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Kali and Mr. Anderson were walking back into the house after getting ice cream, still carrying the treats in their hands. It was a peaceful experience at first, with no sign of any conflict in the air. The two of them were casually walking together and enjoying their ice cream.

However, as soon as they passed the threshold of the front door, Mr. Anderson glance at Kali, as he hears a loud banging noise coming from upstairs.

"What?" Kali eyed him

"Shh, Do you hear that?" He asked

"No?" I lick my ice cream.

As the loud slamming noise from above gets louder, Kali's expression changes from one of confusion and concern to one of disgust.

Mr. Anderson rushes upstairs, his rage rising as he opens up the door to the bedroom. He caught Miranda in the middle of cheating with her co-worker, and the sight sent him over the edge.

His anger and frustration boiled over and he couldn't contain themselves any longer. He storms into the room and starts yelling and confronting the two of them, who are now caught red-handed.

Kali follows behind Mr. Anderson upstairs, curious to see what the commotion is all about. As she climbs the stairs and gets closer to the bedroom, she can hear Mr. Anderson yelling angrily.

She peeks into the room just in time to see Miranda covering herself up, hiding her cheating with her coworker behind a blanket. The entire scene is a major mess.

"Shit!" Miranda shouted

Kali notices the cheater's coworker, who is not particularly good-looking. His appearance is not very impressive, and he's short and has brunette hair. She can't understand why Miranda would be attracted to someone like that.

He's was definitely not better looking than Mr. Anderson, and she can't understand what Miranda saw in such an ordinary-looking person.

"Get the fuck out." Mr. Anderson said

"It was a mistake, I was drunk." Miranda said

"Oh shut the fuck up." He said

Mr. Anderson screams at the coworker to get out of the bed and he swiftly complies with no hesitation. He looks quite scared of Mr. Anderson's rage-filled reaction and is quickly scrambling to get dressed.

The coworker exits the bedroom, his face pale and his mood wary as he tries to walk past Mr. Anderson. He tries to offer a quick hello to Kali, but Mr. Anderson stands in the way, intentionally blocking her from his presence.

"Go!" He spat

Mr. Anderson's body language and demeanor sends a clear message that the coworker is unwelcome and should keep his distance from Kali.

"Weirdo." I mumbled under my breath.

As Miranda leaves the bedroom, she tries to apologize repeatedly to Mr. Anderson, who remains steadfastly angry and doesn't accept her apologies.

She also turns to Kali and tries to drag her into the argument, probably due to some underlying jealousy. However, Kali remains on Mr. Anderson's side and defends him, making it clear that she sees nothing but fault in Miranda's actions.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 affair +18 [ BWWM] ongoingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя