Volume 1: Chapter 4, True Love

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The Emerald Forest, Abandoned Temple 

as we return to our protagonists, we can see them running through the thick forest of the emerald forest, hoping that they managed to outrun the Grimm. eventually,  they will reach a clearing, where a massive abandoned temple complex awaits 

Reaching the field of this complex, having run for a while, they decided to take a breath and scan their surroundings

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Reaching the field of this complex, having run for a while, they decided to take a breath and scan their surroundings.

Yang Xiao-Long: so ... think we lost Fido?

as she states this, a loud explosion rings throughout the forest before something crashes near them, forming a crater. As it turns out, it is the Beowulf, now sporting purple glowing veins and now crawling out of the crater.  

Danny Arc: ... I'm gonna guess no.

Not having much choice but to fight, Nikos and Danny rush the creature, hoping to catch it off guard with a flurry of Attacks, with Ruby providing distance support with Crescent Rose. admittedly, the 3 do a decent job, nailing the beowulf a couple of times with precise stabs and slashes, but it appears the creature not only has thick "skin" but a form of regeneration, making their efforts worthless. the Grimm blows the tow away with a barrier of air, it then sends a barrage of mini fireballs at Nikos, shattering her aura, then using the gravity dust, quickly catches Ruby off guard and with his fire-enhanced dust claws, delivers a multitude of attacks before sending her flying, her aura breaking.

Yang Xiao-Long: RUBY!!!

In a Burst of Rage, she flies towards the Grimm at breakneck speeds, Catching it off guard and Hitting the grimm with the full might of her semblance, splattering the Grimm's head into a black goop. Yang smiles, believing she has defeated this strange abomination ... only the ooze for reform the head of the beast 

Yang Xiao-Long (stunned and dismayed): w..what? 

The Grimm, no longer amused at this confrontation, launches a close-ranged fireball punch into her gut, sending her flying, then it launches itself in the air and comes crashing down, stomping on yangs head shattering her aura. it precedes to grab Yang by the head, squeezing it in the hopes of crushing it, it is luckily stopped by a lucky throw from Gambol Shroud, ripping the Grimm's clean arms off. 

Blake: We need to keep it away from the others!

A blue oval will appear by the back of the grimm, as it unleashes a burst of energy, it sends the grimm flying into the temple, followed by a barrage of grenades by Nora, Chaos Bolts by Asriel, and red slashes from Frisk and Chara. 

Danny Arc (now sweating): that should ... do it

Nora: HA! nailed em!

from the smoke, the grimm emerges, its skin now shredded for the grenades, but nonetheless alive and judging from its face, now furious at our protagonists. 

Nora: Uh, heh, sorry?

The grimm responds by lunging at breakneck speeds, attempting to bite into Nora's neck, Nora just barely manages to switch Magnhild to hammer form, as the grimm bites into it. it doesn't take it long to rip it out of her hands, throwing her around for a bit, before sending her a powerful earth-dust-powered kick to the gut, sending her flying into the ruins, crashing into the pillars and into a wall, causing her aura to shatter. 

Ren: NORA!

Distracted by the attack, Weiss, Frisk, and Chara attempt to capitalize by striking its back, but the grimm manages to counter by shooting some of the fire dust crystals in its shoulders like missiles, exploding in air, hitting Chara and Frisk, sending them flying back, their auras now shattered like everyone else. Weiss manages to only get clipped, but it is a brief comfort as the grimm sends a gravity-dust-powered backhand, sending her flying with a case of shattered aura to accompany her. The only ones left standing are Ren, Asriel, and Danny, with the latter having barely any aura left. Asriel and Ren, having no choice, circle it and unleash a barrage of bullets and Chaos Bolts its way, hoping to keep it off balance and at a distance. but it doesn't take long for it to counter this strategy, slamming its fist into the ground and sending a wave of fire at the two, sending them flying back, Asriel slams into a tree while Ren hits some branches before slamming into the ground, hard. 

The grimm looks at the carnage and gives a vicious smile, before turning his attention to Danny, the now weakened huntsman, looking at him, knowing he is no threat anymore, it then looks at the beaten Asriel, now sitting beaten and bruised at a tree. the grimm then looks back at Danny and gives him a wide, disturbing glee smile before slowing approaching the poor goat faunas, it doesn't take Danny long to figure out what it was planning, as Danny, in a desperate attempt to save his brother's life, attempts to stab it in the back, only to be grabbed by the face and thrown toward Asriel, his aura now shattered. the grimm simply walks past him, ready to lay the finishing blow, as it unfurls its claws and prepares to take the goat faunas head. in that split second, as the Grimm's claw makes its way to Asriel's neck, Danny feels a new surge of power that feels so wrong ... yet feels so R̶̥̣̜̗̐ȉ̴͖g̵̫̗͙̉͂̕h̵̭̘͓͒͆͜͜t̸̯̙̥̥̻̽̉, as in an instance, Danny is now in front of Asriel and the Grimm, gripping the Grimms clawed hand with his arm ... which was now as black as the void. his face was now adorned with a sinister smile.

Danny Arc (in a mocking calm): Aww, you wanna play boy? alright, let's play.

Danny then sends a kick to the Grimm's stomach, sending it flying back, before sending a barrage of red slashes in its direction, exploding on impact. the grimm gets up, now once again furious, then launches at the boy and attempts to rip him apart, only to be met with air as Danny dodges it with ease. As the grimm swings, he switches to justice and awaits an opening, once he finds one, he sends a charged beam into the grimm. blowing the right side of the grimm into ash. it quickly regenerated before attempting to bite his arm. he simply outstretches his arm and lets the grimm sallow the whole thing. the grimm attempted to smile with the arm in its mouth before realizing something ... his eyes were now orange. As the Grimm's chest turned orange and with a loud BANG, the grimm was no more, simply black dust in the wind. 

After this, Danny suddenly felt normal again, his arm now returning its normal color. he grabs his head and states

Danny Arc (disoriented): ugh, what happened?

(note: sorry for the delay, been a little busy. if you couldn't tell, these couple of chapters were focused on how powerful and unique hate can make a grimm, as it made the grimm infuse dust into itself to gain access to a unique attack and Danny's first time using HATE. now, of course, I'm not trying to make the other characters look weak, I'm more so trying to show cause just how much of a threat hate can be if it infects a grimm. next chapter is going to be Jaune's, Chara's, Frisk's, and Asriel's bios.)

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