Weak for your love

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"Are you okay? You've seemed a bit off today," Sam asked me as we manoeuvred our way through the packed corridor, bodies inches away from colliding with ours. I wasn't sure what to say to him, it wasn't like I could tell Sam that the most dangerous individual on the planet was hiding away in our town; Wanda Maximoff had made it very clear that she didn't want anyone else to know about her presence here. I didn't want to put my best friend or anyone else in danger by telling them her secret, not knowing what she would do if I did.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired," I lied, rolling my eyes when someone stopped suddenly in front of me, almost making me crash into them. "Fucking freshmen," I mumbled under my breath as I stepped to the side. Sam chuckled at the annoyed expression on my face, knowing I hate people who are so unaware of their surroundings – like it isn't that hard to walk in a straight line, Jesus.

"Well if you want to talk, you know I'm here," he said, throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me out the door and into the cool afternoon air. I appreciated his kindness, but I would sadly have to decline the offer; protecting him was my main priority. I would happily suffer in silence if it meant he would be safe. "Do you want to go study in the library?" My eyes widened at the thought, and I quickly shut down the idea, reminded of yesterday's events.

"How about the café?" I asked, holding my breath as I waited for his answer.

"Yeah sure," he nodded, starting to walk in the direction of the little coffee shop. "Don't think I'm going to buy you a pastry or something though." I scoffed, knowing he would give in if I annoyed him enough.

The village we lived in wasn't very big, so it didn't take long to reach the small building, where the sweet fragrance of cakes and coffee invited us inside. Sam offered to go get our drinks while I settled down in our usual booth by the back of the café.

I took my coat off and settled into the corner, enjoying the warmth emitted from heaters. I sighed contentedly and pulled some work from my bag, deciding that English would be a good subject to revise.

"Hey y/n, is this seat taken?" I looked up to see Victoria Steinfeld standing at my table. I hadn't really talked to her before since she was a grade above me, so I was taken aback by her question.

"N-no," I said, blushing under her intense gaze. Her grey eyes sparkling knowingly at me. She was aware of the effect she could have on people, it wasn't a secret that she was very beautiful. She sat opposite me, placing her cup down on the table before brushing her long brown hair from her face. I gulped and looked down at my fidgeting hands, stopping when I noticed my nervous tick.

"Is that Romeo and Juliet?" She asked, nodding at the book peaking out of my bag.

"Oh yeah." I picked it up and handed it to her, our fingers brushing together in the process. She turned the book over in her hands with a small smile tugging at her full lips. "Have you read it?" I questioned. Judging by the impressed look on her face, I'd assumed she had. She hummed in reply as she passed the copy back to me.

"More times than I'd like to admit." My eyebrows raised slightly in response, there was definitely a lot more to Victoria than I'd initially thought.

"I didn't know you like reading."

"There's a lot you don't know about me," the brunette said, leaning forward so that her hands brushed against mine. My breath caught in my throat as her citrus perfume invaded my senses. I had no idea what was happening, but I definitely wasn't complaining. I looked down at her lips as she wet them, then back up at her sparkling eyes which held a glimmer of mischief. She moved her hand up to my face, cupping it as her thumb wiped just above my eyebrow. "Hold on," she whispered, her nails scratching lightly at my skin as she cleaned my face of whatever was on it. I scrunched my nose in confusion and she let out the most adorable giggle. "There was paint on your face," she explained, brushing my cheek with her long fingers before moving her hand back to rest on the table. I was sure I was blushing as she took a sip of her coffee, innocently gazing at me over her cup.

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