9: What's a Chocolatier got to do?

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Regulus has more than one cup of rosewater and lemon tea; he doesn't keep count of the piling teacups, merely dismissing their increasing number and continuing to pour the heated liquid down his throat whenever it's at his disposal.

It tastes like James lying under the sun and smiling up at him.

Regulus shakes his head in rapid motion, feeling shame burn his cheeks. He tries to refocus on the book about Horcruxes laid in front of him, but that's harder said than done.

Regulus is sure there's more Horcruxes. He knows it, with the knowledge rattling deep inside his bones. But how is it that Voldemort exists and Regulus could still wax poetic about James fucking Potter?

"What's a chocolatier got to do?" Regulus sighs.

It's then that Mary storms into the room — the bedroom that once prospered with something at least akin to life, rather than this endless ditch of loneliness — and her eyes find their way to Regulus. To his surprise, they seem to soften — not pitifully, but strangely understanding, like some part of Regulus's miserable life relates to hers.

"Won't you visit Sirius?" Mary asks suddenly. She drops down onto the bed beside Regulus, as if this is a normal thing between them; friendship or companionship or simple tolerance, Regulus does not know, neither can he quite differentiate.

"No," Regulus responds sharply. He wields his tongue like a blade and his eyes like an impenetrable shield. "I do not care for Sirius. Not since a long time ago. Nor does he exactly care for me, I imagine."

Mary scoffs. "Don't be ridiculous. Sirius loves you and you know it, you bastard." She shakes her head with disappointment. "He hates it that you left so suddenly the other day. You know you'll have to visit him at some point, right?"

"Of course." Regulus closes the book in his hands and tucks it aside. "But there are more important matters to focus on."

"Like the tension between you and James?"

"Like the next Horcrux we have to hunt down," Regulus snaps.

Mary grows quiet at that. "You think you know what it is?"

"Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's Cup, Slytherin's locket... the last must surely be Gryffindor's sword. Yet..."

"You said the sword could break the Horcruxes, not be one," Mary recounts, eyes wide.

Regulus sighs. "I know. I don't know. It's complicated. What if it can be both?"

Mary's face pales. "Then Merlin help us all."

There's the crashing of china cups downstairs, then the sound of the door opening again, only to reveal somebody neither of them expected.

Lily Evans is scowling at Regulus.

"You're back," she exclaims, "and alive!"

"Yes..." Regulus says slowly. Mary jumps to explain their situation, but Evans just raises a hand to silence her.

"You, Regulus Black, have been the reason my hair is falling out. Well, that and the baby, too. James is- you need to talk to James. Before I rip your head off, most preferably."

Regulus and Mary blink at her in confused shock. It's Regulus who replies first, trying not to smirk at this surprising bit of entertainment. "I think I'd prefer that too," he says.

Evans glares at him. "Don't give me any of that snark, Black. I really do hate you, for quite a lot of reasons. I do not care whether you nearly died trying to do good or not, because many have died trying to do good. Now, I only care about James, and James cares about you, so I suppose if this is what it must come down to..."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 04 ⏰

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Regulus & the Chocolate Factory | a crack story tbh | Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora