The afterparty

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"What was that all about? Are you alright?" Chris took my hand and nudged my shoulder in a comforting way so I didn't feel awkward."
"Yeah, just not a great ex to bump into, it's a long story."
"How about we go to a restaurant and get a drink and talk about it over some booze?" Chris asked, I think he was trying to show me that he was concerned but also wanted to learn about my past too.
"Yeah that actually sounds good."

We got seated in a small booth at the back of this beautiful restaurant and we ordered some cocktails ready for me to unload my past relationship with my new relationship. I explained to Chris how Jack was quite a manipulative person and how everybody thought he was gods gift. I then realised he was still friends with Willne so that's why he was at the party. This wasn't the way I wanted tonight to go but I'm so glad that Chris understood I didn't feel right being there. I thanked him for being so nice about it and he just gave me so much reassurance, man I love... this restaurant. We changed the conversation eventually after we were a bit drunk and began talking about this upcoming boat party we have for JJ's new album release.
"I'm gutted we aren't sat together on the flight but at least I'm still on the same plane as you" Chris said with a sad look in those brown eyes.
"Yeah same plane as me so if it crashes we go down together..."
"Stop talking to Harry, he's filling your head with his obsession with plane crashes." I did have a good laugh at this, he's probably right, that's mainly what our texts consist of and the odd meme.

We left the restaurant at 1am and started our drunk walk home, we were like 2 penguins hand in hand waddling along the road trying to find our way back to Chris' flat, it was proving difficult. I could barely open the doors to the entrance of the apartments at Chris and he didn't even help me he just laughed before almost falling over.
"I bet you I can run up 5 flights of stairs faster than you can... and in heels." I said with such confidence.
"I'll bet you a 15 minute back massage that you cant." Chris replied with so much confidence too.
"Right here we go Dixon... 3... 2... 1..."

I was off to a great start, clutching my black back under my arm and grabbing at the railings as I tried to push through the pain and drunkenness. Chris gave up at level 3 and lay flat on his back in the corner of the staircase laughing, he got his phone out and recorded me still attempting to sprint up these steps both of us just laughing. I gave up too at level 4 and I lay flat out like a starfish complaining that I was going to sleep here for the night. He posted the story on his Instagram before finally decided to help me. We took about 10 minutes to get to his level before he picked me up and put me over his shoulder and carried me into his flat, barely getting over the threshold before we collapse into the sofa. We sat giggling and the silliest shit for so long, just enjoying each other's company.
"Do you want me to speak to will about your ex? He would cut him off in a heartbeat for you, any of my friends would... they adore you." Chris seemed nervous asking.
"Noooo it's totally fine, I don't want to tell him who he can and can't be friends with, I just would have preferred a heads up he was going to be there but it's not like they knew." I replied not wanting to make anyone feel awkward.
"That's such a you answer, if it comes up in conversation then I'll mention it but if he was treating you that badly then it's not someone we want around either y/n" he said with a comforting hand on my thigh.
"You're too kind, always looking out for me."
"Come and give me a big slobbery kiss"
I did what I was told and planted my body on top of his lap and leaned in for a quick make out session.

Clothes began flying around the room while we made our way to Chris' bedroom, his lamps were already dimmed either side of the bed and his tv came on for some background noise to mask the moans, groans, slaps and steamy sex noises that were away to occur. Chris grabbed at my arse with such aggression, something I haven't seen much of yet, I was thrown onto my back whilst he grabbed at my throat a little as he entered me. That first thrust always hits the best as Chris' breath hitches and adjusts to my body before slamming into me multiple times, not breaking eye contact... something we both loved. He brought his body closer to mine and shared a few kisses in-between thrusts leaving us both breathless and sweaty. The way his body glistens in the shallow lighting around his room, with soft moans coming from me. He grabs my tits as he thrusts a little faster before finishing and sprawling flat out next to me in a hot and bothered mess. We both panted and gulped our water to cool down. I dozed off almost immediately feeling drunk and content with my night.

