Chapter 4~ she's from the city

Start from the beginning

Linda blinks a couple of times "excuse me?"

He moves more into the kitchen leaving the boys in the door way. He's now standing a couple of feet from her "I said good mother. I love my boys with all my heart but right now" he points at me "Cher needs us to think about her more then them right now and we're more then willing to do that for her." His mother is about to speak but he cuts her off "and if you have a problem with that then go."

Linda scoffs and grabs her purse of the counter and pushes past the guys to make her way to the front door. But I could care less, does Jack really think that. It's extremely awkward, no one is saying anything and we're all avoiding each others eyes. Until the younger boy speaks up "who's the girl not wearing pants?" Man I need a smoke.


"Okay so your telling me, you have a sister who I've never met and her and her husband have passed away." The younger boy turns to look at me "sorry" he moves his head back to his parents "and you guys just decided to move her here with out telling me!?"

Once they explained who I was to Will, Christina and jack youngest son. He's nine, about to be ten and adorable, he has thick black rimed glasses with short brown hair. His name even fit him William. It's reminds me of an old man trapped in a boys body, which would be the image of this guy.

Christina kneels down and places her palms on Wills cheeks "honey we told you a relative died and we didn't want to stress you out with your competition right around the corner. I heard you won so clearly it was the right choice."

The way she smiled at him, you could tell she really cared about him. "He plays the French horn. He's actually really good." Jessie is leaning over so that I'm the only one that can hear him. "He's not on the spectrum or anything, but he's definitely special. He's really smart and kid can figure anything out in like five minutes."

I turn back to Will. I can tell he seems a little stress out by me being here. I push myself off the wall and move closer to Christina and Will. Wills eyes move from my aunt to me. "Hi Will, I'm Cher. It's really nice to meet you."

Will looks back to Christina and then back to me and back to Christina "I thought you said her name was Charlotte?"

Christina gives him a smile "it is, but she prefers Cher."

He looks back over to me still very unsure of me. Okay, let's try something else. "I bet your parents wanted to tell you but to be honest my parents were kinda assholes." The room goes completely silent and they all look at me. "But I'm not gonna lie if you are a master of the French horn they'd probably would have loved you."

He lowers his head to the floor "Do you play?"

Okay we're getting somewhere. "No I wish. My parents tried to get me to play the violin for years but it always sounded like dying cats."

Will scrunches his nose "that sounds horrible."

I nob my head "yup so i don't really play anymore but I would love to hear you play. Would that be okay" I tilt my head to the side.

Will thinks for a minute "ya that would be okay but only if you put on pants. Also I don't like Will I prefer William, it makes me sound smarter."

I can't help but laugh. "I can definitely wear pants and I don't think you needed to be any smarter then you are now cause you already seem like a genius."

Christina pulls herself off the ground and rubs her knees and pulls William towards the kitchen. "Okay now that's settled let's go have some breakfast." As they leave I can hear William saying that he liked me, which make me smile.

With them gone it just leaves jack, Henry, Jessie and I alone in the living room. Once Christina is out of ear shoot jacks head snap towards Henry and flares his arms. "You couldn't have told her to put on pants! You knew the devil was coming!" He whisper yelled. The devil I'm guessing that's his pet name for his mother, I can see why and it's very fitting.

Henry pushes himself forward "hey hey hey. I told her to maybe put some clothes on and she said it was fine. What am I supposed to do force pants on her." He whisper yelled back. "And why didn't you I don't know discuss a appropriate wardrobe with her. That's her longest dress!"

Jacks head turn to me "that's your longest dress?!?" Jack rubs his temple and eyes "Jesus Christ what we're your parents doing. Who's sweater even is that?"

Now it's Jessie's turn to push himself off the wall and rubs the back of his neck "ah yeah that's mine." Jack gives Jessie a look and Jessie throws his hands up to his chest defensively "hey she was cold last night and didn't have a jacket. Beside it was longer then her dress so I figured it would cover her better."

He wasn't wrong, compared to my height Jessie was a foot taller then me. The sweater that fits him nicely, is massive around me. Jack lean his head back "please tell me you have school appropriate clothes?"

"Do mom jeans and a crop top count?" Giving my best million dollar smile I'm pretty sure the answer is no.

He hangs his head low "I guess we'll be doing a trip into town sooner the I thought and go change please." But soon after he looks at us all again very suspiciously "wait we're we're you guys last night?"

We all stop and look at each other. Shit, tip if your going to sneak out don't tell the parent figure that you were out.


After what felt like forever I get out of the shower and wrap the nice fluffy towel around me. I walk into my room and start moving around my collecting my clothes. Inspecting a couple of my outfits, maybe I do need some different clothes. Fresh start new me. A couple of knocks come from my door "Charlotte are you in there? Can I come in." Opening the door Christina is standing there with a couple of bags, lifting the bags "can I come in?" I move aside and she walks through the room placing the bags onto the bed and sits beside them. "I know we were all saying things about your clothes that are probably not very helpful. I'm also aware there's not a lot of store here, so before you came I did a quick trip into town and got some basic clothes. I hope that's okay? We can go get other ones in a week or so."

Looking through the bag it's mostly plain long sleeve shirts and crew neck sweaters with a couple tank tops. She's trying I'll give her that but I'm not trying to dress like Elena Gilbert. "Thank you aunt Christina that was really nice of you." Grabbing the clothes I put them in the corner of space in my dresser, making a mental note to wear some occasionally so she see me wearing them.

It's silent for a moment before she speaks again "Charlie says your not answering his calls."

My heart stops. She's talking to him, since when? I keep folding the clothes into the dresser "and?"

She must be uncomfortable with this conversation because I can hear the bed shifting. "Well I just thought it would be nice to talk to him and he misses you."

I scoff and turn around "he misses me? Don't even, if he misses me that much it would require him to love me and clearly he doesn't."

Christina face falls "Charlotte he does-"

I squeeze my eyes shut "STOP IT." I run my hand through my hair and breath in and out to calm myself down "my name isn't Charlotte and I'm done having this conversation. I'm not talking to him and I don't want to talk about him. If you need me I'll be outside for a smoke." Leaving Christina in the room, I make my way to the only escape I have left even if I'm only in a towel.

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