Pg 2 - Nerves

16 1 0

As Stacy meticulously decorated her room, Jennifer had planted herself on Stacy's bed. A few hours had gone by of her observing Stacy at work. The pair reminisced and swapped random topics. She rolled onto her stomach and lightly swung her legs up back and forth. A silly habit Jennifer took to whenever she was having an exceptionally good day. Stacy gently nailed in a photograph of her and her brother somewhere in Paris.

Similar to most family photographs, apart from their grandmother, only Stacy and Will were present. Which came as no surprise, since as long as Jennifer had known her, it had always been just the two siblings. Though, oddly enough, Stacy had never gone into details as to why.

Jennifer stifled a laugh, "Stac, did you really go to Paris?"

Stacy paused and briefly looked back at her, raising an eyebrow. "I did..." she confirmed slowly, "Did you not see this photo I'm currently hanging up?"

"I do.." Jennifer smiled, her legs briefly swinging again, "It's just hardly affected you. Well expect maybe that sorta accent."

With a shrug, Stacy plopped herself onto the bed and laid back. She had finally finished. "I dunno," Stacy stared at the ceiling, before shifting into her side to face Jennifer. "Why don't you tell me about what's been going on here? You never mentioned much in your letters."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "And you hardly sent them," she countered, giving her friend a playful push off the shoulder. Jenny followed with a warm, perhaps slow, laugh.

It nearly halted Stacy's heartbeat, leaving her feeling intensified. She became ultimately too aware of their closeness. And how Jenny's deep hazel eyes complimented her, a blend of this soft tea-like green. How nicely those loose strands of blonde framed her face. Out of frustration, Stacy had been tempted to snap at her for it, which wouldn't have been fair. Stacy may had been affected but it was no fault of Jenny's. She wasn't sure how to handle this spring of attraction to her.

And now smiles that hadn't left Jennifer's expression, apart from the occasional here and there, were beginning to get to her. Stacy knew Jenny was happy..and she had been too. After all, the pair hadn't seen another in years. She lifted herself off the bed, needing a larger gap than their pervious six inches, and begun sorting through her thoughts.
God, what's with me.

Before the silence lingered too long, Stacy spoke up and carefully said, "Hey, not to kick you out—"

"But you're kicking me out?" Jennifer smirked, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Really Jen, I wasn't finished," she shook her head, a smile tugging unto her lips, "Yes, I am. I need to prep for class tomorrow."

"Oh boo," Jennifer pressed a pout to her lips playfully, before reaching for her book bag.
In a few moments, Jennifer was nearly out the door despite her pout, which caused Stacy to roll her eyes.

"Really broken up about it, aren't you?" Stacy holler to her as she heard her footsteps reached the living room.

"Hey, I don't need to beg you to let me stay," her distant voice replied, "Besides..I'm sure you'll miss me later!"

Stacy bit her inner cheek, and the door slammed to a shut. Jennifer was gone. "Wow."

"Are you two flirting?!" Will's perplexed voice echoed down the hall.

A flush of heat rose to her cheeks.
And her pulse was quick to rise, even if ever so slightly.

"No!" Stacy bit back abruptly, obviously flustered, "God no! Geez Jennifer, she—! It was a joke.." her voice lowered, breathing out a slow sigh.

Obviously it was a joke. Geez Will..


The light, above the wooden dining table, dimly lit the living room. Stacy sat, baring her soul into the boxes of takeout as Will prepped the table. He lined the folks and knives against both their respective plates, before popping open each plastic box of Chinese food. He stifled a forced laugh, trying to make light of the topic, "Am I supposed to know that wasn't flirting?"

"Um," Stacy glanced at Will, fairly irritated, before reaching for the noddles, "It doesn't matter.." she muttered, attempting to dissolve her bad mood. In their silent eating, Stacy's mind wondered to how Jenny had dodged her question earlier and her pervious letters. How was Hector, Riley and Louis? Was it strange Jenny didn't discuss them with her? Had Jenny ever discussed much outside her family in her letters?

Will paused, observing Stacy place her fork down. "Anything you want to share?" Will questioned before bitting into the chicken on his fork. He chewed slowly, eyes focused on the spread of food as he waited a reply.

"I dunno," Stacy replied, "Just nerves."

Will wiped his mouth with a napkin, then followed suit, setting down his fork as well. "I know coming back is a lot," he sympathized, connecting his eyes with his sister's, "Even though you were excited. Grandma isn't here anymore either. And we both know Paris wasn't as easy as you hoped..but do yourself a favor, relax. Not everything is going to go smoothly, or perfect. That's just how life is. —Hoping it will won't make it happen."

"Yeah? What about the reason we left?" Stacy challenged, holding Will's eyes.

Will straightened and refocused his eyesight towards the food. His expression became something more unreadable. He took up his fork, piling on more noddles from the nearby plastic container. "That's for me to worry about."

Author's Note:
The pages might be short right now, I will attempt to make them longer.

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