7: Muscles, Soft Lips, Chocolate Eyes, and Rose Lemon Tea arrives

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Of course, of course, Regulus goes back.

He does it without a second glance at Remus Lupin's knowing smirk, Charlie Tin's waggling brows and enthusiastic thumbs-up (either atrociously British or atrociously Muggle to do), and Kreacher's orangey expression of disapproval.

When he steps foot out of the shed, Noodle is there, blinking in surprise.

"Is Charlie in?" She asks, quickly pushing aside her curiosity.

"Yes," Regulus replies.

Noodle takes an inquisitive whiff of the air, still smelling distinctly of Amortentia fumes even if they weren't near the pot. The scent has slowly gotten stronger throughout the passing days.

"Mhmm," Noodle sighs, "it smells like strawberries and rain in there and I don't know how!"

"They're the special chocolates I'm making for Valentine's Day," Regulus explains. "Although, that'll have to wait a bit. I've asked a... friend of mine to look after the place for a while. Won't be gone for long, or at least I'm hoping I won't be."

Noodle nods. "That's nice. Enjoy your vacation."

Regulus sighs and holds the door open for her. "I wish I could call it that."


"You're back," Dorcas says when Regulus decides to take the Floo and ends up dusting off ash from his shirt as he steps out of the fireplace.

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?"

"No. Should I start mooing whenever I think you're acting cowardly? Get it, because cow-ard?"

Regulus rolls his eyes. "No, thank you. Just take me to MacDonald. You said she was working on finding the Ravenclaw diadem?"

"Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem, yes. Speaking of which, Helena Ravenclaw was not happy."

"She never is."

"At least say thank you when you meet Mary. She went through Helena's shit before getting her hands on that diadem."

Regulus stops abruptly and shoots Dorcas a tiny smirk. "Well, lucky it wasn't stuck in a cave, hm?"

Before Dorcas can respond, Mary MacDonald steps out of one of the rooms Dorcas has led them to. Regulus recognises the hallways of his childhood house and pretends he doesn't ache in fear seeing them again.

MacDonald raises an eyebrow and grins. "Mr Willy Wonka?"

"Now how on earth do you know about that?" Regulus remarks, feigning snark.

"I'm a mind reader," MacDonald jokes. "I hear you're the one who's been saving our arses?"

"Apparently," Regulus agrees, and actually finds himself grinning back.

"Nobody knows you're here. Sirius has been sulky all this week, though. And Remus just up and left! Everyone's been a bit twitchy since your visit."

"And you?"

"I went on a hunt for a diadem."

"Ah, yeah, thanks for that, by the way."

MacDonald fakes a gasp. "The infamous Regulus Black giving me, a dirty-blooded peasant, a compliment? The world must truly be ending."

"Wow, I didn't know you'd have a sense of humour."

"I'm touched, baby Black. Now, how are you going to destroy this apparent Horcrux? Pummel it with your fists?"

"If only it were that simple." Regulus can't help the smirk that appears on his lips; he hadn't known how entertaining working with Mary MacDonald could be.

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