Field Trip

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(Anthony's Pov)

I woke up, I had breakfast, hopped into the shower and threw on some clothes, hopped in my car, and headed to Brock's house to pick them up.

Katlen: Hey babes!

Brock: Hey babe, wow, you look good.

Anthony: Hey babes and my future husband (kisses Brock)

Katlen: Awe, stop. I feel so lonely.

Anthony: Ha, let's go get this party started. (Plays Agora Hills by Doja Cat)

Brock: I love this song (holds Anthony's hand as he drives)

They head to school, jamming out to their music, as they make it to school, everyone cheers for the new engagements walking across the parking lot headed to class.

Brock: I can't get used to this, ha!

Anthony: I love you.

Brock: I love you too (kisses Anthony)

Ethan: Hey Anthony, can we talk?

Brock: Hell no, stay away from him.

(Anthony walks up to Ethan)

Anthony: No. You are a terrible person. You didn't want to be by Brock's side when he came out, and then you tried to get with me? What friend does that?

Ethan: I'm sorry, I just liked you for a very long time...

Anthony: Save it (grabs Brock's hand) he's my fiancé and going to stay that way. There's only him and I and no one else. (Kisses Brock) You got that?!

Ethan: Yes, I'm sorry, Brock, for being an asshole and a terrible friend.

Brock: Yeah, I bet you are.

Brock and Anthony walk away from Ethan, leaving him in tears, and head to class, where Brock gets a surprise of sweets and a bouquet of flowers.

Brock: Babe, no way!

Anthony: Yes, way surprise.

Anthony and Brock headed to their seats, and Brock couldn't stop smiling and started eating the sweets.

Mr. O'Riley: Alright, class, let's get started on today's lesson (the door knocks) one second.

He opens the door to be greeted by Anthony's and Brock's parents with sweets.

Mr. O'Riley: Come on in.

As Anthony and Brock's parents walk in.

Anthony's mom: Hi everyone, we have something special that Anthony and Brock want to give you guys. Bring them in you, guys.

Brock's parents and Anthony's dad bring in cake and cookies. Everyone cheers, and thanks Them as they eat, sweet katlen runs into the classroom and grabs some sweets, and finds Anthony's table . Both boys leave to say hi to his parents and future parents. Anthony comes back toward his table.

Katlen: Hey babes!

Anthony: What are you doing here? (laughing) You skipped class to eat here.

Katlen: Of course I did. Why would I sit in class when you guys eat food? Ha.

Mr. O'Riley: Well, class is cancelled. Let's just enjoy the good food and watch Godzilla vs. Kong.

Everyone cheers as Katlen and Anthony snack on the food and mess with Brock. Brock falls asleep on Anthony's lap. Class ends, and Anthony and Katlen head to their history class.

Katlen: I hate this class so much.

Anthony: Same, it's too boring for me.

Katlen: Uh, oh, he's about to make a lame announcement again.

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