5: "Did You Know Chocolate Melts in the Sun?"

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The room is pathetically quiet.

Regulus is fairly sure of a few things currently:

1. Remus Lupin is making tea (and it smells ridiculously good for something as simple as tea).

2. He can't face Sirius nor Potter, in case of rupturing a muscle, of course.

3. Dorcas is shooting him looks that are going widely ignored.

And 4. He really, really needs to get out of this mess and back to breaking Horcruxes and making chocolate.

Dorcas, finally, shatters the immeasurable silence.

"You're all a bunch of cowards," she spits, before a door at the far end of the hallway bangs open and rushing footsteps can be heard.

"'Cas?" Says a woman who is, again, too familiar for Regulus's liking. He reckons he'll be seeing a lot of that today.

"Marls!" Dorcas exhales in relief and jumps up to meet her girlfriend's open arms.

"What's this then?" McKinnon studies the scene before her with round eyes that immediately gravitate toward Regulus. "What the actual fuck? Is that..."

"Regulus Black, yes, good to see you alive and flourishing, McKinnon." Regulus doesn't offer her more than that and decides its time to break some of the ice.

"What the actual fuck?" McKinnon repeats. Her gaze searches Dorcas's, who smiles awkwardly in kind.

"I have some valuable information," Regulus declares loudly, "so if you'd like to hear it, you'd better sit and tuck in quick, McKinnon."

McKinnon snorts. "Okay, yeah, you're definitely Regulus Black — a still breathing, walking, talking, alive Regulus Black." She cocks up a ruffled eyebrow, so mismatched to the ones Dorcas perfectly plucks each day. "Can somebody explain this to me or...?"

"I have no fucking idea," Sirius chokes out. It takes all of Regulus's strength not to face his brother. Coward, coward, coward.

How is it that he can feel Sirius's eyes on him? More importantly, how is it that Sirius can bear to look at him?

"Horcruxes," is what Regulus blurts out. "And to be very clear, I did almost die, but as you can all see, I survived that fatality."

"How?" Sirius whispers, so unusually quiet Regulus considers pretending not to hear him.

Regulus's stomach muscles clench. "Intuition?"

"Kreacher," Dorcas leaps in to add, biting her bottom lip nervously.

"Yeah," Regulus sighs, "the Oompa Loompa too." He gets several raised eyebrows at that, except from Dorcas, who just rolls her eyes.

"Regulus here has then gone undercover as a chocolatier in London since," she resorts to explain. "But he never dropped the initiative to, um..."

"Kill Voldemort," Regulus finishes for Dorcas. He glances toward Lupin as complete silence takes over. "That tea smells surprisingly nice, Lupin. Wherever did you get it from and whatever is it made from?"

"I'm going to need the full story before I give you some, I think," Lupin responds hoarsely, hesitantly bringing the teacup to his lips and swallowing some of its liquid down audibly loud in the quiet bubble surrounding them.

Regulus sighs, nods, and glances at Dorcas for support. She inhales deeply and nods back firmly.

"Alright, then. From the beginning," Regulus starts.


"We need to destroy more Horcruxes?" McKinnon groans.

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