New school.

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I was used to moving around a lot , I loved meeting new people and making new friends so it didn't bother me ,the only bad thing was that I had to leave behind my old friends and that I had to adjust to new customs and rules everywhere I went and it could be tiring, reason why my mom decided to look for another job and stop moving around to bring some stability in my life which I never knew I needed until I got it.
So here I was now in front of maybe one of the best high schools in Tokyo , in which I don't know how I managed to get into with 90/100 points to my entrance exam, running to the entrance so I can get to class as fast as possible since I was already late.
The chance of making good impression on my first day were decreasing as I was fumbling to get my shoe laces tied faster when I noticed someone next to me, so I looked up to see a pretty tall girl, a bit taller than me by the looks of it.
She must be doing some kind of sport by her immaculate proportions. Long legs slim and toned body, and her face?? Absolutely gorgeous, with long dark brown hair flowing down her back.
Are all the girls in here this gorgeous???
I couldn't help but wonder.
I was so captivated by her beauty that I didn't even notice her staring at me.
No no she was GLARING AT ME.

"I-I'm sorry I was just-" I tried apologizing but I didnt get to finish cuz she just walked past me comically fast and I rushed to get to class.
Luckily the teacher wasn't yet there so I awkwardly stood by her desk until she walked in and introduced me to the class, pointing at the empty desk on the middle row that will for now be my seat.
To my surprise , right next to me was the girl from the lockers, who was now staring at me with a completely expressionless face and wide eyes.
"Hi..?" I whispered, trying to make the situation less awkward but she quickly looked away from me leaving me confused, but I decided to let her be and listen to the lecture which was absolutely impossible to do cuz I could feel her staring at me the whole time, probably thinking she was being subtle.
"Chou Tzuyu, can you read the next paragraph for us?" The teacher called out and she quickly stood up with her book in her hands.
So her name is Tzuyu!That sounds foreign..
I curiously watched her, waiting for her to start reading but to my surprise she never did, just stared with a expression that could only be described as nervousness, her fingers tightly gripping the edges of the book.
Maybe she was anxious about reading out loud?
"OH I GET IT! absolutely brilliant Chou! You're so right, why read out loud? Everyone IT'S QUIET READING TIME!" the teacher said and to my shock everyone approved and stopped reading out loud for the rest of the class, it wasn't hard to notice everyone seemed to be absolutely smitten with this girl, yet she seemed unaware of that.

Somehow I must have dozed off a little, but now I was wide awake just resting my eyes,but this was pretty comfortable so why move?

"Why..can't I talk in front of them.." I could hear a quiet voice right next to me so I opened my eyes to see the girl from earlier, focused on her cat shaped keychain, quietly playing with it.

She must have thought I was still asleep and was now talking to herself.
So she has problems speaking in front of a audience? Probably.
I stood up and stretched my arms before glancing back at her only to see the girl with that same nervous expression all over her face , staring at me but this time a deep blush was covering her cheeks.

Shit! She's probably embarrassed now-

"I- Um- Tzuyu-San I'm sorry I didn't hear anything I pro-" but once again she immediately stood up and rushed to get out of the classroom but for some reason I felt the urge to stop her so I stood up as well.
"Tzuyu- San do you have trouble talking in public??" The questions left my mouth without me even thinking and she immediately stopped and turned to look at me.
Damn it why did I even say that!
"I .. Um I'm sorry if that was something insensitive to ask.." I apologized and she just walked closer to me before grabbing a piece of chalk and standing in front of the blackboard, writing something.
"How did you notice I can't communicate?" She looked genuinely surprised.
"It was pretty obvious..has no one noticed anything yet?" That was impossible,you could see from afar she had trouble with that.

WHAT??? How the FUCK??

"Wait..are you for real?" I asked, still not believing not even one person payed attention to that.

"Yes. Was it that obvious?"
"I tried my best to but words just won't come out when I'm with people.. what if I say something wrong?"
"What if my voice sounds weird?"
"What if I'm too boring?"
I watched her write all these things and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.
But suddenly quiet sobs got my attention and I panicked a little.

"Tzuyu-San.. are you crying..?" I asked, I was pretty damn worried, I didn't want to make her cry or anything.

"No, my nose is runny cuz I caught a cold, sorry."
She wrote then looked at me with comically big eyes which made me laugh as her expression became confused.
"Ah I see. " I said before grabbing some chalk as well.

It would be unfair if she was the only one writing.

"I'm Minatozaki Sana, you can call me Sana tho~" I wrote before peaking at her and my heart skipped a beat when I noticed her smile.
Ah she's so cute!

"Nice to meet you. You know my name already so I won't introduce myself." She wrote and I could help but chuckle.

"Cocky much~?" I wrote jokingly but she quickly looked at me with a nervous expression and shook her head.

"No ! I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off as that, its just that you called my name earlier and that's -" I held her hand without thinking much, stopping her from writing and making her look at me.
"It's fine I was joking around!" I said when I noticed her blush at how close we were so I quickly let go of her hand and stepped back before she noticed I was blushing too.

"So.. does Tzuyu-San has any resolutions for the future?" I asked, trying to ease the tension and she bit her lip, hesitating if she should share that or not before starting to write again.

"It might seem silly, promise you won't laugh?"  She turned to look at me with a pleading look on her face and I smiled before nodding.
"I promise."

"I really want to make friends." She wrote before looking down, seemingly embarrassed and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

It must suck to be surrounded by so many people yet feel lonely most of the time and not have someone to talk to because of such condition.
"Then I will be your first friend and I'll help you make many others!" I wrote before looking at her and my heart skipped a beat when I saw her smiling so brightly.
This mission shouldn't be that hard, everyone seemed to love her already.

"Thank you, Sana."

Tzuyu-San Can't communicate Where stories live. Discover now