Chapter 5, Floating dreams and the rescue mission.

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(The familiar bright light shines over Amara's and Aya's sweet dreams. Both of the young heroic girls seem to be trapped in the same dream realm. Slowly regaining the conciousness of their souls, as their bodies are still deepened in a long, peaceful sleep.)

Amara: "Aya? Aya? Can you hear me?"
Aya: "Huh... why'd you wake me up, I was sleep-..."
Amara: "Listen here, your soul is awake, not your body! We got trapped in a dream while we fell asleep! Eh! Are you even listening? Hey! Sleepyhead! Don't make me slap you!!!"
Aya: "Give me five minutes..."
(After a solid slap, Aya wakes up in a rush.)
Aya: "OUCH, what was that for?!"
Amara: "Concentrate and look around first, you can beat me up later."
(Rubbing her cheek, Aya slowly looks around, wiping her face off of the tiredness.)
Aya: "Woah- this place is very bright... too bright. My head will hurt after this. How did we got trapped into the same dream? Or is it just me dreaming the dream and you are not Amara but an illusion!?"
Amara: "Want me to slap you again to make sure it's me?"
Aya: "No need! It's you."

(Suddenly, the very same male voice that started calling the both of the girls out in the Horus cave appears again. The "Guardian" and "Purification" of their souls.)

"O my children, do not fear

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"O my children, do not fear."

Amara: "Hey! It's you, our guardian? Did you create this dream for us while we were sleeping?"
???: "Indeed O chosen ones. Let me explain. While your mortal bodies were out of conciousness, I created this particular dream for you. Listen carefully. Firstly, I admire your heroic behaviour yesterday, at the cave of Horus. The will to live and the mind to fight. I was astonished. For mortal beings, I now understand why destiny has chosen you two to fight side by side, not afraid of who is in front of you."
Amara: "But, if it hasn't been for the barrier you created...we would have been dead."
???: "Indeed, I interfered partly. But it was your bravery and your heroic acting that got you out safely. This was more of a test to you, O chosen ones. And surely, not your last one."
Amara: "Not our last one?"
???: "Indeed, but I am not here to shower you with admiration, O chosen ones. This dream came to you as a warning."
Aya: "A warning?"
???: "Indeed, I shall prepare you for battle in just one night. Now is the time. You have proved your bravery."

(Aya and Amara's eyes both rise at the same time.)

Amara: "Battle?! Already?! Hold on... we are not prepared yet!"

(The soft owner of the voice camly laughs, amused at their reaction.)

???: "Patience, my fortified children. That is why I have gathered you in this dream. You will be prepared against your enemies. If it gets deadly, I will interfere. Victory will be by your side. You will be blessed with certain powers that will strengthen your mortal bodies against your enemies."

Amara: "And...these powers would be?"
???: "You will see."

(A bright light takes their eyesight, the whole dream realm shattering the atmosphere around them.)

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