Pocketful of sunshine

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It had been three days since I met Wanda Maximoff and I couldn't get her out of my mind. I hadn't seen her since so I'd hoped that she'd just been passing through. Of course that was just hope. In an attempt to clear my worry-filled head I had ventured to the local library. It was the oldest building in the village and was surprisingly big considering how many locals there were.

As I browsed the old wooden shelves, stacked sky-high with a variety of bright coloured books, all my fear disappeared. My fingers reached out to graze soft spines, before plucking a book from its place. I looked down at the novel in my hand, the gold lettering adorning the front cover sparkled up at me, daring me to read the story hidden behind it. I decided to accept the challenge and continued my journey down the dark corridor of shelves, book safely held in hand. The library was a maze and it was very easy to get lost, which is why I wasn't surprised when someone behind me called out for help.

"Excuse me, do you know where the classic literature section is?"

I turned around and time slowed down. I could feel every beat of my heart against my rib cage. A breath caught in my throat as the book in my hand fell from my clutch, tumbling towards the floor in slow motion. My ears were ringing as I stared at her; she looked so innocent in her oversized graphic hoodie and baseball cap, though I knew she was anything but that. I knew what she had done to others, what she might do to my Village. I had to stop her.

She let out a small chuckle and glanced down at the floor before meeting my eyes again, a sense of understanding passed between us when I realised she could hear my thoughts.

The book smacked against the ground and time caught up with me. I blinked and she had stepped closer. I let out a shaking breath and stepped away from her before turning and sprinting through the maze of shelves, deeper into the abyss of darkness. I flew past stacks and stacks of books, praying that one would magically fly off the shelves and knock the crazed Witch out. It was clear that in my frantic escape I had lost all sense of direction as I reached a dead end, skidding to halt, my face inches away from smacking against the wall. I mumbled curse words under my breath and rolled my eyes at my own idiocy. Of course my lack of brain cells would lead to my own demise – who could've guessed it.

"I don't want to hurt you," the smooth voice called out from down the corridor. It was too dark to see her when she was so far away, but I could feel her presence. I knew she was there. For my own safety I wanted to believe her, but given her track record there was no way I was going to trust her empty words. The soft glow from a light on the ceiling illuminated her figure as she walked towards me. The low lighting gave her a more menacing appearance, with the white in her eyes being somehow more terrifying than the red from three days ago. Fear took hold of me as I backed up against the wall, my hands scraping against the concrete, begging for it to fall away and allow me to escape. "Please don't be scared." Her voice quivered as she spoke, I almost believed she was being sincere. Almost.

"Just leave me alone," I choked out while blinking away the tears that threatened to leave my eyes. I wasn't going to let the monster see me cry.

She stepped ever closer. I continued to look for an exit, a diversion, anything that could let me get away from the woman who was now only a few meters in front of me. But there was nothing except from the Witch. When she lifted her arm towards me I expected the worst. I was prepared to see red tendrils exploding from her hands, engulfing my shaking body and sucking the life out of me (I had absolutely no idea how her powers worked, but I definitely did not want to find out). But instead she held out my book. She held out my stupid fucking book.

"I think you dropped this," she said, smiling wryly at my exasperated expression. I looked down at the book then up at her again as if I were trying to weigh up my options. I was wary that this was some kind of twisted trick to get me to let my guard down so she could easily exorcise me and use my remains for some sick potion (again, I had no idea what kind of witchy powers she had). She shook the book and raised her eyebrows as if to tell me she was running out of patience. I crept forwards slowly, trying my best to not make any sudden movements like she was some kind of wild animal that would attack at any sign of danger. I snatched the book from her hand and took a few steps back to put some distance between us again. "See, if I wanted to hurt you I would've done it by now." I let out an unimpressed hum, not at all convinced by the uncertainty in her voice. Yet I couldn't argue with the fact that I was still alive... for now.

I cleared my throat when it became too silent, unsure why she was still standing there if she had given me the book back. "What do you want?" My voice wasn't as shaky as before, but it was obvious that I was still terrified.

Wanda looked down, fiery locks of hair covered her eyes like a curtain as she nervously licked her lips. When she met my gaze again I could see something in her eyes that I hadn't seen before. Fear.

"Please don't tell anyone that I'm here," she pleaded, her green orbs begging me to comply.

"Or what?" It was stupid to challenge the most powerful sorceress in the universe but I had to know if being alone in this was worth it. She sighed and shook her head, tilting it to look up at the ceiling.

"Or I'll have to leave."

I frowned. That was not at all the answer I had expected. I had thought she was going to threaten to turn me into a toad or something. It took me a second to configure my thoughts but I eventually nodded, not daring to meet her intimidating stare again. She seemed to relax at my response and she swept the few strands of hair that had fallen in front of her face during the pursuit behind her ear.

"Okay um, see you around," she said, the words tumbling quickly from her lips. I scoffed and looked down at the floor, defeated by the prospect of having to see her again and the constant fear of knowing she was always one wrist flick away from destroying everything that I loved.

"See you around." I met her eyes, willing all the hatred and disgust I felt towards her into a single stare.

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