The Day of the Letter

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On a late afternoon, in the suburbs, a mild ago women scattered her mail on the countertop. She groaned flipping through a few bills and advertisements before landing on a particular envelope addressed to Jennifer Reed. Her daughter. Her glossed lips rose to a smile at reading the sender; Stacy.

"Jenny!" She hollered, "Jennifer!"
She called the name a few more times, growing impatient.

On the fourth try, footsteps came tumbling down the stairs. An out of breath, teenager rushed into the kitchen. Her messy blonde hair pent up into a bun and her pink tank top half soaked. "What mom!" She grumbled exhaustedly, "Didn't you know I was giving Timmy a bath?" Jennifer huffed at her disheveled state, setting a rubber ducky on the counter top. It quaked as it landed harshly.

Her mother laughed, "Is he giving you trouble?"

Jennifer rolled her eyes and gestured to her appearance. "What do you think?" She spoke blandly. Her unamused eyes held her mother's.

Ignoring her daughter's comment, she revealed blue envelope from behind her back. She waved it in within the air with a wide grin. "I wonder what I have here," she teased, shifting her gaze unto it, "A late delivery? couldn't possible be from your best friend, the one you've been stalking the mailbox waiting for—-"

"Mom!" an embarrassed Jennifer tore the envelope away from her mother's grasp. "I have not been stalking!" She protested.

Her mother rose an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then what do you call that thing you do," she gestured her hand towards the window, "waking up at the crack of dawn, standing by the mailbox until the mails delivered."

A loud cry cut their conversation short, directing each of their attention to upstairs.

"I'll take care of him," her mother stated on her way towards the stairs.

"Thank you!" Jennifer called out gratefully.

The loud beat of her eldest son's guitar began echoing through the house as she passed his room, on her way to the bathroom. A little blue eyed boy sat defiantly near the bathtub. His blond hair wet and stuck to his scalp. "No," he grumbled.

"No?" The mother fledged confusion.

The toddler nodded confidently, "No bub."

In that instant, a scream of excitement erupted from downstairs. The guitar solo abruptly ended as a door swung open.

"Who the hell died down there?!" Her eldest son yelled in annoyance.

"Can it Jason!" she could hear Jennifer answer.

As the two began bickering, the mother sighed as she staring down at her toddler.

Dear Jenny,

It's been way too long! I'm sorry I haven't written you monthly updates as we planned. Life aboard has been more lively than I thought, but let me shortly fill you in. The drama at the high-school here as finally settled down. I had no idea Paris could be so scandalous! And wouldn't you know it, Will's cooking could still use a lot of improvement. His graduation from uni is in a matter of days now. As thrilled as I am for my brother and as fun as Paris as been, I'm relieved to be coming back home. I'm awful at French. I found one of our old photos when packing. I can't tell you how much I miss you and the gang. I'll be back in two weeks time! I can't wait. Right when my flight lands, all of us have a lot of catching up to do.

See you Junior Year,
Your bestie Stacy


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