—- time skip to morning —-
*bzzz bzzz*
New text message
*bzzz bzzz*
New text message

I opened my eyes to my phone buzzing away to me and Chris already sat up on his.

"Morning, who's blowing your phone up at this time?" Chris asked whilst watching YouTube videos on his phone.

I unlocked my phone to messages from my ex Jack...

07123456789- heyyyy, how are you? How was your night? Was hoping we can catch up and talk about last night and that new man... awful taste btw
07123456789- how about drinks tonight? Just us two? Wear a nice dress for me.

I showed Chris my phone immediately... in shock that he has somehow got my number and now pestering me. His face dropped, really unimpressed by what he had seen.
"Y/n that's not ok, we need to get this sorted... that's so weird! How do you want me to deal with this?" Chris asked concerned, I can't lie I found it really attractive that he made it about us and cared so much that he wanted to deal with it himself. His face just focussed on mine waiting to listen to my response and a hand on my thigh again to reassure me that whatever I said he will do.
"Yeah I'm going to block him, that's so weird and creepy... he right though I do have awful taste haha"
"Now that's just meannnn, I thought we had something good" Chris said with a sad face.
"I'm kiddinggg, this protective Chris can stay, I like it."
"You know I've always got your back though, I'd never let someone treat you the way he has." Again, staring at me so contently.
"Maybe a word with Will wouldn't go a miss, maybe he will make his own judgement and unfriend Jack."
"Absolutely, he wouldn't think twice about it if it involves you." He replied.

****Chris P.O.V****
I was so fucking pissed off that Jack was trying to meddle with my relationship with y/n, seems like the biggest arsehole ever. It's a no brainer that I would intervene and tell willne to cut this shit out. I pulled up my phone and sent a text to him to let him know what was going on without giving too much information out.

Chris- hey mate, not sure if you know but Jack has been pestering y/n and sending weird messages to her. They dated a few years ago and saw each other at the after party for the sidemen match. Any chance you can sack him off and not speak again?
Will- hiya mate, yeah of course. What happened? Didn't know they were a thing... was it bad?
Chris- yeah, controlling and manipulative. Don't want her feeling uncomfortable at any future events so thought it's best to message you for a heads up
Will- nah of course mate, consider him sacked off. How are you two? Official yet? Twitter went crazy after your Instagram story last night
Chris- I forgot about that... haven't been on Twitter yet and I dread to think what people are saying lol. Nah not yet, was thinking about asking her while we are all on holiday? No idea how to do it yet.
Will- awww maaaateeee finallyyyy. If you don't hurry up and make it offish then I might have to start grafting her
Chris- in your dreams

****back to my P.O.V****
Trying to pack for this holiday is unbelievable. Talia, Mia and Freya FaceTimed me to help me pick outfits, it was only a 4 night trip but fuck me I needed to look good but all I wear is black.
"Wear that, it's sexy, easy access too for more bathroom shenanigans..." Freya piped up whilst the girls roared with laughter!
"That's not funny how do you all know." I asked
"The boyfriends act 12 when it comes to sex of course they tell us everything, word travels fast" Talia said.
"Fuck sake"
Mia kept telling me to bring this beautiful red slit dress but I kept saying how it was too fancy for the evening meals we would go on. She insisted that I bring it 'just in case' and Talia and Freya agreed too, it got to a point where I knew something was up but I wasn't sure what, they're very calculated so they wouldn't say to bring it for no reason. Talia has given me half of her wardrobe so I can wear some colour for a change which I appreciated more than she knew.

I showed Chris most of my options for the holiday and his jaw was on the floor... he also insisted I bring this red dress so that's how I knew something was up... what the fuck was up?? God knows, I'm just here to get drunk and have a laugh.


Sorry for abandoning you all for so long, told you I'm the worst for updating because I just hit such a block and have no idea what to write. Hope yous still enjoy it regardless 💛

ChrisMD short storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora