas, but this one was particularly overwhelming. The flashing lights and loud music made my head spin and my heart race. I quickly grabbed two glasses of champagne and handed Ella a glass.

"Take a slow, long sip.", I instructed.
"You don't think I'm capable of drinking a glass of champagne?", she said with a forced smile as a few people were staring at us. I know it was taking all of her strength to keep a low, polite tone.

"We have barely been seen together and we just told the entire world we're married. The first thing the media will assume is that we had a shotgun wedding because you're pregnant.", I explained. She nodded as if the thought hadn't crossed her mind before taking a slow, long sip of the champagne. I've been trained to think of every possible story the media will put out about us.

"Dance with me.", I said when I noticed her looking at a couple dancing together a few yards from us.
"You hate dancing."
"Not with you. We used to dance."
"We used to do a lot of things, Billy.", I almost flinched at her words, feeling the pain behind them. Neither of us will ever forget how much I hurt her.
"We can do those things again."
"Only in the public's eyes.", she said as if I needed a reminder of our situation.

I was about to reach for her when Father walked over to us.

"Your grandfather is here and wants to meet your wife.", he could barely disguise his disgust for Ella. I'll never understand why Father hates her. He's hated her since the moment they met.

"No, he's supposed to meet her next week. I haven't prepped her yet.", I say in a low voice.
"Why don't we just tell him the truth?", Ella asked, earning a scoff from Father.
"He is the reason that we're stuck with you for the next year and a half. He can't know the truth.", Father said. Ella rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"Not the full truth, but we can tell him about our past together. Dated in college, didn't work out, but we kept in touch over the years and we didn't want to waste any more time.", I nodded as I thought over the watered-down version of our history.
"Are you sure?"
"Billy, we'll be fine."
"You can't call him Billy here.", Father ordered.
"My wife will call me whatever she pleases.", I glared as I grabbed Ella's hand and began leading her to my grandfather. I heard my father scoff before following us. The old man smiled brightly as we approached. His eyes gazed over Ella before nodding in approval.

"Mr. Devereaux, it's very nice to meet you. I've heard many great things from Bi-William.", she said as she shook my grandfather's hand.

"Please, we're family now. Call me Charles. Unfortunately, my grandson has been very vague on details when it comes to you."
"'The beauty of secret love is in its purity, untouched by the world's impurities.'. I wasn't ready to share ma moitié with the world.", I said before kissing Ella's cheek.

"I look forward to welcoming you to our family and getting to know you, Auriella, but right now I have some business to discuss with my grandson. Do you mind keeping my guest company?", he asked, nodding to the younger woman standing behind him. She looked the same age as me.

"No problem at all.", she said as she kissed my cheek.

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