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                            (Anthony's Pov)

These past few weeks have been CRAZY I mean Crazy unthinkable stuff has happened these past few weeks my fiance got surprised in hawaii, My fiancé and I swam with whales, saved a whale, rode on a whale, meet the momma whales baby, we climbed a volcano, My fiance almost got raped when I was out of town. A LOT HAS HAPPENED! My parents and I told Brock that he can stay with us as long as he would like, and that he's forever welcome. Today is the first day of school after the holidays and my baby's still here, sleeping on my chest peacefully. These have been the best few weeks of him staying with me. I start kissing his head and rubbing him.

Anthony: Hey babe it's time to wake up we've got school. (Kissing his head)

Brock: Mm I'm awake. Hey baby (kissing his lips) good morning.

Anthony: Good morning how'd you sleep?

Brock: I slept like a baby.

Anthony: Yeah you were, my big baby. Wanna go shower?

Brock: Yeah lets go shower.

                            (Brock's Pov)

I've been staying at Anthony's place for a while after the whole incident. I've been so happy since then, Anthony is always next to me he makes sure that I'm okay and that I'm never by myself. He stays with me and makes sure to not leave my side. He comforts me whenever I start to remember what happened, He shows me that he really loves me.  His parents have been amazing they check on me everyday, making sure that I'm feeling well and taken care of! They've done so much for me and I'm forever thankful to call them my family.

                            (Anthony's Pov)

I grab his hand as we head towards the shower that I turned on to let the water heat up. I start taking off my clothes along with his while I make out with him. We head in the shower where he washes my back before I wash his. I turn around to kiss his soft lips while holding his waist. I stopped instantly after having that image of what happened popped in my head. I just started to wash him instead as we got out of the shower we head towards my bed.

Brock: Hey what's wrong?

Anthony: Nothing, why do you ask?

Brock: Ant, there's definitely something wrong you stopped kissing me and almost teared up in the process.

Anthony:  Fine, Fine I was enjoying it but That image of what happened popped up in my head. It absolutely sucked I couldn't do absolutely in that time. I felt worthless I felt so much fear, When I touch you I'm scared that I'll hurt you in a way.

Brock: (starts tearing up) Yes you were there if i would've stayed sleep without you on the phone or anything it would've been so much worse. I'm thankful that you were there with me and came back and attacked that asshole. You've never left my side at all, you've made sure that I was okay every single day. You've brought me into your home. You're the perfect husband that anyone could ask for!

Anthony: (crying) Thanks babe. (Kissing his soft lips) I promise I'll be the best husband possible for you. You make me happy every single day. These past few weeks of you living with me how I love being with you.

Brock: Same here. When I'm with you I feel safe, I'm not safe without you. You can do anything to me when you want to and I mean anything. (Grabs Anthony and lays him on the bed)

Anthony: Right now before school?

Brock: Yes! Do you not want to? He does!

Anthony: Of course I want to (Grips Brock's hips)

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