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(Week's later)

(Anthony's Pov)

It's been a couple of weeks of living together, and I absolutely love it, I love him. We've been working on our mental health, and every time we've seen one another, we would passionately kiss each other. Brock has gotten way better. We've gone to school for the second time, and we got to sit next to one another just so he knows my presence is here with him. I feel him start shaking a little bit, and I easily wrap my arm around him, pulling him in closer. "It's okay, babe. I'm right here. No one's gonna get you." What would I do without you? "Let's not think about that, Come on, get comfortable," He snuggles up under my arm. As our class ends, we depart ways with our airpods on talking and listening to one another while in different classes. A few hours later, Brock and I head towards our cafeteria for lunch, and we sit and chat with our friends.

(Brock's pov)

Anthony and I figured out ways to stay with one another while not actually being next to each other. I'm surprised it actually works. Every time I start shaking or feeling worried, I say babe, and he instantly starts talking about him and I. It's been a very long journey thus far... I can't even speak or say how appreciative I am for Anthony and his family. They've been so good to me that it felt like i was in a dream. But I feel like there's still something I should do, but I might regret it.

Brock: Hey, babe?

Anthony: Yeah, what's up?

Brock: Can we go to the prison to meet Harry?

After I said that, Anthony dropped his fork and was in utter shock that I said those words.

Anthony: Um, babe, are you 100% sure you want to do that? Are you gonna get flashbacks?

Brock: Yes, I want to do it. I have no clue. I'll just be having this perfect man by my side.

Anthony: Mm say that again! But if you're up for it, let's do it after school.

Brock: I love you, Anthony.

Anthony: I love you too, Brock!

(Brock's Pov)

Anthony and I continue to eat lunch with our friends. Hours later head towards the prison to meet Harry! Honestly, I was really nervous until I felt Anthony's hand holding mine. I felt at ease and headed towards a table to sit and talk with Harry! I see him head out of the door as he makes eye contact with us. My heart stopped for a second. I turn towards Anthony without a word he pulls me in closer towards him.

Harry: Hi Brock (worried)

Brock: Hi Harry

Harry: Hi Anthony, please don't tell me you're gonna punch me again. I really can't take it.

Anthony: Hi, I would, but this isn't the place for that, and you look absolutely terrible.

Harry: So what are you guys doing here?

Brock: I came here too, talking to you, and i wanna know why did you do it? What was the reason to try and make me feel helpless and scared. Why did you do such a thing?!

Harry: I DON'T KNOW! I just had an explosive urge to sleep with you, and honestly, you're really really hot just like your very, very sexy Fiancé. I am truly sorry. I don't know what else to say other than that. I've been through hell and back here, and it makes me feel 10 times worse. I'm sorry, I really, really am sorry, and I'm not gonna do it anymore, and that's a promise.

Brock: I forgive you.

Harry: Wait, what really?

Brock: Yeah, I forgive you. Im forgiving you for myself, not for you! What you did was disgusting and disheartening, but it made me stronger as a human being. So yeah, i forgive you. I hope you stay safe here because I'm going home with my fiance and sleeping in a nice comfortable bed. Take care.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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