Chapter 2: Facing Your Fears

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I revised so much of this chapter, since I had to account for Stella's redesign and an idea for her original story outside of Miitopia. Also because I wrote the original after midnight.


It didn't take long for Stella to spot Dark Lord out of town, though she couldn't deny that she was terrified. But she had to push her fears aside, just for getting Eliza's face back. So she did just that, and confronted the Dark Lord.

"Mwaa ha ha haaaa! Is somebody trying to be the big hero?" Dark Lord taunted.

"Give Eliza's face back! " Stella yelled, stuttering a little, shaking in fear.

Whose face again?" The Dark Lord said, confused.

Oh, right. He didn't get Eliza's name earlier, Stella remembered.

"You know, that kid whose face you stole in that nearby town?"

"But what do they look like? You can't seriously expect me to know who this 'Eliza' is if you give me no description of how they look."

"...I swear, you're just as foolish as that girl who interrupted my monologue and insulted my name..." Dark Lord muttered.

"That girl is the Eliza I'm talking about." Stella dryly remarked.

"Oh...In that case, if you want her face back so badly, then you'll have to earn it." He said before making a yellow slime appear, and Eliza's face floated above it.

"How good are you in a fight?" The Dark Lord smirked.

Eliza's face attached itself to the slime.

"Oh no, not again..." Stella said to no one in particular. The Dark Lord continued his monologue.

"Be seeing you! If you survive, that is! Mwaaa ha ha haaaa!" He said before he vanished once again.

Stella took a deep breath held the loose part of her scarf in both hands, planning to use it as a weapon. The slime prepared to attack. Stella then quickly slashed at the slime... only for her scarf to get stuck in the slime. The slime slowly started to pull the scarf back as the rest of the scarf was inside of the slime now, dragging Stella who was frantically trying to pull her scarf out of the slime. Stella was now getting dangerously near the slime. But in this losing game of tug-of-war, the charm started glowing brighter and brighter. And soon, she closed her eyes as she was engulfed by the light.

The light faded just as quickly as it came. After a bit, Stella opened her eyes and found herself in a strange place.

"Stella, can you hear me?" A voice from above called out.

"Not another mysterious voice again..." Stella groaned, remembering the time The Dark Lord first appeared to steal the townspeople's faces.

"Ho ho! It does seem like you're hearing me... What good fortune this is!" it began. "Now you may or may not believe this, but I'm kind of spirit-"

Stella gasped. "Whaaaaaat!?" she interrupted.

"Please, just hear me out." The guardian spirit continued. "It seems like you are in a bit of trouble, my child. Would you like a little help?"

"Um... yes?"

"Ho ho! Excellent, excellent! I, er, bestoweth upon thee the awesome power of the guardian! Hurrrrgh... HAAAA!!"

Stella was, once again, engulfed by light. At first, nothing seemed to change. Until she looked down at herself and noticed she was now wearing a blue and gold cooking uniform. The uniform had a white and gold tie, coupled with a matching apron. A chef's hat now rested on Stella's head, and her straight blonde hair was no longer tied in neat pigtails.

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